Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 108: Completely Homecoming! The Mother-In-Law Is More Charming! (Seeking Subscription)

"Bastard, bastard!"

Feng Yuwan was soft in Yang Chen's arms, although she cursed in a low voice.

But not much anger.

Sounds like the last stubborn.

On the jade face, blush spreads all over.

The originally icy delicate body was even hotter.

Yang Chen could even feel her heart beating faster and faster.

Between breaths, they are full of heat.

Feeling this scene, Yang Chen was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, the city lord, who was cold and aloof just now, is now shy and shy.

A hug, a gentle sound, the lethality is so huge.


Yuer, Yuer.

If you see this scene, I'm afraid you will be very sad.


Yang Chen softly shouted in her ear again.

Feng Yuwan's hot delicate body completely softened in Yang Chen's arms.

The originally calm shore of the lake was rendered with a layer of spring color.

An hour later.

Feng Yuwan lay in Yang Chen's arms.

Green onion fingers, drawing circles on his chest.

"Brother Chen!"

Feng Yuwan murmured, addressing Yang Chen naturally became Brother Chen.

Otherwise, this harmony between dragon and phoenix would not end in just one hour.

Yang Chen is very satisfied with Feng Yuwan's address.

After all, she is the obsession in Yu'er's heart.

Now, call yourself high.

Thinking about it is exciting.

If Yuer heard 703 arrived.

Must be very excited too.

【Ding, Feng Yuwan completely returned to her heart, plundered the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 1000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 1000 points!】

The system sound sounds.

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Completely return?

Another thousand villain points were plundered.

Not bad.

This operation alone plundered 6,000 villain points.

One can imagine how important Feng Yuwan, mother-in-law, is to Bao'er.


Yuer, Yuer.

What do you want my father to say about you?

Why is your heart so dirty?

it turns out.


Fortunately, there is a father.


It is simply unreasonable.

Yang Chen's palm brushed across Feng Yuwan's fair and fair face.

Feng Yuwan didn't resist at all.

As the system says.

She has completely returned to her heart.

This is also the manifestation of Yang Chen's strength.

"Wan'er, relax, I'll give you something!"

As Yang Chen said, he nodded at Feng Yuwan's eyebrows.

The Dafa of dragon and phoenix dual cultivation has been passed on.

After a while, Feng Yuwan opened her beautiful eyes.

His expression was full of excitement.

From her knowledge, it can be seen that this Cultivation Technique is of a very high grade.

Moreover, for the two of them, it is a perfect fit.

It is simply tailor-made.

If they practice, the strength of the two will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

But thinking of the essence of this Cultivation Technique, she couldn't help giving Yang Chen a blank look.

All of a sudden, she became obsessed.

Yang Chen was also a little dazed.

It has to be said that Feng Yuwan is a beautiful iceberg woman who has practiced for thousands of years.

Once emotional.

It is really charming and infinite.

"Wan'er, let's try this Cultivation Technique's Xuan!

Yang Chen said slowly, a little eager to try.

Although that girl Xu Qingxuan often urged this Cultivation Technique by his side.

However, that girl's Cultivation Base is too low.

It had little effect on him.

But Feng Yuwan is different.

She is now a student of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

The quality of True Qi in the body is quite high.

Even surpassed him a lot.

Moreover, it fused with Xuanshui Shenglian.

The Bingfeng Bloodline in Feng Yuwan's body has also undergone a fundamental improvement.

Now she is not so much a human race, but a Feng clan.

It can even be transformed into Phoenix form, soaring to Nine Heavens.

"Now, start now?"

"Then, all right, all right!"

Facing Yang Chen's fiery eyes.

Feng Yuwan, who originally wanted to refuse, finally compromised.

at this time.

Outside the Minor World, in the City Lord's Mansion.

Today's Ice and Snow Ancient City City Lord's Mansion has become the Feng family's world.

People from the Feng family, Japanese pigs came here.

In a nine-story pavilion.

Feng Qianning simply wore a snow-white gauze dress.

Standing on the pavilion, squatting in the distance of the forbidden area of ​​the city lord's mansion.

I don't know what to think.

The breeze blows, and the hem of the skirt flutters gently.

Immediately, a section of snow-white jade calf was revealed.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

Long Tianyu pushed the door and came over.

(abbf) "Tianyu, why didn't you knock when you came in?"

Sensing Long Tianyu behind him, Feng Qianning turned around immediately, with a dissatisfied tone.

Since the last time Long Tianyu seriously injured several core members of the family.

Those in the family were even more dissatisfied with him.

Although His Royal Highness Son came forward and saved him.

However, most of the Elders in the family felt that His Highness the Holy Son would not go to war for a son-in-law.

During this time, I often come to trouble Long Wuzheng.

Although she only regards Long Tianyu as an ordinary friend, she also doesn't like Long Tianyu's arrogant appearance.

But the two are couple in name after all.

So, she let Long Tianyu move to her attic minister.

But it was agreed beforehand.

I can only live in the two floors below, and I can't come to her if I have nothing to do.

"Qian Ning, I'm sorry, I forgot just now!"

Long Tianyu hurriedly apologized.

But there was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

He did it on purpose just now.

Before coming, I tried to hide my breath as much as possible, and then suddenly opened the door.

Just want to be caught off guard.

I want to take advantage of the opportunity.

However, the result is nothing to see.

"This is not an example!"

"Otherwise you move out!"

Feng Qianning gave a warning and said:

"are you looking for me?"

"Qian Ning, I'm your husband, can't I chat with you if I have nothing to do?"

Long Tianyu walked a few steps, with a smile on his face, trying to ease the atmosphere.

However, Feng Qianning said impatiently:

"I still have to practice now, I don't have time to chat!"

"If you're okay, go out quickly!"

Long Tianyu's expression darkened immediately.

No time, want to practice?

Where did you practice just now?

As soon as I come, you have to cultivate.

It's obvious that you don't want to see me.

Damn it.

Qian Ning, I am your husband.

Moreover, I can also practice.

You also saw my mighty Talent.

Why are you still so cold to me?

Long Tianyu couldn't figure it out.

At this time.

A beam of light suddenly appeared.

The blue light illuminated the entire City Lord's Mansion.


An outstanding figure appeared in the sky.

"It's His Royal Highness Son!"

"He came out of the forbidden place!"

Feng Qianning's pretty face, which was originally full of impatience, suddenly burst into an excited smile.

Mei Mou stared blankly at Yang Chen in the sky.

Long Tianyu, who was behind him, saw her excited face, and suddenly his forehead burst out with veins.

Clenching his fists tightly, his eyes flickered with murderous intent.


"I came to look for you, but you are busy practicing, you want me to get out!"

"When you see Yang Chen, you're so excited!"

"Bitch, bitch!"

"A slut like your mother!"


Long Tianyu gritted his teeth and growled.

But his gaze was on the plump and graceful figure beside Yang Chen.

The eyes glanced back and forth.

His mother-in-law, who hasn't seen him for a month, seems to have become more interesting.

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