Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 109: Presumptuous Eyes! Mother-In-Law's Lesson Again! (Seeking Subscription)

The Great Hall of the Lord's Mansion.

All the elders and core disciples of the Feng family knew that the Patriarch had walked out of the secret realm, and they all came to pay their respects.

In the Great Hall.

Feng Yuwan dressed in the Moon Palace outfit.

Wrapping a plump and graceful body.

The bun is raised high.

Showing a snow-white and slender neck.

The head is lightly raised, and there is a light blue Phoenix~ mark between the eyebrows.

There is no doubt about the cold and noble temperament.

The Nascent Soul cultivator of the Feng family could clearly feel the powerful coercion emanating from Feng Yuwan's body, and their hearts trembled.

This is a terrifying aura that can only be felt from the previous city lord.

Could it be that the Patriarch has reached the Divine Transformation middle stage?

It's only been a month.

It's also incredible.

"Patriarch, your current Realm?"

Youfeng's Elder couldn't help asking.

Feng Yuwan didn't hide anything, her red lips parted slightly:

"This seat has stepped into the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage day!"

"From then on, in Beiling Domain, I will not be afraid of anyone!"

"Divine Transformation Fourth Stage days!?"

After confirming Feng Yuwan's Realm, a group of Feng Family Elders were shocked.

Then, each of them couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

The excitement is beyond words.

Stepping into the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage means reaching the Divine Transformation middle stage.

In this Northern Spiritual Realm, he is indeed not afraid of anyone.

Their Feng family was suppressed by the blue and white families for thousands of years.

Now, I can finally feel proud.

The Patriarch has reached the Divine Transformation middle stage. From now on, the Ice and Snow Ancient City will be completely controlled by their Feng family.

In the entire Northern Lingyu, no one dares to underestimate their Feng family cultivator!

"I'm waiting to congratulate the Patriarch!"

A group of Elders bowed together.

Behind him, even more black knelt down.

Whether it's an Elder or a disciple, everyone's face is full of excitement and pride.

Looking at this scene, the corners of Feng Yuwan's mouth slightly raised.

A smugness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

In these years, her greatest wish is to lead the family to rise.

Now, finally did it.

The Cultivation Base of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage is enough to suppress one side.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Yang Chen.

Just looking at Yang Chen with a slightly playful look.

Suddenly his cheeks turned red.

Thinking of the madness of the two by the lake, her heart beat a lot faster.

However, she immediately returned to her senses.

Now is a solemn occasion, how can I think about those things?

Feng Yuwan, Feng Yuwan.

Such a shameful thing, why can't you always control your own head?


Feng Yuwan coughed twice, suppressing the distracting thoughts in her heart, and then said:

"Big Elder, here are two hundred altars of profound ice spirit water!"

"You distribute it!"

With a wave of Feng Yuwan's sleeves, two hundred altars of Xuanbing Spiritual Water appeared in the Great Hall.

Exuding a biting cold air.

Feng Yuwan and Yang Chen shared the entire lake of Xuanbing Lingshui equally.

These two hundred altars are only a small part of them.

"Mysterious Ice Spiritual Water!?"

Feeling the ice Spiritual Qi quickly filling the entire Great Hall, everyone in the Feng family was startled.

Mysterious Ice Spiritual Water has infinite uses for ice attribute cultivators.

Especially the cultivator of their ice and snow ancient city.

Each individual has Bingfeng Bloodline inside.

Xuanbing Spiritual Water can be absorbed directly to enhance the Cultivation Base.

An ordinary small bottle of Xuanbing Spiritual Water would cost a high price, and it might not be possible to buy it.

Now, two hundred altars.

This is enough to raise the strength of all cultivators in the Feng family to a higher level.

In the Great Hall.

Long Tianyu also came with Feng Qianning.

Although few people welcomed him, he couldn't help following when he saw that his mother-in-law had become more attractive.

Ever since he came to the Great Hall, Long Tianyu's eyes never left Feng Yuwan.

