Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 336 Self repair?! Electromagnetic gun?! What level of technological equipment is this robot!

"Damn it! The spider smashed the robot's head with one punch! It's amazing! It's like a super spider with one punch!

"Handsome! Spiderzi is really willing to be his own person, and he didn't take my husband into consideration at all!"

"I checked the eyes, the spider is a wolf, good guy, if you don't want it, you don't want it, just block the bullet!"

The audience in front of the screen was shocked by the scene in front of them~ stunned!

Not to mention the robot Potimas didn't think of it, even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen didn't think of it - ah!

A head on top!

A spider head below!

Act separately!


Xin Zhao's mind is now full of Spider's half head that was smashed by the gun, and he was so frightened that he was sweating coldly. He didn't expect Spider-man to use his body as a bait, causing Potimas to relax his vigilance.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this punch will not be able to hit him anyway!

Ge Xiaolun frowned, if he faced an enemy like Spiderzi, he would have been frightened by the terrifying scene just now.

Spider Zi's smashed head was left with only its mouth grinning, looking extremely terrifying.

But from the results, at least the spider won the victory.

There is still a blue-green current flashing on the broken neck of the robot Potimas, so... it should be an electric current, right?

At least in Ge Xiaolun's view, once the line is disturbed, the robot is really like scrap metal.

"Too ruthless! This spider is too ruthless!"

The soul of Liu Chuang's street liuzi has been completely ignited, and the unstoppable momentum of the spider child must be the boss in the society!


A character who slashes with a knife!

"This guy is really willing to spend his blood..."

The top commander of the company of heroes, Kakuzu, was jumping. This tragic scene made his heart tremble. When the bullets penetrated the body of the spider, he was still wondering.

How could a spider make such a low-level mistake?

Now it seems that he still doesn't know enough about the status of [Spider Girl]!


The other staff were stunned in place, and Spider-Man's tactics were really confusing.

Who would have thought that she could still move after blowing her head off?

"This...this is so scary, isn't it?!"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai took a deep breath, tried his best to control his excitement, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the S-class hero Super Alloy Black Light.

He fell unconscious before he could even scream.

For the other S-Class heroes, this scene was too shocking.

Only the S-rank hero Silver Fang stared at Spider Zi's fist in a daze. This punch was no less than killing a metal knight or a hero like Genos in one blow.

Spider's fist is very hard!


The next second, the spider's entire arm in the picture exploded!

The blood fog filled the sky, but because of the [Pain Invalidation] skill, there was no discomfort on Spider Zi's expression.

At this moment, all the S-class heroes were also silent.

Too cruel!

This spider!

He directly broke through the limit of his own strength, no wonder this punch is so powerful!

"Monster! This is a total suicide attack! First, the head and half of the body are shot through, and then he exerts all his strength, even if he loses his arm, he doesn't care!"

In the high-level conference room of the Heroes Association, the staff members were discussing the behavior of Spider Zi just now with expressions of horror.

"How strong is this! It's terrifying!"

Many people looked at Podimas, whose head was deep in the ground, with dignified expressions on their faces. If this punch fell on them, they would probably explode into blood mist in an instant.

The top officer also shook his head and sighed, the way the spiders fought was too unexpected.

But it turned out well, and she won.

Perhaps for other ordinary people, such a price is terrifying, but for the spider, it only needs a simple healing magic to recover.

"The power of this punch... is terrifying! 99

Garp stood up directly, staring at the collapsed ground in the video, lost in thought.

If you punch the robot yourself, can you get this effect?

Even Garp hesitated, and Sengoku frowned. He didn't expect Spiderman's tactics to be so cruel!

You've been beaten into a sieve!

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the spiders still have a strong desire to survive, even if they are smashed to pieces, they must defeat their opponents.

The spider in the video is grinning.

"This guy's neck is broken, he should be dead, right? 35

It was too dangerous, but fortunately, the spiders used the tactic of headshots to each other, and exchanged an arm and a human head for his head.

If it weren't for her number of heads and arms, she wouldn't have resorted to such extreme tactics.

However, in the end she won!

It's all worth it!

But the victory achieved by this method was too tragic, and I really didn't want to use it a second time. Cold sweat broke out on Spider Zi's forehead, and now I was a little scared.

He lowered his head and glanced at Melazofi and the blood-sucking son Sophia. Fortunately, they were not hit by stray bullets.

Just when Spiderman was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Potimas suddenly stood up!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also gasped sharply!

This particular robot is not dead?!

Why is there a shortage of lines to move?!

His neck is still twisted at an unnatural angle, and Spiderman can't help but feel a chill on his back, this robot is really Damn it!

Don't you die like this?!

Are all the fairies in this world robots?!

It's completely different from the fairies I've encountered before!

Under the watchful eyes of trillions of viewers, the robot Podimas abruptly pulled his head back to its original position.

Trillions of viewers are silent, this picture... looks really disgusting!

This guy is a monster!

"What?! Still standing up?! What the hell! His eyes can still move?!"

The high-level personnel of the Company of Heroes looked at it, and they all saw with their own eyes that the spider smashed the robot's head with a punch.

Now it can be used directly by pulling it back?!

Is there anything so outrageous?!

