Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 315 The creation of your inner world is too poor! Watch my realm unfold! The whole dimension

"Fuck! What's the situation! Why has the surrounding environment changed? Where is this?!"

"A blind trick! It must be a blind trick! These infinitely spreading rocks are fake! And the hot magma! The temperature is fake!"

" way! Is this...creating a world? How could this be!


Xin Zhao shook his head directly in front of the screen, as if he had touched a switch, and kept twitching. This was the first time he saw the creation of the world!

This is so shocking, isn't it?!

"Have you seen the broken rock under your feet? This seems to be a real world! Although the scale is relatively small, it seems that the monster can really control everything!

Ge Xiaolun stared dumbfounded at the picture in the video, completely dumbfounded, no matter how you understand it, this can be regarded as creating the world, right?

Although the elements and materials are monotonous, only rock lava, but it is a real world.

"No! Impossible! Why is this monster capable of world creation?"

Liu Chuang stood aside, lost his ability to think, and could only try his best to convince himself that everything that happened in the video was false.

" this the power of God?"

The top commander of the Hero Company fell silent. He didn't expect... this monster could open up a small world in the world.

Isn't this something special created by the inner world?

It turns out that the so-called 'field' refers to this!


"No... No, although this monster can create the inner world, he doesn't have the power of God at all?"

A staff member frowned. Although his heart was greatly shocked, he still analyzed it rationally. Even those unsatisfactory instruments could detect some of the combat power data of Hubao, so it could never be the power of God. .

Maybe... it's the application of some kind of trick, using opportunistic ways to spy on the rules of the world and use it.

But even so, it is still very powerful!

"No! Impossible! Why has the world changed? What is that black energy?"

The S-class hero Xiao Tornado's eyes widened with disbelief, and he couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen in front of him.

If she was trapped in this volcanic inner world, she didn't know what to do.

This bizarre's amazing.

The other S-class heroes also looked at each other in dismay. This so-called "realm" creation was almost completely beyond their comprehension.

But they still think that the strength of this monster is only the dragon level.

He is still 108,000 miles away from the so-called god-level geek. Under the premise of this kind of strength, he can actually possess such terrifying energy to create the inner world.

It's an incomprehensible thing.

"what is that?!"

The first Demon King Qiy frowned, and the black energy that appeared in the screen instantly made him think it was Limuru's nothingness collapsed.

But thinking about it carefully, the two kinds of energies are very similar, but the effect is like a sky, and Qi Yi has the confidence to easily break the inner world created by Hu Bao.

In his cognition, the so-called "domain" is nothing but a high-end sealing skill.

"It's like my 'Void Collapse'! But it always feels like something."

Limuru was very excited at the beginning. It was also a world creation, but the world created by Hubao was a little too monotonous.

Then he shook his head, similar to "Void Collapse", but it was definitely not this kind of energy.

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the "collar" and "domain" in the picture are really too shocking, and the constantly spreading and growing rocks have covered the whole world.

The temperature is also rising, and Yuren Knotweed is frightened in the picture, the volcanic rock under his feet is broken, and the soles of his feet have a tearing feeling.

He hurriedly pulled out his ankle and stood beside Gojo Satoru, feeling the changes in the world around him, making him understand that this was not a dream at all!


A stream of hot magma surged up from the cracks in the soles of the feet, and your legs were softened with fright. The hot magma flew from the side of the face, and even the hair was burned.


The whole world is incarnated in the magma of the sea of ​​flames, at this moment Wujo Satoru and Kuzhang Yuren are like standing inside the volcano.

"What is this!!!99

The knotweed Yuren collapsed and let out a roar from the depths of his soul.

[Covering the coffin and iron surrounding the mountain]

Hu Bao had an excited smile on his face, while Wujo Satoru's relaxed expression had not changed from beginning to end.

After hearing the question of Yujin Kuzhang, he explained patiently.

"This is the 'field expansion', using the magic power to build a generated field with spells applied around it, the expansion of the field is very consuming magic power, but it is relatively beneficial.

First, state improvement under environmental factors.


Before the words were finished, Hu Bao had already launched an attack, and the scorching volcanic rock seemed to have life, growing wildly, trying to pierce Wujou.

This fierce attack made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen not relax.

By the time everyone reacted, Gojo Satoru had already blocked this sharp rock burst lightly.

Just raising his hand, the hard volcanic stone turned into powder, and it was completely turned into ashes under the high temperature.

Hu Bao looked dumbfounded...

At this moment, he was completely stunned!

Ordinary sorcerers will be burnt to ashes the moment they enter my domain.

Moreover, the spells cast on the domain that are activated in the domain can definitely hit.

Wujo Satoru gave a real-time commentary at the same time, and Yuren Kuzhang was stunned at the moment, and asked with a puzzled face.


Gojo Satoru responded affirmatively.


Huzhang Yuren suddenly looked helpless, just now... Isn't that attack a miss?

"And the methods that can be cracked, one is to fight with spells like just now, and the other I don't recommend, you can escape from the realm, but it is generally impossible."

Gojo Satoru's careful teaching made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen dumbfounded.

This is so special in battle!

And it is still in the enemy's domain, so recklessly using the enemy's domain to teach, is it really good?

