Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 117: The Beautiful Master Is Coming Over? Let Me Try It First! (Seeking Subscription)

Long Tianyu only felt that his hair became green all of a sudden.

The whole person is green and oily.

Feng Yuwan is the obsession in his heart, his restraint.

But now, she is pregnant with that bastard child of Yang Chen.

You bastard.

Yang Chen, I Cao f*ck!

I'm going to kill you!

Will tear you to pieces!

Feng Yuwan, you bitch.

To daddy, he is high above him, and he will beat and kill him at every turn.

Palmed daddy in public more than once.

Now he is played by Yang Chen.

And conceived his child.

bitch, bitch!

Dogs and men, I must kill you!

Long Tianyu roared in his heart, mad with hatred.

at this time.

Yang Chen, who was enjoying Feng Yuwan's intimate massage service, suddenly heard a system voice in his mind:

【Ding, Long Tianyu knew that Feng Yuwan was pregnant, his mood collapsed, and he plundered the son of destiny, Long Tianyu's luck value was 1500 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1500 points!】


Yang Chen was stunned for a moment.

When Yu'er found out about Feng Yuwan's pregnancy, her mood collapsed?

Looted 1,500 luck points?


This horse riding is really a surprise.

Yuer, Yuer.

Know that own mother-in-law is pregnant.

Still a child of the father.

You must be very excited now.


"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you smiling so weirdly all of a sudden?"

Feng Yuwan noticed Yang Chen's perverted smile, and asked immediately.

Yang Chen got up from her lap.


"By the way, Wan'er, the news of your pregnancy seems to be known to many people now!"

Feng Yuwan suddenly frowned slightly, and said angrily:

"It's not that those old guys deliberately spread it!"

"Everyone knows what's going on now!"

"I'm ashamed to face the juniors of the family"!"

"What's so embarrassing about that!"

Yang Chen immediately hugged her tightly, pretending to be dissatisfied and saying:

"Could it be that being pregnant with my child makes you feel helpless?"

"Ah, no, Brother Chen!"

Feng Yuwan hurriedly waved her hands.

Look very nervous.

"How could I feel shameless!"

"Actually, in Wan'er's heart, it is very happy to be pregnant with Brother Chen's child!"

"That's right, we are not a first-generation ship after all!"

"I'm your master's friend, but now I'm pregnant with your child!"

"It's a bit embarrassing to say this!"

"There must be a lot of people laughing at me right now!"

Feng Yuwan fell into Yang Chen's arms, and said in a low voice.

This is also her biggest concern all the time.

After all, she has been practicing for more than a thousand years.

When he was young, he practiced with Zhan Lingshuang and became friends.

But now, she is pregnant with the child of apprentice Zhan Lingshuang.

If I met Zhan Lingshuang.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Moreover, Zhan Lingshuang's attitude towards this matter is still unknown.

After all, a woman is a standard female devil.

Although I had friendship when I was young.

But these Hundred Years basically haven't met each other.

Feelings may have faded.

In case she felt that she had seduced her only precious apprentice.

To separate her and Yang Chen.

What can I do?

"Don't worry, Wan'er!"

"No one dares to laugh at you!"

"Who dares to laugh at you, I will kill him!"

"Is it so cruel?"

Hearing Yang Chen's comfort, Feng Yuwan's expression relaxed a lot, she couldn't help smiling and said:

"Then what if your master laughs at me?"

"My master?"

Hearing Feng Yuwan mentioning his master, Yang Chen couldn't help but see the beautiful figure of the master in his mind.

The master asked himself to come and help Feng Yuwan become the lord of the ancient ice and snow city.

As a result, Feng Yuwan was pregnant with own child.

If Master knew about this, the scene would definitely be very interesting.

However, if the master laughed at Feng Yuwan.

The best way, of course, is to make Master pregnant too, so she won't be able to laugh.

However, Yang Chen naturally couldn't say these words.

If it is said, Feng Yuwan will definitely say that he is a pervert.

At this time.

A sword glow directly penetrated the Great Hall Restrictions, and appeared beside Yang Chen.

Although Jianmang is small, it contains amazing creativity.

Even if Yang Chen's strength has reached God Transformation Realm now.

Still dare not underestimate this sword light.

"It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!"

Yang Chen was a little helpless.

I just fantasized about Master, and Master's message sword talisman arrived.

"Is it Zhan Lingshuang?"

Feng Yuwan felt the Sword intent contained in the sword light, recognized it immediately, and sat up immediately.

Hastily tidied up his messy long hair and wrinkled dress.

Yang Chen took off the sword talisman, and input three strands of True Qi.

Suddenly, a faint figure appeared in front of Yang Chen.

Chen'er, I'm heading to the ancient city of ice and snow as a teacher, and I'll be there in a few days!"

"The four Elders have discovered some abnormalities in the Luoxue Mountains, and the West Division needs to go and deal with them!

After finishing speaking, the faint figure dissipated immediately.

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

Four Elder found some abnormalities in the Snowfall Mountains?

Master is coming to the ancient city of ice and snow?

At this time.

Feng Yuwan panicked and said:

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?"

"Your master is coming!"


"She will come here as soon as she comes, can she still eat you?"

"Zhan Lingshuang is a moody female devil, you don't know how terrible your master is!"

"If she knew the relationship between us, she might really eat me!"

Feng Yuwan recalled the scene of practicing with Zhan Lingshuang in the early years.

That woman, (Li Mohao) is a killer.

One person with one sword has slaughtered many Sects.

Wherever he went, corpses littered the field.

The prestigious reputation is completely due to killing.

She has now reached the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage though.

But Zhan Lingshuang has already broken through to Void Refining.

The gap is quite large.

If she thinks that she is old and eats young grass, she will not be able to stop her.

"Don't worry, Wan'er, it won't happen!"

"Come on, if you are afraid, eat me first!"

Seeing Yang Chen's playful expression, Feng Yuwan immediately understood what he meant, and Yurong instantly became red and rich.

"Damn, what a villain!"

With a coquettish sound.

But it's still low.

Yang Chen suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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