Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 119: Named Linglong! Chen'er, You Traitor! (Seeking Subscription)


"oh oh!"

Yang Chen recovered immediately, and hurriedly took out a piece of clothing and threw it to her.

"Thank you, master!"

In just a moment, the girl was ready~dress.

Wearing a long yellow dress on her body, combined with her tall figure and long hair exuding light golden light, she has a rather arrogant and noble temperament.

Like a dragon princess.

"May I have your name?"

Yang Chen asked at this time.


The girl's red-gold pupils thought for a while, and then - said:

"Since I was born with consciousness, no one has given me a name!"

"However, in my memory, there are indeed two words in every hundred!"



Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then said:

"Then let these two characters be your name!"

"From now on, your name will be Linglong!"

"Yes, thank you Master for giving me the name!"

A gleam of joy flashed across Linglong's beautiful eyes.

Then he walked to the side and began to look at Own's body.

After a while, he opened the neckline and felt inside.

After a while, he lifted his skirt and looked inside.

Clearly curious about the human body.

Although her consciousness was born more than ten thousand years ago, at this time she has the mentality of a little girl.

"Dragon Blood Jade, Linglong!"

Yang Chen pondered slightly.

According to ancient records, the birth of Dragon Blood Jade has extremely strict conditions.

Only the rich blood of the real dragon can slowly form a piece of dragon blood jade.

The word Linglong should be the name of the owner of True Dragon Blood.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

"Brother Chen, what happened?"

At this time.

An anxious figure flashed over.

Fengyu Wanyu's face was full of worry.

Although Yang Chen arranged Restrictions to prevent the breath from leaking out.

But after Linglong condensed her physical body, her aura surged, directly breaking through his Restrictions.

The breath leaked out, which was sensed by Feng Yuwan.

That breath is much better than changing her.

Worried that something was wrong with Yang Chen, she rushed over in a hurry.

Seeing that Yang Chen was fine, the worry on Feng Yuwan's face gradually dissipated.

Then, his eyes stopped on Linglong.

A look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Who is this?"

"Wan'er, this is Linglong!"

"The red dragon you saw before is her!"

"Now I help her condense her physical body!"

Yang Chen explained.

"I see!"

Feng Yuwan nodded.

Meimou looked at Linglong, and the more she looked, the more surprised she became.

Because, she felt a strong coercion from Linglong.

It's not just a gap in strength.

There's also suppression on Bloodline.

She didn't have such a strong feeling when facing the red dragon before.

Feng Yuwan looked at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes.

He was found pale.

Immediately understood.

It must be this little bastard who used his own Blood Essence to help her condense her physical body.

It's really worth it.

At this moment Linglong walked over and said:

"Master, there is something I want to tell you!"

"Dragon Blood Jade has the imprint of the Patriarch of the Chilong Family. I have already felt that the current Patriarch of the Chilong Family is heading towards this place!"

"It shouldn't be long before it arrives!"


Yang Chen was stunned when he heard the words.

The main family of the Red Dragon Family is coming.

Is it for Long Tianyu?

"Linglong, what is the history of the Patriarch of the Dragon Family?"

Linglong thought for a while and said:

"The Red Dragon Family has a Void Refining realm cultivator, but the lifespan is about to run out!"

"The current Patriarch of the Red Dragon Family is Long Tianyu's father, and he should have reached the Half step refining encirclement!

“Half step Void Refining?”


Yang Chen laughed immediately.

A Half step Void Refining, now that it's here, don't leave.

If Yu'er sees own father die here.


It must be very sad.

At that time, the remaining thousands of luck points can also be plundered.

By the way, end Yu'er's life of humiliation.

after one day.

A tall and beautiful figure in Taoist robes appeared above the ice and snow ancient city.

0 Seeking flowers……………

As the breeze blew, the loose taoist robe immediately clinged to her delicate body, outlining a graceful and concave-convex curve.

"Hmph, that traitor Chen'er actually decided to marry Feng Yuwan without authorization!"

"I really don't take my master seriously!"

"At least I personally raised him from Great Completion, this kid has no respect for me!"

"This time, we must clean him up and let him know how to respect his teacher!"

"Also, how hard is this traitor [to marry Feng Yuwan]!"

"That old woman has cultivated for more than a thousand years!"

"Master's friend, isn't she too old?"

Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful face was full of dissatisfaction.

The news of the marriage between the Son of Xuantian Sect and Feng Yuwan, the lord of the Ice and Snow Ancient City, had already spread throughout most of the Northern Spiritual Domain.

Those Elders in Sect may feel very honored after hearing this.

However, as a master, she was quite dissatisfied.

The little tender grass that I cultivated by myself was humiliated by that old woman Feng Yuwan.


"Find that traitor, Chen'er, and teach him a lesson!"

Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes scanned the ice and snow ancient city, and then locked on Yang Chen's position.

Then the figure flashed and flew directly over.

Come to a Great Hall.

There are Restrictions though.

But with her Cultivation Base, she stepped into it quietly.

Go to a room.

Zhan Lingshuang was about to open the door and go in.

Suddenly heard Yang Chen's voice:

"Wan'er, don't worry, my master can't eat you!"

"Even if she really wants to eat you, aren't you eating me now!"


Listening to the voices in the room, Zhan Lingshuang was at a loss.


"eat you?"

"eat me?"

"What are they all?"

Chen'er is a traitor, he can't breathe without saying a word.

Where are all the mistakes?

Zhan Lingshuang couldn't understand.

He kicked open the door directly.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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