Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 110: Yu'er Was Stepped On Again! Marriage Void? (Seeking Subscription)

In the Great Hall.

All eyes turned to Long Tianyu.

But it's full of banter.

How dare a son-in-law come here?

Don't even look where this is.

The younger generation of the family, only their core children can come.

He also came in licking his face!

"Yunhai, throw this trash out!"

Feng Yuwan said coldly.

On the jade face, it is full of indifference and arrogance.

Looking at Long Tianyu is like looking at a dog.

Feng Yunhai refined Yang Chen's Blood Essence. At this time, Bingfeng Bloodline has been awakened, and Realm has reached the Gold Core middle stage, and its strength has become several times stronger.

Hearing this, he walked to Long Tianyu's side.

Seeing Long Tianyu, who is a villain's dog's leg, is full of displeasure.

The last time Long Tianyu was beaten to vomit blood, even though Long Tianyu used the mysterious power of "650", it still broke his face.

Always held a grudge.

Seeing that Long Tianyu wanted to get up, Feng Yunhai couldn't help but step on his head.


This kick, based on the principle that it's okay to step on it to death, Feng Yunhai didn't leave anything behind.

Long Tianyu's head had an intimate contact with the floor.


"Feng Yunhai, I'm going to kill you!"

Long Tianyu felt the big feet on his face.

Immediately felt extremely humiliated.

hoarse roar.

"Yeah, you're a son-in-law, how dare you speak rudely to me!?"

Feng Yunhai's eyes turned cold.

Because he hugged His Highness Shengzi's thigh, he has now become the leader of the younger generation of the Feng family.

During this time, even some Elders came to please him.

Now he is insulted by a son-in-law.

Suddenly, a killing intent rose in his heart.

Lift your feet straight up.

"Bang bang!"

The big foot stomped firmly on Long Tianyu's head again.

The floor suddenly crumbled.

Long Tianyu's face was covered with blood.

Even the skull was slightly deformed.


"Feng Yunhai, stand on your horse and wait for me!"

"I must kill you!"

Long Tianyu roared hoarsely, his voice was shrill.

Feng Qianning at the side couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Although during this period of time, I became a little bored with Long Tianyu.

But it was his nominal husband after all.

"Cousin Yunhai, please be merciful!"

Feng Yunhai stopped his movements immediately.

He doesn't have to give others face.

But Feng Qianning, he couldn't afford to offend her.

Although it was not born to my aunt, she is still a beautiful woman after all.

Compared with his nephew, the relationship is still closer.

And most importantly, who knows if His Royal Highness Shengzi is interested in her.

If His Royal Highness Son is interested, he wants two.


He couldn't afford to offend Feng Qianning even more.

"Qian Ning, a son-in-law who offended my aunt, I will teach him a lesson for my aunt, won't you feel bad?"

Feng Yunhai said with a smile.

Feng Qianning's expression turned serious:

"Cousin Yunhai, please stop joking!

"It's really inappropriate for Tianyu to come here, I'll take him out immediately!"

"Let him go!"

Seeing that Feng Yuning was a little angry, Feng Yunhaixi could only lift his foot and let go of Long Tianchen.

"Tianyu, are you okay?"

Feng Qianning helped him up.

Long Tianyu glanced at Feng Yunhai with hatred in his eyes.

This bastard stomped him down and humiliated him again.

Moreover, it was still in front of Qian Ning.

Let him be humiliated.

Damn bastard.

Wait, then.

It won't be long before I step on my horse and I will definitely kill you!

And that bastard Yang Chen.

also die.

Feng Yuwan is such a bitch, when the time comes, I want wolves to conquer her.

【Ding, Long Tianyu was trampled by Feng Yunhai, his mood was damaged, he plundered the son of destiny, Long Tianyu's luck value was 500 points, and the host obtained villain value of 500 points!】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen was startled for a moment.

This horse rider is really a surprise.

This kid Feng Yunhai is very good.

It's a qualified dog leg.

It is not in vain that I have painstakingly cultivated him.


At this time, Feng Yuwan coldly spoke.

"Long Tianyu, starting today, your marriage with Qian Ning will be void!"

"You are no longer the son-in-law of my Feng family!"

Feng Yuwan's words made Long Tianyu and Feng Qianning freeze in place.

In the Great Hall of the Feng family, there was a lot of discussion.

Long Tianyu and Feng Qianning's marriage, in Feng's family, it can be said that few people agree.

After all, Fengzi has awakened Bingfeng Bloodline.

Stepping into Divine Transformation in the future is not a problem.

Even if you want to get married, you should be with the core children of the family.

Or, become the concubine of someone like His Royal Highness the Son.

Before, it was because of Feng Qianning's grandfather's insistence before he died.

That's why Long Tianyu was made the son-in-law of the Feng family.

It is also because of this that almost all the younger generations of the Feng family are targeting Long Tianyu.

But now, the head of the family finally proposed to dissolve their marriage.

Moreover, the Patriarch married His Royal Highness Son again.

Your Royal Highness, you should have no sexual interest in Miss Qian Ning.

After all, he can't, he wants two.

Therefore, they, the children of the Feng family, have a chance.

In the Great Hall, the young children of the Feng family were suddenly excited.

If you pursue Miss Qian Ning.

Then from now on, he will be the son-in-law of His Highness the Holy Son.

The future is endless.

"The head of the house is wise!"

"As a son-in-law, Long Tianyu is arrogant and rude, and dares to hurt the family's core disciple!"

"It's time for 4.0 to dissolve Miss Qian Ning's marriage with him!"

Youfeng's Elder spoke.

"Yes, Yufeng Elder is right!"

"This kind of arrogant person should have left our house long ago!"

"A good-for-nothing son-in-law, something like a dog, how can he match Miss Qian Ning!"

Immediately, Elder echoed.

Long Tianyu's face was ashen at this moment.

Clenched fists.

If he had enough power, he would definitely kill everyone in this Great Hall.

Only the mother and daughter Feng Yuwan and Feng Qianning were left behind.

A bunch of jerks.

All be damned.

Damn it.

Long Tianyu gritted his teeth.

I am mad with hatred in my heart.

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