Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 120: Wan'er? It's So Nasty! Xuanyou Cold Fire! (Seeking Subscription)


The door was kicked open violently.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhan Lingshuang was stunned.

Feng Yuwan, that old woman, walked in front of Chen.

And Chen'er.

It was not the child with the spout of a teapot as she remembered.


There was an exclamation.

Feng Yuwan regained her senses and looked at Zhan Lingshuang who suddenly appeared at the door.

An astonishing blush rose instantly on the white jade face.

At this time, she wanted to dig a seam in the ground and get in.

Seeing this shameful scene by Zhan Lingshuang, she really wanted to die.

Unable to bear it any longer, he fled the room in a flash.

"Master, Master!"

"Why didn't you knock when you came in?"

Yang Chen was also very helpless.

My own master, when did I have this hobby?

Zhan Lingshuang also recovered at this time.

Immediately, a blush and anger welled up on his cold face.

"Chen'er, you are too outrageous!"

"How can it be like this in "Four Six Zero"?"

Zhan Lingshuang couldn't find a suitable adjective for a moment.

She has practiced for a thousand years, and she has never seen such a shameful picture.

Bah bah bah.

dirty her eyes.

Zhan Lingshuang turned around and walked out of the room.

After a while.

Yang Chen came out of the room.

Scanning around in the Great Hall, Feng Yuwan was not found.

This woman should be ashamed.

I don't know where to go.

Looking at the tall and graceful back of the master, there was also a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Master, Master.

can't you come later

Zhan Lingshuang turned around, staring at Yang Chen unkindly.

"Chen'er, you don't care too much for the teacher!"

"Have you forgotten, who raised you up?

"Of course it's Master!"

Yang Chen said immediately.

"Now that you know it, then you should understand that there are some things that you must get the teacher's permission before you can do them!"

"My teacher asked you to come to Ice and Snow Ancient City to help Feng Yuwan become the city lord, but didn't I ask you to marry her?"

"Still, still like that!"

"How shameless!"

The more Zhan Lingshuang talked, the more angry he became.

There was a wave of ups and downs in his chest.

Raising his palm, he really wanted to slap Yang Chen hard on his buttocks like he did when he was a child. The Head Teacher taught him a lesson.

However, think of the scene just now.

She still stopped moving.

Her Chen'er is no longer a small teapot spout.

It is inappropriate to hit him in that way.


With a cold snort, Mei Mou glared at Yang Chen, as a warning

"Where's Feng Yuwan?"

"Let her come out to see me!"

"This old woman, the money-losing seat wants to help her for the sake of friendship in the past, how dare she hook up with the only disciple of this seat!"

Zhan Lingshuang said angrily.

"Master, Wan'er has been scared away by you!"

"How dare she see you now!"

"Calm down, calm down!"


Zhan Lingshuang curled his lips immediately, and said:

"Wan'er, it sounds nice!"

"It's really meaty!"

At this time.

Linglong walked in from outside the hall.


"What happened?"

Seeing Linglong, Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes were slightly startled.

“Divine Transformation Tenth Stage!?”

"Chen'er, who is she?"

Zhan Lingshuang has stepped into the Void Refining Realm, and she can see Linglong's Cultivation Base at a glance.

Immediately shocked.

In Beiling Realm, there are very few cultivators in the God Transformation Realm.

Although the top forces have digital Divine Transformation cultivators, they are basically in the early stage and middle stage of Divine Transformation.

The cultivators that can reach the late stage of Divine Transformation are not even in the entire Beiling Domain.

And the girl in front of her, turned out to be the dry weight of Divine Transformation.

Moreover, just now this girl called Master Chen'er.

"Master, this is Linglong!"

"It's a dragon soul born from Dragon Blood Jade. I use the Blood Essence on my body to help her condense her body!"

Yang Chen immediately introduced.

"Dragon Soul born from Dragon Blood Jade?"

Hearing this, Zhan Lingshuang took a deep look at Linglong, and then pulled Yang Chen aside.

Sound channel:

"Chen'er, do you know how the Dragon Blood Jade is produced?"


Yang Chen nodded and said:

"It is possible to produce Dragon Blood Jade only by condensing a large amount of dragon blood!"

"It does take a lot of dragon blood to produce dragon blood jade!"

Zhan Lingshuang said seriously:

"However, if a dragon soul is born in the dragon blood jade, it will not only be the blood of the dragon clan, but a real dragon will fall!"

"Dragon body and dragon blood produce dragon blood jade, and the remaining dragon soul will enter the dragon blood jade, nourish in the dragon blood jade, and slowly give birth to a complete dragon soul!"

"It can be said that this is a method of life extension for the Dragon Clan, which is equivalent to living out a second life!"

"But no matter what, as long as this newly born dragon soul does not fall, one day, it will awaken the memory of the previous life!"

"Awaken the memory of the previous life?"

Yang Chen's eyes were slightly startled.

Can't help but look at Linglong.

The word Linglong is the minister that often appears in her mind.

This should be the memory of her previous life.

Zhan Lingshuang continued:

"Dragon blood can produce dragon blood jade, and the remaining dragon soul can live a second life. To achieve this level, it must be a real dragon in life, and Cultivation Base must also choose Chao as its teacher!"

"Chen'er, let her call you master!"

"If you can keep suppressing her, or her memory can't be recovered, that's all!"

"But if one day she completely revives the memory of her previous life, what do you think will happen to her?"

"At that time, you will be in danger!"

Yang Chen's heart sank 0.

The Dragon Clan, as the well-deserved overlord of the Monster Clan, "is proud.

If Linglong is really as the master said, in her previous life she was a real dragon with a cultivation base reaching the sky.

Then when she regains her memory, it is really possible to attack him.

Moreover, even the current Linglong, Yang Chen still has some trouble understanding her thoughts.

After shaping the physical body, her consciousness and wisdom have been significantly improved.

At this time.

Suddenly, the Great Hall trembled violently.

"what happens?"

Yang Chen was startled, and immediately walked out of the Great Hall.

In the City Lord's Mansion, many Elders and disciples of the family were also stunned.

The shock just now wasn't just the palace where Yang Chen lived.

The entire City Lord's Mansion, and even the Ice and Snow Ancient City, trembled violently.

Moreover, in the north of the City Lord's Mansion, a white cold light appeared in the sky.

"It seems that Xuanyou Lenghuo was born!"

At this time, Zhan Lingshuang who was beside Yang Chen suddenly said.

"Mysterious cold fire?"

Yang Chen was taken aback.

Hastily looked at her.

"Chen'er, the four Elders found Xuanyou Lengmie in the depths of Luoxue Mountain!"

"I came here this time as a teacher, and that's why!"

Zhan Lingshuang explained.

"I see!"

Yang Chen immediately felt relieved at 5.5.

Xuanyou Lenghuo, ranked forty-one on the Alien Fire Ranking, was stronger than his Qinglian Tianyan.

Moreover, Yinyou Lianhuo is a very special kind of flame.

It does not represent the heat of the world like ordinary fire.

The Xuanyou Lenghuo is a flame exuding a bone-piercing chill.

Extremely cold and scorching heat coexist on it.

This is also the reason why its ranking is higher than Qinglian Tianyan.

"Another strange fire was born!"

Yang Chen pondered.

But an enchanting figure could not help appearing in his mind.

After Yan.

The last time I left, I lost track of her.

I don't know if she left Beilingyu or not.

Although for Yang Chen now, Empress Yan has no use value.

But after all, she was a tit-for-tat woman.

The scenery in the cave is still vivid and unforgettable.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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