Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 342 Abyss magic is ready! Spider's death is down!

Limuru stared at the video screen at the moment, and was afraid of the spider's behavior. If he were to face the nine parallel consciousnesses that exist equally with himself.

He dare not!

But the spider did it, and it killed a spider in seconds. This kind of powerful strength is really terrifying!

And after the analysis and comparison of the [Great Sage], the strength of the nine spiders is indeed comparable to that of the spider.

But that was not the case, and Rimuru was looking forward to it.

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the operation of the spider is amazing!

Next up are eight spiders to face!

All the spiders in the video screen discovered the bad behavior of the spider, and they couldn't help but turn pale and roared at the spider.

"Ontology! Are you crazy?!"

When they haven't completely regarded themselves as enemies, the spiders ignored them and silently launched a large-scale dark magic!


Thousands of magic circles emerged in front of the spider, and the violent magic force violently absorbed all the energy in the surrounding space.

Those who were stubbornly resisting in the town were also frightened by the terrifying scene in front of them. Many imperial soldiers had their legs weak and knelt directly on the ground.

"Look! What is that? Is it a miracle?! What a terrifying energy fluctuation!"

"The divine beast that is half human and half spider! It's her! She has come to save us! This terrifying magic is surging! It's terrifying!"

"With such a surging magic power, even the most advanced magician of the human race is less than one percent! What a suffocating power!"

Space is shaking!

Even Ronan, the strongest magician in human beings, was stunned in place... For him, "Three Three Zeros" is simply a miracle!

The current spider is much stronger than the spider he encountered in the past!


【Dark Gun】!!!


Tens of millions of dark energy blasted wildly at the remaining eight spiders!

But after all, they are their own parallel consciousness, and their strength is strong, and they are not nervous at all in the face of the dark spear that falls like a downpour.

Even if you don't make any resistance, you can carry the spider's attack hard.

Spider-Man had already anticipated this result, and the advanced dark magic prepared in advance was also ready!

Under the gazes of trillions of spectators, the space began to distort, as if the entire battlefield was stirred by an invisible vortex!

Those weak spider armies were instantly killed, but even this kind of terrifying dark magic still couldn't cause effective damage to the eight parallel consciousnesses.

It just slows down their movements.

Seeing this scene, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen did not wrinkle. Before, the spider was able to succeed and instantly kill a parallel consciousness. Is it a coincidence?

This level of dark magic can't pose a threat to these spiders at all!

"This... Dark magic that is comparable to super-magic doesn't seem to work at all!

The S-class heroes Xiaolongjuan looked sad, even if she tried her best, relying on her superpowers, she couldn't reach the level of Spiderzi's release of dark magic!

"It's terrifying! Now it's certain that these spiders and spiders are comparable in strength, and I'm afraid the only advantage now is the legendary weapon Shinigami in her hand.

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai said solemnly, for other S-class heroes, the dark magic released by the spider this time is enough to kill them all!

This kind of power is really terrifying!

"It's okay?! It's okay to endure such crazy magic?!

The senior officer of the Hero Association took a deep breath, the dark magic whirlpool just now made him dumbfounded, and I am afraid that even a dragon-level geek can't bear it!

Now the eight spiders have only suffered some injuries, and are even alive and kicking?


Simply unbelievable!

The other staff also looked at each other in dismay, I am afraid that the spider will be in a tough fight!

"What a ferocious magic! It can unleash super magic at will!"

Gu Aotian's pupils are trembling, the threat of the dark magic vortex is no less than that of falling from the sky, and judging from the damage to those spiders, it is even more amazing than Shalltear's defense.

What a bunch of monsters!

I don't know what method the spider will use to fight against these eight spiders.

Gu Aotian was extremely expectant in his heart.

The battle between monsters is the most exciting!

"Hey...isn't this kind of magic ineffective? It seems that this group of spiders has a very high resistance to darkness!

Limuru couldn't help but admire the power of super magic, but it couldn't cause effective damage. The power of these monster spiders was even more terrifying than he imagined!

At this moment, even the storm dragon in his stomach——Veldra felt a dangerous aura.

The terrifying dark magic even made him a little afraid.

Is the strength of the spider child already terrifying to such a degree?!

"Wow! Seiya! What a powerful magic!

The goddess Lista couldn't help but marveled, this terrifying dark vortex made her even a god feel a great threat.

Seiya stood by and couldn't even say a word, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

The same goes for the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, who marvel at the power of spiderman's dark magic.

In the video screen, the parallel consciousness that was killed by the spider came back to her mind, and she even kept arguing, and the spider could only temporarily block her noise.

And the remaining eight spiders on the battlefield have completely regarded the spiders as enemies and launched the battle mode. After seeing their momentum, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also very excited!

The battle is about to begin!


Changes on the battlefield!

Various powerful magic circles emerged over the battlefield, and the magic power contained in any magic circle was no less than the dark magic released by the spiders before.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

The power of this scale, I am afraid it will bring disaster to all the nearby empires?!

For all the human beings in the empire, they have been scared silly!

All kinds of colorful magic circles slowly lift off, blocking the sun all day!

Even ordinary people can feel the energy flowing all over the body!



Is this a battle between demons?

Can you destroy the world with a single gesture?!

The spider child looked solemn at the moment, and used [Thinking Speed] to discover the attacking intentions of the parallel consciousnesses. Six of them planned to cast magic that could be fired immediately, and the remaining two were spending time building powerful abyss magic.

