Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 341 What? There's no chance of winning if you hit 9?! If I make a shot, I'll get 1

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen fell into contemplation, those monsters are the parallel consciousness of spiders!

There shouldn't be much difference in strength and intelligence, right?

And as the main body, the stronger one's own strength, the stronger the nine spiders with parallel consciousness will be!

Under this premise, how does Spider-Man fight the Nine Self?

This kind of absurdity instantly dumbfounded the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

"What? Did the spiders break out of the underground labyrinth and directly invade the human empire?"5

Xin Zhao furrowed his brows, thinking that this had overloaded his brain.

I don't understand.

"Aren't those spiders all spiders' parallel consciousness? Why would they do such a thing~?!"

Liu Chuang didn't understand either. Ge Xiaolun pondered for a moment before speaking slowly.

"[Parallel Consciousness] and [Parallel Consciousness] are two skills, the consciousness of those spiders is probably not controlled by the spiders, and they only have the strength of the spiders, otherwise they would not go to the town of vampires to make trouble.

"Interesting! Really interesting! Hahaha!"

In the high-level conference room of the Hero Company, all the staff were stunned in place, never expecting that Spider Zi could encounter such a thing.

It's really turning around!

That's how she got out of the underground labyrinth at the beginning, and then wiped out the spider queen.

Now she is facing the entire spider army and nine parallel-conscious monster spiders.

This difficulty... is so terrifying that it makes the scalp tingle!

"One dozen nine! What else can this spider do?"

The top officer of the Company of Heroes sneered, these are not nine ordinary spiders, but nine self who are comparable in strength to him!

All skills!

All abilities!

Copy all!

Everyone is looking forward to the next battle, one open and nine open fights!


The hell-like terrifying scene just now shocked all the S-class heroes.

The number of spider army has covered the entire cave, densely packed.

Like ants, they are everywhere.

And those terrifying magics that contain various elements are also feared by everyone.

At least they can't stop such a violent magic attack, but those spiders can!

Huge amount!


It's no surprise that even this army of spiders has leveled the entire Heroes Association!


"I don't think even the spiders thought that those children would cause such an embarrassing situation now, right?

The top officer of the Heroes Association raised his mouth slightly, obviously interested in what happened next.

Faced with nine enemies as powerful as himself, what will Spider-Man do?

If those S-rank heroes were to fight with themselves, I'm afraid it would only be a draw.

Not to mention facing nine identical enemies?

The spider is really hard to do now!

After all, they are their own descendants. If they let them infringe on human society, it is absolutely impossible. Even if they bite the bullet, they must stop their atrocities.

This battle is inevitable!

"Nine spiders as powerful as spiders are not only powerful in themselves, but can even train so many spiders.

The fourth Demon King Daguri Yulu looked envious, it would be great if such a subordinate was given to him!

It's so comfortable for Spider-Man to be a shopkeeper!

Simply incredible!

Even if it was one of those nine monster spiders, the fourth Demon Lord Daguri Yulu had no confidence that he could defeat it.

Spider-Man has to face nine!

And if the nine spiders join forces, the difficulty will skyrocket exponentially!

The other Demon Lords felt their scalps go numb just by seeing that terrifying picture.

It is impossible for them to provoke monsters such as spiders to death!

This guy is outrageous!

"I want to see what the spider will do!"

The First Demon King Guy imagined that if he fought against the nine parallel consciousnesses, even if he fought thousands of times, there would only be a dead end.

Guy would have to admire Spiderman if he could beat them.

"Is it true that your descendants are out of control?"

Limuru was very puzzled, but there seemed to be no answer to this question. After thinking about it carefully, it was easy to understand.

Since it is the parallel consciousness of the spider, it seems a lot to be disobedient.

After all, the spider queen had also given orders to the spider before, but the spider queen was counter-killed.

It can be said that the spiders have brewed a catastrophe by themselves!

In the video, the spider who got the news didn't believe it, and Qiu Lie, who had previously released space and teleported to the spider, was in front of him.

Immediately released the magic, the magic that poured out of the body condensed in the air, and another picture appeared in the video.

The army of white spiders poured into the town unscrupulously like a black cloud over the city, even if there were many strong human beings resisting them.

But how could they be able to resist the army of spiders trained by hellish devils?

A sea of ​​corpses and blood!

Imperial soldiers were all killed in one hit!

This town is where the vampires once lived.

After seeing the tragic and tragic scene in the picture, Spider Zi's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Too much bullshit!

Where are these guys playing?!

Anger ignited in his heart, and the spider child took the four puppet spiders around him to launch a transfer magic, and in the eyes of the trillions of audiences looking forward to it, the spider child came directly to the rear of the battlefield.

It is easy to spot nine spiders exuding different auras.

That's the culprit behind this incident!

When the audience in front of the screen saw these terrifying monster spiders again, their scalps still felt numb.

"Horrible! I didn't expect that even if the spiders stood in front of them, they still felt that these nine spiders were not weaker than it at all!

"Damn it! Is Spiderman really going to fight this monster?! There's no chance of winning!"

"Impossible! How is it possible to win this fight?!

