Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 333 The most special exis10ce?! Even stranger than the devil?! What is his identity?!

In the video footage, the entire empire was buried by war, and the soldiers in the towns fought desperately, and the fire was raging!

Moreover, the city's garrison was extremely weak, and most of the battles were sent to the battlefield.

The spider hurriedly moved his gaze to the mansion where the vampire was, and a group of elves broke the window and poured into it.

In the main hall of the empire, Sophia, the blood-sucking son, noticed that the current situation was not good. The country of Oz seemed to have split up and attacked the city while taking advantage of it.

But Sophia, the vampire, is still a baby and can't do anything.

"Melazofi, please."

The parents gave the blood-sucking son Sophia to Melazofi, after saying goodbye.

Melazofi's face was solemn, and he said solemnly after taking the blood-sucking son Sophia.

"Even if I take this life, I will definitely protect the young lady."

After he finished speaking, he rushed out of the door with the blood-sucking son Sophia in his arms. Before he took two steps, he heard screams in the room behind him.

Enduring the severe pain in his heart, he continued to bury his head and run, while the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also felt the cruelty of the so-called imperial struggle.

War has no mercy!

Only the winner!

Melazofi held the blood-sucking son Sophia in his arms and just rushed down the stairs.

call out!

The sharp arrow passed by, shot through the calf directly, and rolled down the stairs, but Melazofi kept the blood-sucking son Sofia in his arms and did not hurt her.

Facing the enemy chasing from behind, he drew his sword to meet him, dozens of sharp arrows pierced through his body, and he had completely lost his combat effectiveness.


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also frowned, and this little guy seemed to be the person that the spider had rescued before.

It seems that he is still a reincarnator, is he going to die here?

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, even if Melazofi survived to the last moment of his life, he would tell that the blood-sucking son Sofia was in his arms.

"No one's going to save's going to kill us.

Tears flickered in Sophia's eyes, and Melazofi's consciousness gradually blurred, and she was still muttering something about protecting the young lady.


The blood-sucking son Sophia took a bite at Melazofi, blood was injected, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

Melazofi's momentum instantly soared, and an ethereal mechanical sound sounded.

[The conditions have been met, and the skill [Family Control LV1] has been learned. 】

Melazofi glared at the group of enemy soldiers from behind his scarlet eyes, pulled out all the sharp arrows on his body, and the shocking wounds healed instantly.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded... What the hell is turning into a vampire?!


With a scream, Melazofi rushed out desperately, and pressed the head of the enemy soldier to the ground, and it exploded instantly!

After solving the remaining enemies as quickly as possible, a strange magic wave surged from the stairs, and the dazzling light directly hit Melazofi, who was transformed into a vampire.


He was knocked to the ground, and Potimas walked down the stairs slowly, looking at the blood-sucking son Sophia with cold eyes.

"Is the first vampire ancestor a reincarnated infant? 35

"How to deal with it?"

The soldier beside him asked.

"Sand sculpture, I will tell Xiaogang that he was involved in the war and died, after all, if the vampires are not eradicated as soon as possible, it will be very troublesome in the future.

Potimas gave an order without emotion. A group of soldiers was just about to step forward. Melazofi, who was seriously injured, dragged his heavy body and stood in front of the blood-sucking son Sophia.

"I promise! I will definitely protect the lady!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were touched by this guy, this is the real man!

Swear to keep your promise!


Potimas sneered and stretched out his left hand to Melazofi and the vampire, the magic circle surging in his hand, and the powerful magic started to run.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also held their breaths, how come the spiders haven't arrived yet!

Didn't he say he wanted to protect the vampire Sophia?

When the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were in doubt, the space began to fluctuate, and the huge body of the spider appeared in front of everyone.

The trillions of audiences in front of the screen are also ecstatic, and sure enough, the protagonist will not appear until the critical moment!

"It's finally here! If he doesn't show up again, I'm afraid the blood-sucking son Sophia will become a ghost under the sword!

"A close call! So handsome! Spiders! Use magic to smash them up! 35

"Hahaha! As long as the spiders don't meet that Demon King, they are completely invincible! 39

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were extremely excited. This kind of guy with no threat is definitely not the opponent of the spider!

"Teleport! Immediately after..."

The spider jumped up directly, and under the stunned gaze of the trillions of viewers, he directly raised his fist and hit Potimas in the face, shouting loudly.

"Fist!!! 9


The spider man punched Podimas into the air, and even knocked a big hole in the wall, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned.


Is this so serious?!

Everyone can't understand, why the more powerful magicians are thinking of close combat to destroy the enemy?!


They are not Sister Li!

Gu Aotian was like this before, and so is Spider Zi now. Wouldn't it be a good protagonist if you don't want to be a melee magician?!

What the hell!

The vampire Sophia looked at the familiar face of the spider, and suddenly fell into contemplation, this... isn't this Ruo Ye?!

"Exactly! Announcing the new Evil Eye!"

The huge body of the spider took up most of the space in the room, even if it moved slowly, it could cause a huge sensation.

【Twisted Evil Eye】!

The spider slammed his body forward, his pupils exuded purple flames, and the strange power made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen shudder.

The strength of the spider... has it been so terrifying?

Even if the target of the attack is not them, they can still feel a deadly threat!


The enemy soldier hit by the [distorted evil eye] slowly floated into the air, and then began to twist and wriggle in a weird way!

clack clack...

