Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 334 What the hell! Is this a robot?! How can robots appear in the magical world!

"Spider monster? Is it Ariel Demon Lord's family? But I have never seen such a creature.

Potimas kept approaching the spider, but he was not afraid at all, and at the same time, it also made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel a little strange, who is this guy?

How terrifying is the power?

Even the spiders that most of the powerhouses in the entire anime dimensional wall are afraid of are not a threat in his eyes?

"Hey! What is this! Isn't he afraid of spiders? There's nothing scary about this guy?"

Xin Zhao couldn't understand why Potimas could be so calm, if he was allowed to bear the punch of Spider Zi, he would probably be killed or injured!

This guy...

"Strange, what is it?"

Ge Xiaolun frowned, could it be a big guy who hides his strength?

This level of calmness is not even different from that of the Demon King, right?

Is it dressed up?

But it doesn't look like it!

"Can't measure it? What do you mean? Doesn't this guy even have a temperature? All the biodetectors don't work?""

The high-level personnel of the Hero Company gathered around, each expression was puzzled, and many people even did not believe in nonsense, and tried to probe it again and again, but the result was the same.

Don't say it's a spider, even the devil will react!

What kind of monster is this thing!

The top officer, who had been sitting on the sofa thinking, coughed twice, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice.

"Since the biodetector can't detect it, go to the metal detector and find it. 99


I thought it was a joke, but on this occasion, no one dared to think in this direction.

"Sir! How is this possible! This is the world of magic, how is it possible..."

Although a lot of staff questioned, there were still a few staff who did not question it, lowered their heads, and went to the warehouse to find instruments for estimating metal and machine values.

Everyone looked solemn... is this really possible?

Obviously it is the age of cold weapons, how could there be... that kind of thing exists?

"This person is so courageous! How can he remain calm in the face of a monster of the level of a spider?"

"This guy's strength must be terrifying! It's outrageous!

"But I can't feel his breath at all?!"

A bunch of S-class heroes are discussing the powerful Podimas in the picture, while the S-class hero Tong Di is staring at his computer in a daze.

It's as if the brains are short-circuited... Is this particular a robot?

Why is there no temperature?

Why is there no data?


How can such high-tech products appear in the world under the background of this era?

"What?! Robot? What a joke! How is this possible!"

The high-level personnel of the Hero Association are also messy, all kinds of instruments are malfunctioning, and there is no problem with the instruments themselves. could the lifelike Potimas in the picture be a robot?

No one could see anything unusual.

But...their hearts are curious.

In the video, Potimas looked directly at the spider and asked in a deep voice.

"Where are you holy?"

Spider Zi didn't answer, and there were too many weird things about Potimas, not to mention that there were Mera and Sophia behind Spider Zi.

For her, the best solution at present is to take those two people away.


The space teleportation magic circle was turned on, and Potimas stopped the spider's action immediately.

"Don't think about it! The anti-magic barrier is activated".!

As soon as the voice fell, the entire video screen turned black and white, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen held their breaths. This guy is really different!


In the entire effect space of the anti-magic barrier, in the still picture, strange energy began to surge, as if the trillions of audiences in front of the screen could hear the sound of locking.

The entire space has changed, and the energy that was originally active like flowing water has become as difficult to push as boulders.

The space teleportation magic circle constructed by the spiders shattered instantly!

"What?! Disappeared?! And all the resident skills are invalid?!

The spider froze in place, and even tried to run the magic a few times in disbelief, but there was no response.

Just... what was that just now?


Forced dispel magic?

Is this too foul?!

"My name is Potimas Pafinas, and I admit that you are my enemy. 35

In just an instant, Potimas recognized the strength of the spider, and after he finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place, raised the sharp sword in his hand, and slashed towards the spider.




The swords, lights, swords and shadows flickered constantly, and everyone couldn't see the movement of Potimas's sword, and the spider, who was still not familiar with the body of [Spider Girl], was completely at a disadvantage.

puff puff!

Accidentally, ignoring the upper body, he was slashed by Podimas, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but gasp.

This guy is so strong!

It can easily hurt a spider!


"Damn it! I knew this guy is not easy! Directly block the magic! And then relying on powerful swordsmanship, maybe it can really threaten the spider!

"It's evil! I've never heard of such monsters in humans! Shouldn't the spider be invincible now?

"Monster! Dammit! I can't even see the movement of his knife! It's outrageous!

After the spider child was sealed, he was completely passive and could only keep dodging.

"Not good...not good...not good...the body is so heavy! I can't move freely at all!"

Moreover, this enchantment is not a simple existence that only seals magic, and even the skills and abilities are invalid!

Spider Zi kept retreating, and suddenly found... It seems that [Thinking Acceleration] can still be used, and then he will use the [Thinking Acceleration] skill with all his strength.

Everything around him became slow, and Spider Zi was finally able to get a chance to breathe, and it became easier to avoid attacks.