The magic of the six parallel consciousnesses is intended to contain the spiders, and the abyss magic prepared by the remaining two is intended to solve the spiders!

"These bastards!"

The spiders cursed in a deep voice, as their own parallel consciousness, now they really want to kill my body!

Depend on!

"It won't let you succeed!

【Dragon Barrier】


Golden rays of light emerged from the spider's body, the sound of dragon roars came from the body, and a golden flying dragon broke out of the body, and the whole world changed color!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also stunned, what a direct summoning of the dragon!

What level of magic!


The golden flying dragon began to make dragon roars continuously, surrounding the battlefield, and the magic power that permeated all the magic circles was swallowed up by the golden flying dragon.

The power of the magic circle being constructed by the eight parallel consciousnesses is constantly attenuated, which is also the reason why the spider child launched the dragon barrier, in an attempt to reduce the magic of the parallel consciousness!


Golden flying dragons surround the battlefield, and countless residents in the town are directly stunned!

Even many imperial soldiers knelt down on their knees, lamenting the powerful magic of Lord Beast!

The picture of this golden dragon coming into the world is really shocking!

"Damn it! This is too exaggerated! Spider child just releases an enchantment, can it produce such a shocking effect?""

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, the golden dragon was constantly devouring magic power, and it was magnificent!

Ge Xiaolun was stunned in place, shocked by the dragon roar, it was too strong!

Spiderman is too strong!

"It turned out to be a dragon?! Wang Defa?! I rely on it! 55

The top officer of the Hero Company couldn't hold back, and made a foul language, and the staff under him watched the energy fluctuations on the battlefield continue to decay.

This dragon turned out to be like a bottomless pit, decomposing and weakening all the violent and turbulent magic power!

It seems that the spider does not dare to withstand such a terrifying magical attack!

"Wow... the dragons are out!"

Sengoku was dumbfounded, the dragon roar shook his heart, took a deep breath, and tried his best to restrain his excitement.

Garp's gaze even followed the golden flying dragon in the video as he roamed over the battlefield. He had never seen such a shocking scene!

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, there was another violent and fierce dragon roar in the picture in the video!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

The appearance of this golden flying dragon is no different from the golden flying dragon summoned by the spider, and even the magic power contained in the body is comparable!

This golden flying dragon turned out to be summoned by one of the parallel consciousnesses of the spider!


The skills and abilities of spiders are basically all they can!


On the battlefield, two golden flying dragons circled in the sky, collided with each other, and suddenly burst into the sky!

The two enchantments cancel each other out!

The situation fell into despair again. While the spiders were still in shock, the dense dark guns attacked her, and the spiders hurriedly cast the dark guns to offset the magic they released!

The current battle situation is extremely unfavorable for Spider Zi!

Even if she has two heads and can activate two magics at the same time, in addition to the two spiders preparing the abyss magic, there are also six parallel consciousnesses that will attack her with magic.

That is to say, the spider has to withstand the magical bombardment of four parallel consciousnesses!

But these magics can't pose a threat to the spider, and what she needs to solve now is the two parallel consciousnesses preparing for the abyss magic!

next second!

The spider disappeared directly on the spot, rushing towards the two who were about to launch powerful magic, if they were hit by their abyss magic, it would be over!

The parallel consciousnesses are also very clear about what the current spider is thinking, and one of the parallel consciousness blocks in front of the spider.

She immediately raised her scythe high, and her parallel consciousness was blocked with her forelimbs. Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, the blade of the spider shone with imperceptible dark green energy.


A cold light flashed!

The parallel consciousness was instantly cut in half and died on the spot!

The corners of the spider's mouth were slightly raised, and he used a weapon to use a corrosive attack, even if he couldn't bear it!

The power of this kind of corrosive attribute attack in charge of death is amazing!

The defenses that made trillions of viewers tremble were useless under this corrosive attack!

Even spiders with low stats in the past can use the power of corrosive attributes to instantly kill monsters far stronger than themselves!

Now with the Shinigami Scythe, a legendary weapon, it doesn't even suffer the corrosive side effects!

Therefore, the spider can unscrupulously launch a vicious and corrosive attack!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also gasped sharply.

good guy!

Directly a sickle and a second parallel consciousness!

5.1 The strength of the spider... It's terrible!

Although the ability value and skills are the same, the strength of the main body is still much stronger than these parallel consciousnesses!

Battle experience!

Use the skills!

Tactical decision!

These are the strengths of spiders!

For Spider Zi, she also seemed to have found the most concise and effective way to fight against these parallel consciousnesses.

Your big move usually takes a long time to prepare.

In the face of these parallel consciousnesses, the spider can easily kill them by relying on the Shinigami sickle and the attack of the corrosive attribute!

This is the biggest advantage of spiders!

After the battle with the robot Podimas, Spider-Man has now understood the battle, and the parallel consciousnesses are still relying on magic.

And she has a powerful attack method at the physical level!

There are still seven parallel consciousnesses left, and they killed two spiders one after another, waving the Shinigami scythe in their hands, and all the parallel consciousnesses also sensed the danger of the scythe.

So he hurriedly distanced himself from the spider, and when the spider hadn't returned to his senses, a magic circle containing huge magic power rose from the sky!






All kinds of elemental magic bombardment!

Attack on the spider!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also held their breaths, and everyone could feel that the two parallel consciousnesses, who had been preparing for the abyss magic, were almost ready!

That is to say, if Spider Zi cannot solve the current situation as soon as possible, her death will be reduced to ah!

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