Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 335 Hey, hey, hey! Your gun is a bit too much! 1 punch super spider! Haha!

When the trillions of viewers in front of the screen saw the high-spirited fighting spirit in the eyes of the spider, they understood that this was an unavoidable battle.

At the same time, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also looking forward to it. This can be regarded as the power confrontation between magic and technology!

I don't know what the ending will be, at least from the perspective of the previous battle, the two sides have their own advantages.

"It's getting more and more interesting! I feel like this robot is like a puppet or something!""

Naruto frowned, although he said he looked like a puppet, but there was no puppet master around!

This makes it even more mysterious.

What exactly do robots do?

"Amazing! Spider-Man's punch is about to catch up with Little Sakura's fist. Under such a violent impact, the robot will be fine."

Xiao Li shouted excitedly from the side, he wanted to train with this so-called robot.

After all, the effect of training with a dummy is too bad!

"The situation of the spider is very dangerous. It has just evolved into a [Spider Girl]. It doesn't seem to adapt to the new body at all, and it is in the anti-magic barrier.

Kakashi took a deep breath, the situation was not optimistic, or in other words, very dangerous.

Up to now, there are still wounds on Spider Zi's arm that have not healed. I am afraid that even the most basic healing magic cannot be used in the anti-magic enchantment.

Maybe the spiders have the potential to die.

"Wow! Robots! This is true! How can robots exist?

The goddess Lista looked terrified, apparently not accepting this fact, but Seiya believed that since it was an enemy, it was the same whether it was a creature or a robot.

Now he just wants to know how much the fighting power of Spider Zi is different from that of this robot after being sealed by the anti-magic barrier.

This may be the secret weapon to deal with the final bosses in the lower plane adventure world!

The goddess Lista suddenly had a solemn expression, understood what Seiya meant, and hurriedly checked the panel attributes of the spider, and after turning to the skill column... A large red warning blocked the skills and abilities.

And now the spider is just a monster with brute force.

The strength has declined to an unimaginable level!

Maybe this anti-magic barrier can really be used as a killer to deal with the final bosses of the lower-level adventure world!

But at the same time, the goddess Lista is very worried about the spider... A monster with brute force, how can it defeat this robot?!

The situation is too dangerous!

In the video, the robot Podimas also looked at the spider with icy eyes and said viciously.

"It's so annoying! I didn't want to use this trick, I can't help it.

The guy already seemed a little impatient, and he retracted the sword into its scabbard.

The spider looked at him vigilantly, completely not understanding what he was trying to do!

Are you going to admit defeat?

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also held their breaths, only to see the robot Podimas make a small movement and twist the switch on his right arm.


A crisp sound sounded, the forearm folded back, and the thing hidden inside stretched out, the corners of Potimas' mouth were slightly raised, holding the strange thing, and looked at the spider with pride.

That expression seemed to think that he had already won.

For the spider, this new weapon looks weird, and it looks like a gun, right?

Isn't this a world of swords and magic?

Did you poop?

To what extent is this guy trying to destroy the worldview!

And the trillions of viewers in front of the screen boiled over when they saw the gun in the robot's Podimas hand!

"Fuck! It's a gun! It's definitely a gun! This guy came from across! Why does a gun appear in the context of this world?! 35

"I feel a chill on my back now, what the hell is going on in this world? It's so weird! First the robot, then the gun?! 35

"You said... Can a gun beat a spider? Without the blessing of magical abilities, it might really be able to make a spider a sieve!

Everyone in front of the screen began to worry about Spider Zi, after all, she was banned from all abilities now.

And there is a robot with a gun on the opposite side, which is really scary!

"Good guy! Isn't it a bit too much to pull out a gun like this! Damn it!

Xin Zhao frowned. He used to think that Spiderman's skills were too much, but now he thinks it's too much for a robot to shoot Spiderman with a gun.

No matter how high your kung fu is, you are still afraid of kitchen knives!

What's more, it's still a gun!

"As a robot, it makes sense to carry a heavy weapon with you! Spider... a bit difficult.

Ge Xiaolun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this scene was too shocking, he was still holding a torch outside and slashing with a sword.

They were all fired up with guns!

Technology that has been ahead of technology for hundreds or even thousands of years!

Isn't this just hitting spiders?


After seeing this gun, the top officer of the company of heroes really lived in Bengbu. Before that, he was thinking, if it is really in the magical world, can the hot weapon swim?

Originally, this assumption did not hold at all, but looking at it now, his idea is still too simple.

This Potimas has already begun to sweep the other world with a gun!

Based on what is currently known from the video.

No one would worry about the life and death of Spider Zi now. Anyway, this guy is an immortal existence, and the gun in the hands of this robot Podimas has become their focus.

Can this thing kill spiders?

More and more curious!

"This world is so strange!"

After the S-class hero Atomic Samurai watched the robot Podimas silently draw a gun from his hand in the video, he stayed in Bengbu.

Isn't the world where the spider lives collapsed?

Can you get anything that doesn't fit the background of the times at all?!


Tong Di watched the video with excitement. After all, he also wanted to know how powerful the so-called firearms were for monsters!

In the end is the victory of the spider, or the victory of technology?!



The senior members of the Hero Association looked at each other in dismay, and the whole scene was embarrassed. No one could have imagined that the enemy of the spider would be a robot, and even took out a gun?!