If the [Accelerated Thinking] skill can be used, it means that the enchantment seals only the magic and skills that act on the outside world.

So are skills whose effects are limited to the body only available?

Then the ability can't be completely ineffective!

As long as it is in the body, the skills and abilities are still in effect.

If this is the case, then she will have a fighting force!

Spider Zi suddenly retreated a distance, widening the fighting range, one sideways dodged the attack of Podimas, flashed his fingernails with his backhand, and slid across Podimas.

Chi Chi... You know, even steel will be easily cut off by her, so...

Before Spider Zi could be happy, he turned around and found Potimas standing there unharmed, looking at Spider Zi with a blank expression.


what happened?!

Why is this guy unscathed?

"Damn it! These are the spider's nails! Although it can't be compared to the spider's [Scythe of Shinigami], it's definitely not comparable to an ordinary weapon!

"Unscathed! How is this possible! How can humans have this level of defense?!""

"How strange! There must be something wrong!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also confused, and the repeated attacks of the spiders did not work at all.

For the spider, it was like grabbing the iron plate just now, and the terrifying hardness made the spider feel very uncomfortable.

If she didn't have the [Pain Invalidation] skill, I'm afraid she would be in pain too!

Could it be that this guy is wearing metal armor?

What the hell is going on with this guy's body!

Potimas didn't have a chance to breathe, and the two fought so hard that they kept jumping in the room, and Spider also realized the seriousness of the problem.

If you just hide in Tibet, you will be trapped to death sooner or later!

Seize the time!


【Scythe of Shinigami】From the top of Potimas' head to the soles of his feet in an instant, Potimas, who took the heavy blow, directly smashed a wall!


When the spider was still complacent, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also found anomalies.

Normally speaking, Spiderman's [Scythe of Shinigami] can definitely split this guy in two!

But now... not even a drop of blood flowed out, not even a scream of pain.

When the dust in the picture dissipated, the half-face torn Podimas revealed a mechanical head that was incomprehensible to trillions of viewers!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Is this... what a robot?!

What the hell!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely disorganized and completely incomprehensible!

Isn't this a magical world?

In an era of cold weapons, how can there be such advanced technology as robots!

What the hell is going on?!

And for many characters in the anime Dimension Wall, they don't know anything about robots at all.

Completely dumbfounded!

"..Hey! Where did this robot come from?! Is there really no problem?!"9

Xin Zhao was stunned, but he didn't expect it to be a robot!


His brain just short-circuited!

Ge Xiaolun was also very shocked, he never thought about it!

Such a thing is as outrageous as the presence of demonic creatures in the world they live in!

how can that be?!

"A robot? Hahaha! It's actually a robot. It seems to be more advanced than our technology. This kind of high-intelligence robot... even we can't make it!

The top officer of the company of heroes has a bitter face, but he is very curious about why such high-end technology appears in the world of spiders?

Is there a dimensional channel connecting the two worlds?

Or is the so-called magic able to replace the energy supply circulatory system of the robot?

If this is the case, I am afraid it will be a huge impact on the existing scientific theory!

More and more interesting!

"Fuck! Robot! Really a robot! What the hell is going on?!

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai stared at the appearance of Potimas in the video, the metal prosthetic eyes constantly twisting and adjusting the angle of view, the whole person was shocked and speechless.

This is so unreasonable!

Why do robots appear?

The other S-class heroes also looked stunned, and the world in which the spider lived was becoming more and more unreasonable.

"This... the forces behind the robot are more and more interesting to me.

The top officer of the Heroes Association took the latest sub-structure chart and compared the appearance of Potimas, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

The construction of this robot can only be described as wonderful.

A robot that can send (alright Zhao) a magic barrier, the fusion of magic and technology!

So much fun!

"Hey! What is this?! Why can this thing without vital signs still talk? It can even activate an anti-magic barrier!"

The first demon king, Guy, was dumbfounded, and the other demon kings were stunned. They couldn't figure out why this pile of scrap metal could think and speak like a human, and even activate the barrier.


"This...isn't this armor? Someone must be inside! It's just a full body armor. 55

The fourth Demon King Daguri Yulu kept retreating, his worldview seemed to be greatly impacted, and he could only keep deceiving himself.

For the other Demon Kings, the shock in their hearts almost knocked them down.

This robot swept in like a flood of beasts!

Can't understand it at all!

"What is this?! A robot?! It looks so scary..."

Sengoku is also a little unbelievable. He didn't expect such a thing as a robot in a magical world.

Garp looked at Potimas in the video with a complicated look on his face, the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded, but Spider-Man's reaction seemed strange. For her, based on the information she learned from the [taboo] skill, this mechanical technology was part of the destruction of the world. reason.

At this moment, the spider is obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter.

As a reincarnator, she will never allow this world to be destroyed!

If that's the case, wouldn't she also die?!

It seems that this guy must be dealt with here!

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