Even the movement against the skeletal joint structure is forced to be carried out, blood rushes wildly, and a miserable cry echoes in the corridor.

After a high-speed rotation, they slumped to the ground, like a pool of mud, completely devoid of people.

The picture... Shocking.

"No one can escape, this distorts the space and twists the object's evil eye."

The spider sneered, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen... all fell silent.

This trick seems simple, but the rules of the world contained in it are surprising.

According to Spiderman's explanation, what this skill distorts is space, which means that it completely ignores the structure of the distorted object.

"Spatial Turbulence? Or Regional? 35

The top commander of the Company of Heroes took a deep breath. The power of this law is quite powerful!

Unexpectedly, after the spider's evolution into [Spider Girl], he even learned this skill. You must know that the phenomenon of spatial turbulence can only be achieved by touching the power of the rules of the world!

It's incredible that the spider can use the evil eye for precise control.

This is definitely a BUG skill!

Even Starfleet can only be ruthlessly destroyed in the face of this spatial turbulence, let alone those mortal bodies in the video.


In response to Spider Zi's [Twisted Evil Eye] skill, the high-level personnel of the Hero Association conducted a phenomenon simulation, and in that fixed space, the phenomenon of the connection disorder occurred.

And this terrifying power of space can easily destroy all matter, if the skill can be more detailed, even the matter of atoms can be distorted.

It's scary to think about.

Just for the spatial turbulence phenomenon that happened just now, the danger level of spiders... can no longer be described in words.

All kinds of terrifying skills that touch the power of rules gradually surfaced, and this guy has the strength to gradually match the power of gods.


"What?! Space turbulence?! How is this possible?! 35

The S-class hero Tong Di frowned, if he read it correctly, it must be the spatial turbulence phenomenon arranged by the spider.

Although other S-class heroes cannot perceive the horror of this skill.

But Emperor Tong understood that under such turbulent spatial flow, even the S-class hero Super Alloy Black Light, known for its super defensive power, would be vulnerable.

Directly facing the tearing of space, all the material composition is not worth mentioning.

This is also what Tong Di finds terrifying. The increase in the strength of the spider, including the power of the rules touched by the skills, is incredible.

"This guy is getting better and better!

The corner of the first Demon King Qiy's mouth was slightly raised, and he had the maximum value of all the magic attributes. Even the most ordinary magic could be used in the hands of spiders.

Not to mention this extremely rare magic that can touch the power of rules.

The other demon kings also looked solemn, and this spider could trigger such a terrifying attack by looking at others casually.

How terrifying!

"A skill that changes the power of the rules... such a terrifying power."

Goddess Lista frowned, this is how many times she has seen this level of skill.

But she will still be surprised, after all, she can't!

Not even qualified to control the power of such rules.

She's still a goddess... what a shame!

"Monster... It's getting more and more incomprehensible. He clearly knows magic, but he directly punches up and fights. He's really a strange guy."5

Seiya sighed, he didn't expect Spider-Man to master such a terrifying skill again.

【Twisted Evil Eye】

If it is him, I am afraid it is no different from the fate of those imperial soldiers.

Heart palpitating.

"Hey! What kind of skill is this! Can the space be twisted at will?"

Sengoku was gasping for breath, unable to accept the fact that what happened in the picture, the space in that area was like a Rubik's cube divided into countless tiny squares.

The spider just needs to twist the space cube 327 at will to destroy all the substances in the space.

Sengoku really can't think of any way to deal with it... It's incredible.

Garp's face was solemn, and he didn't even understand why such a thing happened. Those two dead Imperial soldiers, like tofu, were grabbed and smashed to the ground.

Garp swallowed hard.


The audience in front of the screen were also shocked by the seemingly random blow of the spider, no less than seeing the strange power.

Even for many backward-thinking worlds, the phenomenon caused by the spider's gaze is like a miracle, and she is regarded as an incomprehensible divine beast or a demon.

"This is the power that can only be possessed by gods! It's terrible! What did the god beast do? Just by looking at it, those guys who were regarded as the enemy by god beast were destroyed by divine power! We will always believe in god beast. !"

At the appeal of a bishop in a robe, all the believers began to kneel devoutly and paid the highest respect to the spider in the picture.

But there are also many empires that list the spider as the most dangerous devil. After all, this level of power has far exceeded their imagination.

When the spider in the picture turned back and was about to check how the blood-sucking son Sophia was, Melazofi kept Sofia in her arms and looked at the spider vigilantly.

It looks like it's in jeopardy!

Spider Zi slowly stretched out his right hand, pure healing energy surged from his hand, and all of Melazofi's injuries were healed in an instant.

After a chaotic sound, in the ruins, Potimas stood up unscathed and faced the spider without fear.

"Is it hindered by a strange creature?!"

The spider was also startled, this guy didn't die?!

You must know that even with a full-strength fist, she can directly kill most of the powerhouses in this world!

What's wrong with this guy?!

And the trillions of viewers in front of the screen have also realized this. Although there is no coercion from Podimas, it is definitely not ordinary to be able to withstand the full blow of the spider. character of!

Spider Zi wanted to observe his value in surprise, but something shocking happened.


The [Wisdom] skill that can even see the stats of the Demon King is ineffective against him?!

How is this possible!

How strong is this guy?!

Could it be more terrifying than the Demon King?!.

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