Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 340 Spider child riots! About to face a dozen 9?! Can this be bea10?!

Got a skill?!

The hanging of spiders is getting more and more outrageous!

"Isn't it?! That's okay too? Just waved it in your hand twice, and realized a skill? 35

"Actually, Spider-Man's comprehension has also reached its maximum value, right?! It's so incomprehensible!

"I've served it! The big spider is worshipped by me!


The sound of the breaking wind rang in the ears, even if the spiders were gently waving, the trillions of audiences could feel the fierce wind whistling past!

This weapon is awesome!

Just like what grows out of a spider's body!

Terrible so!

"I actually learned a skill?!'s scary! The spider is a B!

Xin Zhao can't stand it anymore, it would be great if he could also rely on wielding weapons to improve his strength!

"This weapon looks really good!"

Ge Xiaolun frowned, a legendary weapon must not be underestimated!

The spider's body can be worth the legendary level of armor!

"This... this one can still use healing magic to restore his crippled body. If Spider-Man thinks, isn't this legendary weapon that can be mass-produced?"

Liu Chuang's words made Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao gasp.

This guy and Spiderman are geniuses!

"Legendary weapon! 35

The goddess Lista took a deep breath, her eyes glowed, and she looked at the Shinigami sickle in the video. If she could help Seiya create such a legendary weapon, her strength would definitely be greatly improved!

It's a pity that she can't. Out of the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of Seiya, her eyes shuddered, and Goddess Lista couldn't help but take two steps back.

asked tremblingly.

"You...what are you looking at like that?!"

Seiya narrowed his eyes, then said with a very serious expression.

"Since monsters like spiders can make legendary weapons with their own bodies, then..."

Seiya looked at the goddess Lista with malicious intent, and suddenly she noticed something, and immediately took a defensive stance, ready to run away at any time.

"Don't be delusional! Even if my body makes weapons and armor, it can never be god-level equipment!

Seiya let out a long sigh in disappointment. Originally, 330 was thinking of prostituting a piece of god-level equipment for free.

Anyway, Goddess Lista also has healing skills.

Repairing the body shouldn't be difficult.

But since she said so, Seiya... still wanted to give it a try, but by the time he recovered, the goddess Lista had disappeared without a trace.

"This... the power of the weapon feels so terrifying!

Sengoku frowned, as if he was more afraid than facing Hawkeye!

That sharpness, even an ordinary person wielding it, can cut through steel, right?!

Sengoku felt a chill on his back.

"It turns out that the material gap of the weapon can even surpass all skills.

Hawkeye sighed so much, the weapon that Spider Zi made at random is even stronger than the Supreme Sword and Twelve Workers!

"What a terrible weapon.""

Luffy stepped back one after another, the sharp blade making his scalp tingle.

Other powerhouses in the pirate world are also staring at the Shinigami sickle in the picture, admiring the power of the legendary weapon in their hearts.

"Is this a legendary weapon?"

Gu Aotian couldn't believe it, but from all aspects of observation, he couldn't be wrong!

Gu Aotian couldn't believe it at the moment, that a weapon similar to this Shinigami sickle, even if he had to use krypton gold props to obtain it for a short period of time.

And spiders can be made in such a weird way.


"Why am I so upset!

The Eighth Demon King Karion has been patient all the time, and now he can't bear it anymore, is the perception of the spider really so strong?

As soon as you took the weapon and swung it twice, you learned a new skill?!

What a joke!

And in terms of the effect of this skill, it is even stronger than many basic skills!

How can there be such a monster?!

The other demon kings also showed envious expressions, and the skills of the spiders were already too many.

It can even be said that it is comparable to the existence of a skill tree.


Limuru seems to have found an opponent. After all, they are all unsolved existences, and the heart of comparison suddenly arises in Limuru's heart.

This guy shouldn't be able to compare to his future self, but at least (bbfb) is much stronger than him now!

Legendary weapons are said to be created!

so amazing!

In the video screen, the strongest man magician Ronante appears in the screen, no one knows his identity, but the trillions of viewers in front of the screen know that this person is definitely not simple.

Before, under the imperial army led by him, he was killed by the spider's skills in seconds. From that moment, he began to worship the spider.

As the strongest magician in human beings, he has never seen such terrifying magic, which is the main reason why he has a strong interest in Spider-Man.

He now wanted to try his luck at the place where he first met with the spider, and immediately activated the transfer magic, as the screen went dark.

The next moment came to the underground labyrinth, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also shocked by the sight in front of them!

All the eggs laid by this... peculiar spider have hatched?


At that time, the spider also gave several spiders their own parallel consciousness!

Now it has become like this?!

Ronante, the strongest magician of mankind, was surprised when he saw the scene in the labyrinth. The square leading to the middle level was covered with dense white spiders.

The number is too large to estimate!


Or maybe millions?!

The small one is only the size of a palm, and the big one is less than one meter tall!

This picture directly shocked the trillions of viewers in front of the screen!

"Fuck! Spider army! Why do I feel that this picture seems familiar?! When the spider was born, it seemed like this!

"Scalp tingling! How many spiders are there! It's terrifying!"

"I already have a hunch, fate is reincarnating! The dragon slayer will eventually turn into a dragon! But there is no problem with the spider so far."

