Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 317 Grab the head of Hu Bao with 1 hand! New issue of inventory! The battle of Saitama VS Go


This eye seems to be the largest planet ever seen by trillions of viewers in front of the screen?!

Everyone in the entire anime dimension wall was dumbfounded!

It's so scary!

In the high-level conference room of the Company of Heroes, everyone froze in place, their legs trembling and kept retreating, those terrifying black pupil giant eyes were an incomparably huge existence even for the entire universe.

And this size has exceeded the cognition of everyone present!


Incredibly huge!

This kind of shock to them just because of its sheer size can already destroy their firm will.

It's too big!

It is literally trillions of times larger than the largest known planet!

Gojo Satoru is completely the only true God in the inner world he created!

" that guy's eyes?! Huh?! That's too exaggerated!"

The top officer of the Hero Company was so frightened that his pupils suddenly shrank, his legs trembled completely uncontrollably, and he couldn't think at all.

All the staff were fighting with their teeth, and the shocking visual effect really scared them.

Even his hands were trembling all the time, and he lost his language function. He could only falter and hum to express his inner fear.

"Hey! Hey hey hey! What is this! Is this a high-level god spying on the entire universe? This is too exaggerated, right?! 99

The S-class Tong Di tried to keep himself as calm as possible, using his limited knowledge to understand what was happening on the screen.

It's incredible!



For the inner world created by Gojo Gou himself, he is the god of the high "Three Twenty" plane!

Almighty God!

The other S-class heroes were silent, staring at the pictures in the video in a daze, so shocking!


The Atomic Warrior's eyes were blank, the knife in his hand fell to the ground, and he kept muttering in his mouth.


"God's power?

The metal bat took a deep breath and placed himself in the inner world created by Gojo Satoru. The feeling of powerlessness that instantly destroyed his fighting spirit was simply irresistible.

In just an instant, no matter how strong his psychological defense line was, it would collapse instantly.

It's incredible, almost all S-rank heroes have brought themselves into the realm created by Gojo Satoru, and they can't look directly at such a god-like enemy.

If there is such an enemy in the world they live in... I'm afraid that guy Saitama can't be trusted, right?

"What is this! What the hell! Such big eyes! Are they for observing the whole universe?"

Xin Zhao was curled up in the corner at the moment, as if he would be seen no matter where he was hiding, his dark pupils were like a bottomless black hole, which made people dread.

And Xin Zhao has lost his confidence as a super soldier... If he faces such an enemy in the future, what if he becomes a real super soldier?

As long as you are trapped in the universe created by Gojo Satoru, how can you resist!

"I'm convinced! These five enlightenment are really hanging! I'm really convinced!"

Liu Chuang was greatly shocked at this moment. He, who was not highly educated, now even regards Wutiaowu as a real god.

At least in Liu Chuang's eyes, the tricks and skills used by Wutiaowu are extremely exaggerated, and they are too incomprehensible!


A complete monster!

Ge Xiaolun has been staring at the empty dark pupils, as if the whole person's soul has been sucked in.

He swallowed his saliva, and the words came to his mouth, but he couldn't say it anyway.

"This guy... seems to be stronger than the shock caused by the star king dragon Veldanava.

The first Demon King Qiy frowned, and the pictures in the video also gave him a strong sense of oppression. He didn't know if he was in such a terrifying field.

Is it possible to escape successfully?

Isn't this akin to being trapped in the imaginary space of Rimuru?

Endless, endless.


All the other Demon Kings were startled, and this empty look could already bring them a huge sense of fear.

"Is this the oppression of the God who created the world?"

The fourth Demon King Dagli Yulu took a deep breath, and his heart was shaking. If he faced such an existence, he didn't even know how to resist.

Only now can he experience firsthand how terrifying the strength of the first Demon King Guy is.

When he faced the star king dragon Veldanava, I am afraid that he was also fighting with this sense of oppression, right?

Too strong!

The other Demon Kings remained silent, taking deep breaths to adjust their moods.

"What kind of monster-like existence is this?! This kind of feeling like facing a god is really uncomfortable!""

The Eighth Demon King Karion was panting heavily, and it was extremely difficult to pull himself away from the terrifying giant pupil in the video.

"What a strong sense of oppression... How come in the previous video, when I became a super god, I didn't feel this strong sense of oppression?

Rimuru fell into contemplation, and then he remembered everything he felt from the video.

From now on, he will also be a super god-like existence, and he must possess this kind of pressure!

Otherwise, I will be sorry for my super god-like strength!

In the high-level conference room of the Heroes Association, the top commander issued the highest-level order, and all the staff members compulsorily began to execute the order.

Everyone researches and analyzes the substances born in the video, and extends the picture of one second indefinitely, even if the picture of one second is decomposed into hundreds or thousands of frames.

They are also unwilling to let go of any detail to analyze and discover the substances appearing in these pictures.

Everything is evolving in an orderly manner according to the law of time, but this time is accelerated without limit.

As the creator of the world universe, Gojo Satoru's ability is obvious to all.

From small cell structures to large galaxy spheres, whether it is the rules of the world or the laws of the universe, everything is within the inherent understanding of human beings.

This terrifying ability to create... Even the current database of all recorded creatures cannot be completed, and Gojo Satoru was able to create these substances without error.

There are even many substances that humans don't understand, and he also fabricated them.