"Fuck... This monster seems to be completely ignored! I feel sorry for it."

"Wow! No respect for the opponent at all! It's so insulting! But I like it, this Gojo Satoru can really pretend to be a B! I love him so much!"

"Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter! Is this a fight? Why can't I feel any danger at all! I want a teacher like this too."

"Fight within the realm or...break through the realm?

A bitter smile appeared on Queen Morgana's face. For the second so-called cracking method, it was actually like breaking the world dimension.

Even if you want to do it, it's not easy, right?


Queen Morgana was very curious about this ability and the development of the field, but she did not expect the so-called magic to achieve this level.

What a surprise!

"what is this?"

Vegeta and Kakarot were both stunned, why did the world in the picture suddenly look like this?

Only endless volcanic rocks and lava?

On the other hand, Weiss frowned. He was quite familiar with the whole New World that appeared on the screen.

It is equivalent to imitating the ability of the creator god to construct the world!

After having a certain understanding of the rules of the world, knowing that oneself cannot influence the rules of the world, all will have the ability to "create the inner world" on the basis of their own strength.


It's just a little trick for Weiss, and the "inner world" created by the monster in the video is nothing but a world with several monotonous rules.

Volcanic rock, lava, and temperature.

Poor build ability.

But the ability itself is worthy of Weiss' praise.

"Wow! This field is really handsome! It's almost like my imaginary space!"

Limuru took a deep breath. Judging from the abilities shown in the video, as long as he masters the power of [Void Collapse] in the future, he can easily do this, right?!

Storm Dragon——Veldra sneered, not expecting Rimuru to have so little confidence in his future ability.

As for this kind of domain world, which is not of high quality, he thinks that it can be easily broken.

"Seiya...Seiya! This ability is really scary!

The goddess Lista was dumbfounded, but she could create the world?

Even the final bosses in the SSS-level adventure world can't have this ability!

Although it is only an inferior world in terms of structure, it can be regarded as a created world!


For Seiya, he couldn't understand this terrifying ability, and if he was trapped in it, he really didn't know what solution he would come up with.

Gojo Satoru's relaxed appearance seemed to be able to easily decipher the so-called domain development.


Gu Aotian stood up abruptly, and he was still very curious about the weird inner world in the video.

Although I have never been exposed to the ability in this field, but from the screen, it can be regarded as a BUFF skill.

In one's own domain, one's own strength will also be greatly enhanced. After all, in the inner world created by oneself, this is also a matter of course, right?!

But Gojo Satoru's reaction was a little too bland, as if he didn't care about the development of Hubao's realm at all.

Completely ignored!

I don't know how Gojo Satoru will respond.

"Gojo Satoru-sensei... Can I really learn this kind of field development?

Huzhang Yuren looked at the terrifying inner world, covered with rock and lava, and had no idea what to do, but at this moment, Wujo Wu teacher looked at him suspiciously.

"Can't you learn such a simple field? I still have confidence in you.

When Natsuzaki Wild Rose heard Gojo Satoru say this, her jaw dropped in shock.

Isn't this insulting?

Do you really think everyone is as shy as you are?

Although Fu Heihui already knew something about the realm, the realm cast by the super-class spell spirit in the picture was simply purgatory to him.

And Gojo Go-sensei doesn't care at all, right?

How to break this game?

Under the watchful eyes of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Wujo Satoru, who is carefully teaching, makes Hu Bao begin to suspect Hu Sheng.

The reason why he chose to trouble Wujogo is half because he wanted to play around and test whether Gojogo's strength was as powerful as rumored.

I thought it wouldn't matter if I couldn't kill Gojo Satoru.

But since the battle so far, the gap between the enemy and the enemy in front of him... makes Hu Bao a little embarrassed.

As a curse (good enough Zhao) spirit, the self-esteem of a new human is still unacceptable!

After patiently explaining the field's countermeasures, Yuren Huzhang naturally looked completely dumbfounded, he didn't understand anything!

Gojo Satoru shrugged helplessly, slowly stretched out his left hand, and slowly took off his blindfold.

"The most effective way to confront the realm is for our side to also expand the realm... When both sides open the realm at the same time, whoever has the stronger technique will have the advantage.

Before the words fell, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also excited, this guy!

I finally have to open my eyes to see people!

Oh shit!

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Gojo Satoru has been wearing a blindfold since his debut, and at the same time, everyone has a strong curiosity about his appearance.

The most hateful thing is this attitude of not opening your eyes to see people, it is really disrespectful to people!


The pitch-black blindfold was pulled down, and the dark green pupils silenced the trillions of viewers in front of the screen. I had never seen such a pair of deep eyes.

It seems that a glance can absorb people's thoughts, and for most people, they are suffocated.

Gojo Satoru's eyes are so beautiful!

The appearance is also considered to be the top existence!

Before everyone had time to appreciate it, Hu Bao had endured to the ultimate, the index finger and the middle finger touched, the violent magic energy erupted in the body, and swept forward sharply!

The world is collapsing!

The volcanic rock collapsed into countless fragments in an instant, and the hot magma surged up, even submerging the entire world, like a tsunami trying to swallow Wujo Satoru and Kuzhang Yuren.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also held their breaths, as if time stood still at this moment.

"The field is expanding!


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