Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 316 The expansion of the realm is the entire universe?! The only true god in the Wujou realm

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Wujo Satoru's deep eyes exuded a strange brilliance.

It was as if there was a world in his eyes.

The index finger and the middle finger touched each other and said softly in a gentle tone.

"Infinite space.


As soon as the words fell, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded, and the bright white light flickered from the foot of Wujo Satoru.

Pure energy directly devours all matter in the surrounding space -.

The volcanic rock, the hot magma, and everything around it were assimilated by the energy released by Gojo Satoru.

Hu Bao saw with his own eyes that the energy he had worked so hard to release was swallowed up, but he couldn't do anything about it, he could only stay in place, stunned.

He... why is his field so vulnerable?


How is this possible!

The dazzling Ultimate white light devoured the field of pot treasure almost instantly, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded.

The powerful energy that originally belonged to Hu Bao was actually assimilated by the realm of Wujo Wu.

This... the combat power of the two is not at the same level at all!

It's so scary!

"Fuck! The world is covered? Why is this?! Such a terrifying ability! Gojo Satoru is too powerful, right? 99

"Pale world! Everything has turned into nothingness! This monster is completely dumbfounded, staring, standing there, like an idiot, I'm afraid he never thought he would meet such a shy opponent!" "

"It's too fierce! The development of Wujou's realm completely overwhelmed the realm of Hubao! It's so handsome!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are boiling, and for most of the powerhouses in the anime dimensional wall, Gojo Satoru's simple act also makes many people feel terrified.

"No way? The inner world created by this monster is covered?"

The top officer of the Hero Company frowned, and the volcanic rocks and lava were all returned to nothingness, replaced by bright white light.

Such a picture looks like the data has been cleared.

The inner world that Hu Bao worked so hard to build was easily formatted by Gojo Satoru, and everything became blank.

The ability to erase everything like this... is really scary!

"No! It's impossible! The world is covered?!"

The S-class hero Tong Di frowned. If the expansion of the realm of Hubao was regarded as a game, the previous Wujo Satoru was a player in this inner world.

Now he even gave an order to clear the game data directly?!

This is impossible anyway!

Could the world be dissolved so easily?

The other S-class heroes were obviously in a state of bewilderment, and they had no way of understanding the changes in everything that appeared in the video.

The incomprehensible realm, for them, is already a terrifying existence beyond comprehension.

"The data in the world has been emptied with one click?

The top officer of the Hero Association was stunned. In the white world, there was nothingness, and even he himself couldn't believe what was in the picture.

In front of Gojo Satoru is the creator of the inner world, and in front of this creator, he directly empties the inner world he created.

This... the damage the monster is taking at this moment is probably stronger than all the previous attacks.

Maybe it's more difficult for him to accept than being strong!

"Damn it! This ability is too scary, isn't it?

Many of the staff also knew exactly what Gojo Satoru was doing right now.

It's like the game data was tampered with by an NPC in the game world created by him.


"how so?!"

The first devil, Qi Yi, frowned. In his understanding, there was only one way to break the so-called seal, but these five enlightenments actually wiped out the inner world directly?

If you don't know enough about the power of the domain, I'm afraid you won't be able to do this at all.

The energy of the so-called incantation is likely to have touched the source power of the world, otherwise it will never be possible to create the inner world.

Even the other demon kings were dumbfounded, and directly cleared the opponent's tricks to zero?!

Unheard of fighting style!

It would be unimaginable if the abilities they displayed were easily reset to zero by their opponents.

Terrible ability!

"This ability to erase the opponent's does it feel so familiar? 35

Misaka Mikoto frowned. Although he didn't name her name, Shirai Kuroko naturally understood who her sister was talking about, and saw her with a resentful look.

"He is not as handsome as Gojo Go, nor is Gojo Go great. 99

"Wow! What a terrible ability!

Goddess Lista took a deep breath. As a god, there is no such ability, Wujo Satoru can directly erase everything in the inner world.

So surprising.

"No... not just erasure, but field coverage, right?

Seiya has been paying attention to the battle in the video, and there is a terrifying energy in the bright white light, and he can't see any clues for a while.

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the emptied inner world underwent a terrifying change in an instant.

The vast starry sky appears!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!

And the distance between Wujou and Hubao seems to be continuously extending at the speed of light!

As if reaching an infinite limit!

Because the speed was too fast, colorful lines flickered in the surrounding space, and no one knew what these were.

The space line is shuttled and extended!

The timeline keeps passing between the duo!

But under the gaze of trillions of viewers, the distance between the two has never changed. In the blink of an eye, the originally small inner world has become an endless universe!

Everyone was stunned!

Is it the development of Gojo Satoru's realm?

Directly created a universe?!

What a joke!!!

"Damn it! What is this?! The infinitely extended universe?! What a fast speed! The speed of the field expansion has even exceeded the speed of light!"

"Have you seen it? The distance between Gojo Satoru and the monster is the speed at which this universe extends infinitely! It's too fast!"