In a sense, Wutiao Wu in the inner world is God!

Almighty God!

"You can't go wrong... All substances conform to the existing laws of human development. Such a phenomenon is really incredible. 99

The top officer of the Hero Association frowned, and successively took over the analysis reports handed over by his staff, there was no difference!

Even many wrong periods in the evolutionary history of organisms are skipped directly, from small cells to large galaxies, everything is in line with the law.

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, it was terrible.


Gu Aotian took a few steps back suddenly, and accidentally sat on the chuang, holding a staff in one hand, and kept shaking.

That eye, staring at the eyes of the entire universe, brought Gu Aotian a sense of oppression, never felt such a terrifying sense of oppression!


How did you do it?!

Creating the inner world... Maybe after watching this video, he should also study the magic in this direction.

After all, if it is used to hold B, it is definitely a ceiling-level magic!

A sense of excitement constantly emerged from the depths of his heart, Gu Aotian was both excited and afraid, as the god of the inner world.

If the whole world were locked in, what kind of picture would it be?

Thinking of this, Gu Aotian couldn't help but burst into laughter.

So interesting.

In the hall of the guild temple, all Gu Aotian's subordinates fell silent. The sense of oppression brought about by this guy's domain seems to be stronger than that of the Supreme Lord, Ainz-sama?

Albedo took a deep breath, as if she was instantly weak, and tremblingly walked to the sofa, sat down, and supported her crumbling head with her hands.

"No...impossible, must be a hallucination. 35

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the pitch-black giant pupil in the picture shocked everyone.

And as the only target of this pitch-black giant pupil, Hu Bao was still unwilling to believe what was going on.

He stared blankly at the terrifying giant pupil.

"What happened? Is my domain down? Can't see anything, can't feel anything.

At this moment, Hu Bao felt that he was in a void space, and even his pupils were trembling.


Hu Bao's spirit was about to collapse, and he denied his own ideas.

"Everything can be seen, everything can be felt, all kinds of information are endless..."

Peristaltic changes of cells...

The motion trajectories of various planets in the galaxy...

Even the rules of the world can clearly feel...

But what can be done?

Can he change anything?

If you say that you are good at volcanic spells and abilities, if you use them at this moment, you will feel ashamed...for the entire infinitely extending universe.

He is nothing!


Almost instantly!

Wutiaowu, who was at the end of the universe, suddenly came behind Hubao, slapped his head on the head, and even patiently began to explain.

"This is the inner side of 'Unlimited', 'perception', 'communication', and the act of 'living' will be forced countless times."

Hu Bao's heart suddenly trembled, it turned out that everything he felt was what Wutiaowu wanted him to feel.

"It's ironic, given everything, can't do anything, only die slowly..."

These words seem to announce the death of Hubao. For Wutiaowu, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen believe that as long as he is in the Wutiaowu domain, he has the absolute right to speak.

God's command is unquestionable!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also took a deep breath, and the eyes on Gojo Satoru changed at this moment.

In his domain, he fears the gods and believes in the gods.


Wutiaowu grabbed Hu Bao's head and slowly exerted force. Everyone heard a click and could not help but frown.

What is Gojo Satoru doing?!

The hearts of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also hanging.


There was another crisp sound of bones separating, Wutiaowu stared at him and stood behind Hubao, his eyes revealing a fierce murderous aura.

Just this gaze made countless people tremble, and the bone-chilling chill directly attacked the audience's will.

Unexpectedly, the usually gentle and gentle man showed such terrifying killing intent.

"Damn it! Wujou-sama didn't want to yank off Hubao's head, right?!"

"What a bloody picture! I...I...I like watching this so much! Crack! Heads fall! 99

"What a weird look! I'm so scared!

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, the pottery, suppressed by that terrifying force, had bloodshot eyes and a mouth wide open, but was unable to make any sound.

The neck was stretched, and blood flowed out of his mouth. In the distorted picture, Wutiaowu directly pulled Hu Bao's head off!

Blood splattered on the spot!

Immediately after the screen went black... the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were silent.

This kind of battle... For Gojo Satoru, it's a game!

It doesn't even count as a game!

But Hu Bao tried his best 5.1, but he couldn't hurt Wujou at all.

Such a battle... For the provocative Hu Bao, it is tantamount to an act of death.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also took a deep breath. Gojo Satoru's absolute suppressing power is invincible!

As the creator of the inner world, his ability has been strongly recognized by the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

As long as you are trapped in the realm created by him, as a mortal, it is impossible to directly defeat this god!

At the moment when the video ended, all the viewers in the major anime dimensional walls received another latest push message.

The entire anime dimension wall is fried!

This is?!

A new inventory video?!

This author's update speed!

love it!

[Inventory of the ten famous battle scenes - Saitama VS gods! A god with a human body!!!]


The title directly detonated the whole dimension!

Hu Bao faced Wutiaowu in the realm, but there was no way!

Can a human really fight against such a so-called god?!

No one wants to believe it!

But if this person is Saitama!

They want to believe!

PS: After thinking about it, I still feel sorry for the readers who like spiders, so I want to continue writing spiders as gods first. It may only take three days to speed up the speed. If you like spiders, subscribe. If you don’t like spiders, you can wait. In a few days, the next inventory will be even better!

please allow me!

Back in time!!!.

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