Amid the questioning voices of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the spider rushes directly in front of them with one finger, and the spider as the body is the first to question them.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Qiu Lie Qiu Lie came to me to complain!"

Nine terrifying spiders stared at the body of the spider in doubt, and even thought the angry spider was strange!

"Huh? Wouldn't it be better to kill all the humans?

Spider Zi looked at the nine spiders and couldn't help sighing.

Understand, these guys are no longer spiders. Although they are similar to spiders, they have become completely different personalities.

The reason doesn't make sense at all, and now we can only kill them!

From the moment when the trillions of viewers in front of the screen saw the fierce look in the eyes of the spider, they all took a deep breath, and the strong enemy of the spider is about to appear again!

Nine monster spiders as powerful as themselves!

This time, it's an unprecedented big trouble!

One hit nine!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this situation is extremely unfavorable!

The ability value and skills of each spider are comparable to those of the spider. For the spider, she must be cautious.

Spider Zi did not show any more hostility, she was still explaining to her descendants one second, but disappeared in place the next second.

Using the [Fantasy] skill, he quietly walked in front of one of the spiders, and everyone didn't have time to react.

The spider child showed the Shinigami sickle and held it high above his head, the blade and the afterglow of the scorching sun intersected each other!


A gust of wind rang out!

Legendary weapon!

The Shinigami scythe, the number one weapon, pierced its head directly!


Blood on the spot!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

Killed the monster spider that existed on the same level in one hit?!

Is this so true?!

how could it be possible!


"Fuck! Solved one directly?! Really fake! 35

Xin Zhao was so dumbfounded that he didn't even know when and where the spiders arrived. The [Illusion] skill deceived everyone!

Ge Xiaolun was stunned, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, the Shinigami sickle just flashed a cold light, and it was directly reflected in his mind, as if the attack was carried out by Shinigami himself!

one strike!

Directly kill the monster spiders that exist in the same way!


"Hey! This guy's defense should be comparable to that of a spider! Why... he is so vulnerable under the Shinigami scythe! Legendary weapons... are they really so scary?"

・・For flowers...  

The top officer of the company of heroes was stunned. To say that such an understatement can be pierced with a single blow, is a spider that exists as a parallel consciousness.

Well... this Shinigami scythe can also easily cut through the current state-of-the-art starship mainship!

What the hell!

How does the top leader of the Company of Heroes accept this?!

"No no no...impossible! Isn't this guy's stats on par with the spiders? Why is that?!

Queen Morgana was stunned, thinking that Spider Zi had no chance of winning.

Just like her against nine gods as powerful as herself, there is no hope of victory at all!

But this just came up and directly hacked to death the parallel consciousness?!

It's outrageous!

Queen Morgana had to start looking at the Shinigami scythe all over again.

"Dead?! Huh?!"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was stunned, looking at the lifeless spider corpse in the picture, and only after confirming it repeatedly did he understand.

This monster was instantly killed by the spider!

"This guy's defense shouldn't be like this!"

Looking at the data analysis in the computer, the S-class hero Tong Di fell into deep self-doubt.

Is the data wrong?

The other S-rank heroes couldn't help but take a deep breath, and when they came up, they immediately killed a monster!


The strength of the spider... is far more terrifying than they imagined!

The senior members of the Hero Association were dumbfounded, and the data analysis they held in their hands seemed like a joke.

It's been so long!

They still often forget what a terrible monster the spider is because of the cruel facts!

"Second?! What the hell! A monster spider was seconded?!"

The S-class hero Genos couldn't believe it, panting heavily, the picture seemed to freeze in his mind, the moment Spiderman swung down his scythe, it was like Shinigami coming into the world!


Saitama is a little excited, this battle is very interesting!

He hurriedly put down the newspaper in his hand and leaned forward to watch it carefully.


Sengoku put his hands on the table and almost lost his footing. The bloody scene deeply shocked him!

Garp also swallowed, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, and calmed down his excitement.

Can Spiderman win the battle?

It looks like the hope of winning is rekindled!

As expected of a spider!

So amazing!


The girl Lista was dumbfounded and stared at the picture in the video, stunned in place like a stone sculpture.

That monster spider is comparable to the final boss of SSS Adventure World!

Was just so easily seconds by the spider?!

Seiya's heart trembled as he watched it!

The power of the spider is too scary!

This battle may not be what he imagined!

Is this spider invincible at the same level?!


"This weapon is really powerful!"

Gu Aotian didn't see it wrong, but in the final analysis, the body strength of the spider is too terrifying!

Weapons made from stumps can reach the standard of legendary equipment!

In Gu Aotian's eyes, these equipments are all expensive kryptonite props!

"It really is a legendary weapon!"

The Eighth Demon King Karion is a little excited, such terrifying destructive power is simply appalling!

Legendary weapons even he rarely sees, the Shinigami scythe already qualified as a legendary weapon!

Even his full blow would never be able to kill a spider in seconds.

But Spiderman did it!

And it's an understatement of one-hit kill!

"Amazing! I didn't expect that the spider would strike first! Directly killed a spider!

Even the first demon king, Guy, couldn't bear to admire it!

Of all the demon kings present, none of them thought that the spider would come up and kill one!

There are now eight left!

This battle is getting more and more interesting! Xi.

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