Walking back and forth on her plump and graceful body.

At this time, seeing the two hundred altars of profound ice spirit water in front of him, even though he has always claimed to be the young master of the Chilong family, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The birth of Xuanbing Spiritual Water is extremely harsh, and it can only be born in places that are extremely cold and where the ice attribute Spiritual Qi is very concentrated.

Every time it appears, it is mostly a small depression.

Even in the land of Zhongzhou, Xuanbing Lingshui is priceless, and it is a rare cultivation treasure.

But now, there are a total of two hundred altars.

It seems that the forbidden area in the City Lord's Mansion is quite extraordinary.


I couldn't get in by myself.

Otherwise, maybe you can get something.

Long Tianyu felt a little regretful, and turned his gaze back to Feng Yuwan again.

In the eyes, is full of heat.

Compared with the so-called chance, he cares more about the mother-in-law in front of him.

Moreover, it was different from Feng Qianning, who was a little green at the side.

Feng Yuwan is simply a ripe peach.

It makes people want to take a bite just looking at it.

Moreover, today's mother-in-law has an even colder and nobler temperament.

It also became more attractive to him.

Long Tianyu's eyes became more and more wanton, with a touch of fire.

In the Great Hall, there are all Feng Family Elders and core disciples.

No one would pay attention to a son-in-law at all.

Therefore, although Long Tianyu's eyes were bold, no one noticed.

Even Feng Yuwan herself didn't notice that in a corner, her son-in-law, whom she had always looked down upon, was looking at her with fiery eyes at this moment.


Yang Chen's gaze was always on Long Tianyu.

As a villain, how could he ignore the son of destiny.

0 looking for flowers......

Besides, this is his son-in-law.

Seeing Long Tianyu's fiery eyes, the corners of Yang Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

He can understand Yu'er.

after all.

The current Feng Yuwan is indeed more charming.

However, this time it is thanks to his father-in-law.



At this time, Feng Yuwan, who had finished explaining the business, glanced at Yang Chen.

Following his gaze, he looked at a corner.

He met Long Tianyu's bold eyes.

Immediately became angry.


"Long Tianyu, you are a son-in-law, who sent you here?"

Feng Yuwan drank heavily.

The coercion of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage swept across the entire Great Hall in an instant.

It directly enveloped Long Tianyu.

On Long Tianyu's body, a phantom of a red dragon appeared.


Today's Feng Yuwan's strength has reached the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

And after refining the Xuanbing Holy Lotus, the strength of the Ice Phoenix Bloodline in the body has increased by more than one notch.

The red dragon phantom only resisted for a moment before being shattered by the coercion.


The coercion of the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage cultivator directly covered Long Tianyu.

Lost the protection of the red dragon phantom.

With his Foundation Establishment Realm's Cultivation Base, he couldn't resist it at all.

Fly out directly.

It fell heavily on the ground.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.


Feng Yuwan's face was cold and gloomy, very ugly.

A son-in-law dared to stare at her with that kind of eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that he and Qian Ning had the name of husband and wife, and she was his mother-in-law in name, she would have killed him just now.


Long Tianyu, who was spitting blood after being slapped by the tyrannical coercion, spurted out another mouthful of blood.

But the eyes, have been staring at Feng Yuwan and Yang Chen on the high platform.

Feng Yu's graceful appearance is full of indifference and arrogance.

As for Yang Chen, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, revealing a hint of mockery and contempt.


"Damn bastard!"

Long Tianyu's eyes were tearing apart, and he roared in his heart.

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch!"

"That bastard Yang Chen can hug you at will, can't I even look at you?"

"Bitch, bastard!"

[Ding, Feng Yuwan seriously injured Long Tianyu, Long Tianyu's mood collapsed, plundered the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value was 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points!】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen suddenly hooked the corner of his mouth slightly.

Yuer, Yuer.

Your mother-in-law was right to teach you a lesson.

After all, you looked at your own mother-in-law with such presumptuous eyes.

Really, because of disrespect.

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