Such an outrageous thing almost made a group of them doubt their life!

"Gun?! Huh?!

Sengoku was stunned, the gun that the robot took out seemed to be a high-tech one!

Much more advanced than their Marine's guns!

I didn't expect this robot to show a hand to Sengoku, I didn't expect it!


Garp kept laughing, Spider-Man's expression after seeing this gun was really interesting, it was exactly the same as Sengoku just now!

I'm afraid I had the same expression just now, it's so funny!

The appearance of robots and guns is too abrupt for the wizarding world!

"What it is?!

The first Demon King Qiy frowned, squinting his eyes, staring at the robot Potimas and the gun in his hand 360 degrees without blind spots.

One after another incomprehensible things happened before my eyes.

He, the oldest demon king who had lived for Ten Thousand Years, couldn't understand it, and even the other demon kings cast puzzled glances at Guy.

He could only wave his hand and shake his head.

He has never seen this shit before!

"Gun?! What the hell!"

Limuru is stunned!

Why didn't he think of this (bbfb)?!

"Great sage, can you make a gun?

[Analyzing the firearms in the video...]

After waiting for a while, Limuru's eyes lit up, and the voice of the great sage resounded in his mind again.

【Analysis is successful! Imitation is in progress...】




Rimuru opened his mouth wide and spit out the gun, the goblin boys around were stunned, they didn't even know what it was!

Rimuru couldn't stop smiling when he looked at the pile of firearms!

Now Rimuru can even imagine a group of goblins rushing around with guns!

Maybe even more terrifying hot weapons can be created in the future!

Think about it...there will be more fun things to do in the future!

So much fun!

Under the night sky, in the dense forest, the sound of chu chu chu chu...

This thing is horrible!

"Does that work too?! Huh?! Gun?!""

Gu Aotian froze in place, dumbfounded, he knew this thing!

But is it really good to mess around with guns in the magical world?

As if Gu Aotian's thinking has also been opened, since robots and guns can appear in the magical world, why can't he create them?!

How cool is that thing popping up!

Depend on!

Never thought of it before!

In the hall of the guild temple, Gu Aotian's subordinates looked at each other in dismay. When the robot Potimas appeared, they had completely lost their ability to think.

Robots don't know, and guns don't know either!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen frowned, and everyone could sense that Spider-Man was in danger at the moment, and Potimas didn't make any extra moves.



Raise the gun and shoot bullets at the spider in a row!


The fire flickered, and the spider came back to his senses. Now is not the time to complain!

Escape is urgent!

Spider Zi used [Predict the Future] to see the ballistics of the firearm in advance, and ran desperately to the other side of the room, and the dense bullets shot through the wall in an instant!

The spiders kept pulling away from each other, and the bullets whizzed past their heads. It was really terrifying!

The audience who saw this scene also widened their eyes, and the exciting and exciting picture could not help but make people applaud.

All bullets!

All were perfectly evaded by spiders!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen frowned. This position is really beautiful!

One missed!

On the other hand, the robot Podimas in the picture shows a surprised look, can dodge bullets?!

What are you playing with him?!

It is obvious that the anti-magic barrier has been cast, how could this be?!

It's so unexpected!

Spider Zi wanted to take advantage of this gap to get close to Potimas, and then try to solve the countermeasures, but Potimas did not give her a chance to continue shooting!


The spider hurriedly dodged, just like the slow motion in the movie, all the bullets slid perfectly around the spider, and none of them hit.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen took a deep breath, this... the effect of the picture is too shocking!

In the panic, the spider ran to the blind spot, hesitated for a moment, several bullets penetrated the body, the skin was torn, leaving a bloody wound with a burnt smell.

Although the spider has the [Pain Invalidation] skill, it does not feel pain, but the feeling of this foreign body passing through the body is really annoying!

Spider-Man looked at the wall in front of him, and suddenly had an idea, if that's the case, he'll go out!

The audience in front of the screen is also looking forward to how Spider-Man will deal with the current situation.

With trillions of eyes staring at her, I saw the spiders rush up the wall to the ceiling, and the action of flying over the walls makes people addicted!

Spiderman ran head to foot on the ceiling while avoiding the rain of bullets from Potimas, and finally came directly above Potimas.

Everyone can't figure out the spider's intention, isn't this just making Potimas a sieve?

There's not even any room to dodge!

Are you sure this isn't courting death?!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen trembled, and Potimas in the picture would never miss such a good opportunity.

Shoot directly!


Several bullets directly penetrated the body of the spider!

Even half of the head and left arm were blown off!

The picture was shocking, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen gasped, and the mutilated body of the spider fell from the air.

I didn't expect this battle to end like this.

Sure enough... the gun is still awesome!


In the picture, the crippled half-head of the spider grinned, and trillions of viewers were dumbfounded!

This terrifying picture made everyone's expressions distorted!

In a trance, someone realized something, spiders have two heads!

As long as one of the heads is still there, the action won't be affected at all!



The spider clenched the only remaining right fist and used the acceleration of gravity to quickly swing it!

The wind roared by!

Even the space is torn apart!

This represents a punch of Ultimate power that directly breaks Podimas' head!

It slammed into the ground with a twist of 180 degrees!

At this point...the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are suffocating!

One Punch...Super Spider?!.

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