Originally, everyone just thought that magic was in an unknown field, and they could not understand the subtlety of this power.

Now even the robotic constructs that appear in the wizarding world can stun them!

The line is damaged, but it can be reorganized by itself?!

Even the highest officials never thought that the power of science and technology in the magical world could shock them.


" this okay?"

The top officer of the Hero Association has a complicated expression, and Potimas's operation is really good!

The other staff were also puzzled. Is the concept of this robot too advanced?

Can you repair yourself?!

"Isn't it?!

The S-class hero Genos took a deep breath and sighed, and then gradually accepted the fact that Spider-Man's opponent was too terrifying.

And the mastermind behind this robot must not be simple.

If Genos can also repair the damaged body in battle, then his combat power can also be directly improved by several grades!

How is it done?

Saitama stared at the picture in the video seriously, speechless, and then looked at Genos, who was embarrassed.

"Is the technology level of this robot higher than yours?!"

Genos bowed his head, and although he was reluctant to admit it, he still nodded.

"That spider is dangerous. It was originally a tactic of death and survival. Now Potimas is not injured, and spider is seriously injured..."

In the end, Saitama's voice became smaller and smaller. Looking at the shocking appearance of the spider in the picture, the serious injuries were said to be light.

What a mortal wound!

How to keep playing?

"Isn't this the end?! It's useless to strike with all your strength, is there any other way?"5

Limuru looked worriedly at the spider in the video, her expression completely out of control.

The attack that he paid a painful price for was useless, and it was only natural to be dumbfounded.

"What?! Automatically repaired? Is that really possible? The circuit damage is not affected?!"

Queen Morgana frowned, her eyes fixed on the picture in the video, and she couldn't understand why even if she wanted to break her head.

Is this really just a robot?

And from the current situation, the internal structure of the robot must be very mysterious.

・・For flowers.....

Who is it from?


Gu Aotian took a deep breath, the current Potimas has completely recovered, and according to Gu Aotian's observation, there is no loss of energy in this guy's body at all.

Among all the unknown factors, Gu Aotian was full of curiosity.

This thing... there can't be just one!


Misaka Mikoto was lost in thought, his eyes were blank, and he remembered those sad things, while Kuroko Shirai hugged her tightly and did not speak.

"It's okay, sister, don't think too much. 99

"Why is this happening?! Robots don't make sense! These are clearly two monsters!

"I'm not Sister Li! Isn't the spider child dead now? The ability and skills of the anti-magic enchantment ban, if you fight in close combat now, it will not work, how can you win? You can't win at all! 99

"Every time the enemy encounters, the spider is so desperate!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were terrified, and Spider-Man stared at Potimas's mechanical prosthetic eye in amazement.

An alarm bell sounded in his mind, he was something that should not exist in this world, and that kind of mechanical technology was one of the reasons for the collapse of this world.

The current spider can be considered to have experienced the power of this mechanical technology.

Totally against common sense!

This guy is using this technology casually, his existence is a mistake!

Although Spider Zi really wanted to kill the people, her body was in tatters, and her skills and abilities in the enchantment were banned and could not be restored automatically.

He finally broke his neck, but he didn't do anything... no matter how he thought about it, he had no chance of winning!

"It's too dangerous, if you leave it alone, there will be trouble later, I'm going to kill you here!

The robot Potimas looked at the spider calmly, like a dead thing.

Immediately afterwards, the gun in his hand began to deform, and another gun barrel was directly added, and a strange light condensed at the muzzle.

The spider froze in place, she had a bad premonition!

Could this be... an electromagnetic gun?

"What?! This guy can still fire electromagnetic cannons?! This is so unreasonable, isn't it?!"

The top officer of the Company of Heroes was dumbfounded. Judging from the energy fluctuations emanating from the muzzle, this was definitely not a simple energy fluctuation!

If a reaction occurs, even the entire castle will be engulfed!

Spiders will also have no bones left!

"Hey hey hey! Too much! Can a weapon of this level exist in the wizarding world? 35

The top officer of the Hero Association looked solemn and incredulous. Isn't this the topic they have been studying for a long time, and have never made any breakthroughs?

Without the magic of the spider, no matter how strong the body is, it is simply unbearable!

"This is... ah!

The goddess Lista shot out directly, the fearful energy almost blinded her eyes, unacceptable!

It is unacceptable!

What exactly is that level of energy fluctuation?!

Seiya stared at the picture in the video stunned, the unknown energy filled his heart with fear.

"Is this... the power of technology?

The previous machine gun fire had already given Sengoku a strong shock, but he didn't expect this...unknown energy condensation, which directly exceeded his cognitive limit.

Not magic!

It is the power of technology!

Even the strongest Armament Haki will never survive this attack!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are suffocating, I am afraid that the spider will face death again!

The most scary thing is that in the anti-magic enchantment, I don't know if the [Endurance] and [Undying] skills can still be triggered!

With a grim expression, Potimas looked at the spider and shouted.


Energy is about to reach critical value!

Everyone trembled, and at this moment, there was a cracking sound from the ceiling!

A girl fell from the sky!

【Demon King Girl Ariel-chan! Gorgeous debut!】


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!

What's going on with this Demon King?!

Come again?! Xi.

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