Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 118: It's A Female Dragon, Shaping The Flesh! Dragon Horn Girl! (Seeking Subscription)

In the Great Hall, after many winds and rains, it gradually became quiet.

Looking at Feng Yuwan who had fallen into a deep sleep, Yang Chen's face was very satisfied.

He knelt down and wiped the dirt from the corner of her mouth for her.


The dignified Divine Transformation Fourth Stage cultivator, the lord of the ancient ice and snow city, can do that kind of thing for him.


Even a man would be full of satisfaction.

Yang Chen walked out of Feng Yuwan's bedroom and came to the palace where he practiced.

Take out a dragon-shaped jade pendant.

It was Long Tianyu's Dragon Blood Jade.

At this time, the Dragon Blood Jade is releasing the Dao Zhi color light.

Bursts of dragon chant came from it.

Yang Chen unlocked Restrictions.

Immediately, the Ridao Scarlet Dragon reappeared.

However, compared to last time, the dragon's body was much smaller and its power was much weaker.

The huge pupils looked at Yang Chen with a trace of fear.

However, in the eyes, there is a spirit blooming.

Yang Chen immediately knew that this red dragon soul, which Yu'er called the true soul of the red dragon, was not a dead thing, but had its own consciousness.

"I won't hurt you!"

"Maybe we can talk!"

Yang Chen said with a smile, trying to release his own kindness.

Although the red dragon soul in front of him is extremely afraid of him.

But that was more of a fear in Bloodline's soul.

The Dragon Clan is a race that values ​​bloodlines very much.

The Ancient God keel in his body, and the dragon power released, have an unimaginable deterrent effect on the red dragon soul in front of him.

But this does not mean that the red dragon soul in front of him is not as powerful as him.

On the contrary, even if Yang Chen's current strength has reached the God Transformation Realm, there has been a qualitative improvement.

But 007 still felt a power far greater than him in the red dragon soul.

"You, really won't hurt me?"

Suddenly, the red dragon soul spit out words.

Although the voice is immature, it is very clear.

Yang Chen was shocked immediately.

This guy really has his own consciousness and wisdom, and he can even talk.

Moreover, the voice that came out was a female voice.

This dragon soul is a female dragon.


"We are of the same race!"

Yang Chen continued to say with a smile.

And also stepped forward, stretched out his palm, and stroked her huge dragon head.

Although the body of the red dragon soul trembled, it did not retreat.

After making contact with Yang Chen's palm, he seemed to feel his kindness.

The fear in Longyan gradually dissipated.

"Your Bloodline is mighty!"

"Can you help me cast a flesh body?"

Suddenly, the red dragon soul said.

"Forging a flesh body?"

Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

"You still tell me your origin!"

"What's your relationship with Long Tianyu?"

The huge long eyes of the red dragon soul thought for a while, and then said:

"I am a dragon soul born from the Dragon Blood Jade!"

"Later, people from the Red Dragon Family found me!"

"We made a deal, they provide me with Blood Essence containing Dragon Bloodline, and I'm responsible for improving their Bloodline quality!"

"As for Long Tianyu, I fell into a deep sleep, and he woke me up again. I reached an agreement with him. I am responsible for protecting his life and improving his Bloodline quality. He will provide me with Blood Essence in the future!"

"So, you and the Chilong family are just a cooperative relationship?"


A hint of arrogance appeared in the pupils of the red dragon soul.

"The Red Dragon family is just some human beings with mixed dragon bloodlines!"

"Trying to use me to improve the Bloodline level for their family and provide the blood of the real dragon!"

"For them, I'm just using them!"

Saying that, the red dragon soul looked at Yang Chen, and his pupils gradually became respectful.

"The dragon blood on your body is of a very high grade, it even makes my ears tremble!"

"I forge a body, and what I need is a very high-grade dragon's blood!"

"If you are willing to use your Blood Essence to help me forge a physical body, I am willing to recognize you as the master and work for you in the future!"

"Recognize me as master?"

"Work for me in the future?"

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, his heart fluttered.

The strength of this scarlet dragon soul should not be underestimated.

Before, just defending could crush Feng Yuwan's attack.

The real strength should be far above Feng Yuwan.

If he can work for him, he will be regarded as a helper in the future.

Not bad.

Yang Chen nodded and said:

"I can help you cast a flesh body!"

"However, I need to plant a brand in your Soul Palace first!"


The red dragon soul agreed directly.

Yang Chen's palm was attached to her huge dragon head, and the power of the nine-colored soul permeated into it (abdc).

A nine-colored dragon-shaped pattern was condensed in her soul palace.

As long as the red dragon soul wants to betray in the future.

Yang Chen can detonate the power of this soul.

The Soul Palace is the weakest place of all cultivators, including the Dragon Clan.

Once detonated.

Even if the scarlet dragon soul is stronger than him.

It is also unbearable to live.

After a while, Yang Chen let go of his palm.


"You just drop Blood Essence on my forehead and I soak it up and start sculpting!"


The red dragon soul said excitedly.


Yang Chen didn't shirk.

Directly from the heart, absorb five drops of golden blood.

The golden light circulated, exuding a tyrannical dragon might.

Every drop of golden blood contains an extremely powerful force zone.

Five drops of golden blood dripped on the head of the red dragon soul.


The golden blood instantly sank into it.

The red light on the red dragon soul's body is rapidly dimming and gradually disappearing.

Instead, there are strips of golden Meridians running through the dragon's body.

"Master, there are too few crops in the fields!"

"Give me some more!"

The red dragon soul said, with a strong desire in his voice.

Yang Chen also saw it.

These five drops of Blood Essence are only enough for her to outline her own Meridians.

It is still far from forming a physical body.

Take five more drops of Blood Essence.

After absorbing the red dragon soul, flesh and blood began to appear on his body.

However, only one-third of the flesh and blood appeared.


"It's still not enough!"

"Give some more!"


Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

He regrets it now.

This guy is obviously a gold swallowing beast.

Five drops of Blood Essence are only enough to condense one-third of flesh and blood.

In addition to flesh and blood, there are bones.

how much does it cost


never mind.

We've come this far.

Yang Chen sighed.

Still reluctantly continue to drip out Blood Essence.

Finally, after another forty drops of Blood Essence, the color-pressing dragon soul finally completed the body shaping.

Meridians, flesh and bones, all condensed.

Flowing red golden luster all over.


There was a long cry of the dragon.

The dragon power exuded is extremely tyrannical.

A tremor shook the Great Hall, about to collapse.

The Restrictions set by Yang Chen were also broken by this purple-gold light.

With the red dragon soul in the flesh, the breath is obviously a lot stronger.

Yang Chen also felt a burst of shock.

With such momentum, it is estimated that it has reached the God Transformation Realm Ninth Stage, or even reached its peak.

Although his face was pale, he gave fifty drops of Blood Essence.

But, well worth it.

After all, there will be an extra super thug in the future.

The red golden light slowly shrank and dissipated.

What appeared in front of Yang Chen again was a tall girl with a pair of small dragon horns on her forehead.

The pupils are reddish gold.

The skin is snow-white, exuding crystal jade light.

The long hair is scattered on the back, and the waist is unbearable.

Below are slender jade legs.

Yang Chen's eyes were blank.

Until, the woman Youyou opened her mouth and said:

"Master, human beings have to wear clothes, can you give me a piece of clothing?"

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