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen sensed the danger.

That's how the spider queen hatched her offspring!

This incalculable number of spiders looks almost the same as spiders. There are countless eggs on the ground, and even new spiders are still hatching.

Newborn spiders leave the hatching square after eating the eggshell to supplement nutrition.

Other powerful spiders carried the corpses of monsters into the square. There were about 300 big guys, and there were nine monsters with the same appearance and extremely powerful strength in the center of the square!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also recognized them at a glance!

These nine powerful spiders are the children who had a parallel consciousness in the original spider!

Unexpectedly, it has grown to such a terrifying level now!

They actually exude a similar feeling to spiders, they are constantly laying eggs, and when they are hungry, they eat the monsters that have moved into the square.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen could not help but gasp!

This picture is so scary!

The children of these nine spiders have now grown to a level that even the Spider Queen couldn't reach back then!

In other words, it is precisely because they are the parallel consciousness of the spider, and all the strengths are basically the same as the spider, and they can also get all the abilities from the main body of the spider!

The audience who realized this, began to be afraid...


What a terrifying power!

Nine monsters as powerful as spiders!


For those newly born spiders, their task is to go out hunting, and when they grow up a little, they will conduct special training in hell in the square.

The spiders are divided into teams, and in one team, a spider is attacking other spiders with violent wind magic.

Wind and sand raged like a tornado, rolling up sand and stones, and the strong centrifugal force made those stones have explosive terrifying power.

Even if it hits the wall, it can smash a large and small pothole!

The attacked spider did not dodge, but stubbornly blocked the storm with its body, and the surviving spiders had a special treatment department in charge.

Another team did the same hell training with earth magic, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded!

What the hell is an underground labyrinth?!

This is exactly what the eighteenth hell looks like!

These spiders have completely inherited the vicious character of the spiders. In order to become stronger, they can even lose their lives, constantly laying eggs, constantly screening the strong, and constantly training the dead!

Such a training mode makes the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel the scalp tingling!

In the square of the underground labyrinth, storm surges, rock tyranny, burning flames, icicles, dark magic, light magic, and all magic of all attributes can be seen!

The lowest level of its magic power is also high level!

This magnificent scene made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen dumbfounded!

Spider... What kind of monster spiders are left behind!

It's so outrageous!

"Hey hey hey! Isn't this development too fast?! Look at what they are doing!"

The S-class hero Atomic Warrior trembled, staring at the magnificent scene in the picture, even the countless spiders were carrying out their duties in an orderly manner.

This scene scared him so much!

"Monsters! Spiders can even create monsters with equal strength! It's incredible!"

The S-class hero Tong Di was dumbfounded, but after data testing, these nine spiders have reached god-level strength!

Tong Di's hands were shaking.

"Sure enough... animal training is much more orderly than our human training."

The top officer of the Hero Association took a deep breath, even though the number was large, the training process was orderly.

Be fearless!

Thousands of spiders die every moment, but thousands of spiders are born at the same time.

The spider that can survive to the end is undoubtedly the strongest!

I can't imagine how powerful such a spider army will be after training!


As a leader, don't mention how envious you are!

"Hell training! It's scary!"

The top officer of the company of heroes gritted his teeth viciously, and even he was frightened by such a scene, but at the same time he was also excited.

In this environment, the monsters trained are terrifying!

If he could, he wanted to do it too!

He needs such a force to defend the peace of the planet!


Morgana was dumbfounded, this training method only exists in fantasy!

I didn't expect spiders to be able to do it!


Use death to force out the strong one by one!

In order to train Atto, Morgana also had the same idea, but how many Atuos can appear among these devils?

For spiders, the situation is completely different.

Under the absolute suppression of the number, no matter how high the death rate of the training method is, countless strong people like Atto can be trained!

Even Queen Morgana is envious!

"This inhumane training method! 55

Sengoku swallowed, and for a while he didn't know what to say, aside from the nine monsters whose strength was comparable to that of the spider.

In just one screen, Sengoku found a lot of spiders with strength comparable to Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral.

This kind of training is undoubtedly the most efficient method for screening the strong!

Garp took a deep breath and looked solemn. This tragic scene made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything more.

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen have also appreciated the power of these spiders. As the screen goes black, the screen is quickly played.

Those spider armies, and the monsters with eyesight comparable to spiders, are like the original spiders, constantly attacking and aggressing towards the upper layer of the maze!

Even a labyrinth guardian like the unicorn earth dragon is completely vulnerable in front of this group of monster spiders!

As the screen went dark, the spider sub body was transforming the doll spider, and the space suddenly distorted. She was very familiar with this perfect sense of spatial vibration.

A familiar figure appeared in front of the spider, and he said in a panic.

"Time is running out, I'll cut straight to the point, your clone is rioting, intending to invade the town where the vampire is, hurry up and deal with it!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded!

What's the meaning?!

Does the spider want to fight with his spider army?!


However, after thinking about it, she was also fighting against the Spider Queen at the beginning, and it is not difficult to understand that her children have this kind of experience now.

But... can spiders really beat them?

There are nine spiders whose strength is almost the same as hers!

How to fight like this?!.

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