"What! What is this! Why did the realm unfold, and a universe unfolded directly! What the hell?!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely boiling!

They couldn't believe it and couldn't accept this fact at all!

Wujo Satoru created an infinitely extended universe in the inner world in an instant, and Hu Bao was stunned in place in the picture.

Now its brain is blank, and the surrounding space directly plunges him into endless despair.

Obviously... A few seconds ago, it was still the domain that he casted, why has it become such an exaggerated appearance now?!

Why exactly?!

Wujou Wu and Huzhang Yuren in front of them have long since disappeared, and they may have reached the end of the universe.

Hu Bao's big eyes are full of doubts, and the streamer in his eyes is constantly flickering, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are silent...

In just a few seconds, they already understood how terrifying the so-called "invincible" Gojo Satoru is!

It's so scary!

"Fuck! Universe! Did Gojo Satoru build a universe?! What a joke! Although it is said to be an inner world, this universe is also a universe that really exists, right?!

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, and almost jumped up, not knowing what to say.

Is it that simple to construct the universe?!

Looking at Wujo Satoru's appearance, it seems that there is no difficulty at all!

how so?!

Ge Xiaolun was also dumbfounded at the moment, but he didn't expect that after Wujou's realm unfolded, it turned out to be the entire universe!


Ge Xiaolun, whose legs were trembling constantly, had a blank mind, and the starry sky in the picture was definitely something he couldn't look up to.

Will my future self also fight in the universe?

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaolun felt terrified.

"What a joke!"

Morgana woman Ochoku took over the document and threw it on the ground, looking red-faced at the infinitely extending universe in the video, does such a monster really exist?

This is also the first time Morgana saw the formation of the universe, although for the inner world, it is not as shocking as the real universe.

Just in terms of construction method and construction skills, if Wujou's ability can really reach the realm of the creator god, I'm afraid he can also fabricate a universe at will?

・・For flowers...  

The control of his own magic power is really shocking!

"Hey! Hey hey hey! Is it too much to create a universe as one's own domain?

Even if you don't do anything, the enemies in the realm will survive and die in this endless realm space, right?"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai took a deep breath, and the sword in his hand finally became unsteady.

As for the metal bat, I was sitting on my chair panting heavily, unable to imagine what would happen if I were in the universe.

The other S-class heroes also looked in disbelief. As for the S-class hero Tong Di, after slow-playing this video of the constantly spreading universe, his pupils were trembling.

It turns out... the universe is really expanding and growing, even thousands of times faster than the universe they are in.

For this realm of the inner world, Gojo Satoru is the complete ruler of this universe, and can control the universe he created at will.

Whether it is time or space or other world rules, I am afraid that Wujo Satoru can easily hold it in his hands!

Tong Di was too shocked to speak.

"What?! this the universe? 35

Sengoku was stunned, and suddenly sat down on the chair as if his soul had been sucked out, the thoughts in his mind were like a mess.

Completely incapable of rational thinking.

As for Garp, the hand holding the potato chips stopped in the air, and the sluggish movement lasted for nearly a minute without moving.

For the other powerhouses in the pirate world, being able to see the so-called formation of the universe with their own eyes is undoubtedly a shock to everyone!

Such a's incredible!

Even monsters like the Four Emperors Kaido and Auntie remained silent at the moment. To the entire universe, they were nothing but dust in the dust.

Gojo Satoru's power... how terrifying!

"What?! The realm expansion turned out to be the entire universe, is this guy really that strong?

As the supreme and supreme Gu Aotian, he knew very well how difficult it was to create this so-called inner world, and it involved many world rules.

Moreover, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge to be able to construct the inner world as a creator.

And judging from the speed of this terrifying generation, Wujo Satoru is far more terrifying than he imagined!

At least in this respect, Gu Aotian is ashamed!


At this moment, all the demon kings were silent. According to legend, Gojo Satoru created the universe faster than the star king dragon Veldanava!

"Although it is an inner world, the difficulty is not on the same level, but..."

Before the first Demon King Guy could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the seventh Demon King Ramiris.

"This... is not just a universe! There is also life! Look!"

At this moment, all the demon kings took a deep breath, forcibly controlled their excitement, and looked at the picture in the video with all their attention.

Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Hu Bao's eyes, as well as his consciousness, felt the changes in the entire universe!

Plants are generating...

The world rules are being generated...

Water resources...



Everything can be clearly perceived!

The changes of these substances, in the pictures generated by the universe, brought the same shocking effect to the trillions of viewers in front of the screen!

If we say that the universe is just matter that exists in the macroscopic, then all of these are matter after being subdivided by the microscopic.

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen understand that in this realm of the inner world, Gojo Satoru is the real god!

the only god!

The constantly jumping and flashing pictures passed through Hu Bao's consciousness, everyone seemed to be watching a slideshow, and the entire universe's growth process was constantly playing.

The screen jumps faster and faster!

It was finally replaced by a bright light!



An all-seeing eye appears in the entire universe!

The size is comparable to the combination of tens of thousands of galaxies!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!!! Xi.

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