Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 190


Chapter 190 Dissolving

Luo Qingwu's heart froze, thinking that it was the silhouette shot last night?

She asked again: "What kind of death method do those people...?"

From the analysis of the tragic death, we can roughly judge whether it is a human being or a demon.

Dian Xiao Er obviously knew this, so she couldn't help but recall, there was deep fear in those eyes, and a slightly nauseated look, and whispered: "They... seem to be sucked dry. It's like a corpse that's been dead for months..."


"Yes, yes!" The second shop assistant was busy nodded, "Yes, it's a mummified corpse, it's almost There is only one piece of skin left, and even the bone marrow has been sucked dry..."

Luo Qingwu's complexion was as condensed as water, she had seen such a description before, isn't that the way the swashbuckling Taoist died like this shape?

Could it be that the fox demon reappeared?

Just as Luo Qingwu was thinking, she heard a sound of puffing in the room, she immediately guessed what was going on, and hurriedly squeezed in.

Mo Jiu stood at the corner, leaned his body there, tilted his head slightly, and covered his face as much as possible so as not to cause any trouble.

But his attitude and temperament, even if he covers his entire face, will still attract people's attention.

He is like a bright moon hanging high in the sky, the darker the night, the brighter he is.

The group of hunters were all stunned, and Mo Jiu frowned slightly under their gaze, with a cold look in his eyes.

Luo Qingwu directly stood in front of Mo Jiu without hesitation, blocking the sight of the group of fast hunters, and making them slowly return to their senses.

The leader Chakuai was still full of amazement. He wanted to take another look at Mo Jiu, but was blocked by Luo Qingwu, complexion sank: "What are you doing?"

"I've been staring at her husband, I would like to ask what you want to do?" Luo Qingwu looked at her without showing weakness.

Someone else's husband?

The complexion leading the hunters changed slightly, so what they just did was totally offensive.

But she rolled her eyes and smiled: "stay at the Inn, you are from somewhere else, right?"

"Outsiders, could it be that you can't even live in the Inn anymore? ?" Luo Qingwu coldly said.

"If you can live, of course you can." The leader, Hu Kuai, looked at the second shopkeeper, "The shopkeeper, how many people are they staying in?"

The second shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Four people. "

"That's surprising." The leader, Chau Kuai, rubbed his chin, showing a puzzled look, "Four outsiders, with one...two such charming and charming Young Masters, Are you really not worried about anything while walking on the road?"

Qu Xiaoxiao said, "We are Taoist priests."

"Taoist priests can fight ten hands with two fists, if you want to go Where do you go?" The leader of the hunter, coldly said, "The people who died last night were all Taoist priests!"

Luo Qingwu's palm was soaked with some cold sweat, and the guessing of the lead catching Kuai seemed to be nonsense, but in fact it really touched some truth. If Mo Jiu is just an ordinary person, they really don't dare to walk at night. It is precisely because he is a monster and his strength is extremely powerful that they can be so fearless.

Luo Qingwu knew that this group of hunters was probably moved by Mo Jiu's appearance, but if he really brought him back to the yamen and beat him up, his identity as a monster might really be exposed.

In this way, the group of dead Taoist priests will naturally be counted on his head, and even they will be arrested!

"What do you guys think?" Luo Qingwu said solemnly.

"It's business affairs, of course. Take this Young Master back to the yamen and check it carefully. If he is not a monster, we will naturally send him back in good condition and respectfully."


Luo Qingwu was about to refuse. She didn't know what means the yamen had. If Mo Jiu's true identity could be found out, then death would surely greet him.

At this moment, Mo Jiu pushed Luo Qingwu away, and her perfect face was in front of everyone again.

He indifferently said: "So, you are going to take me back?"

The eyes of the leader Chakuai straightened immediately, nodded: "It's just a routine inspection, it won't be right. What does Young Master do?"

However, the desire in her eyes revealed her true thoughts.

Mo Jiu smiled, like a rose with thorns in full bloom, and the momentary style made some catchers with poor concentration even spit water.

"This is human desire..." The curvature of Mo Jiu's lips suddenly turned cold, and the pupils in his eyes flickered, making the eyes of this group of people gradually empty, dull, and stunned for a moment. He stayed there and didn't move.

Luo Qingwu was startled: "Hu Jiu!"

Standing at the door of the room, staring at the shop assistant in the room, after seeing this scene, a chill rose from the bottom of her heart : "Demon... sorcery..."

She turned around and ran: "Demon..."

Before the word 'monster' was finished, a few strands of black hair suddenly appeared Wrapped around her hands and feet, and even her mouth was tightly wrapped by a lock of hair, unable to make any sound.


The door was closed tightly, and the second shop assistant was crushed to the ground, his exposed eyes full of panic and panic.

The monster...the real monster!

"Fox Jiu!" Luo Qingwu shouted down, grabbed Mo Jiu's wrist, felt a familiar sting in her palm, she immediately let go of her hand and looked at him in shock.

Didn't he lose a lot of energy, when did he regain his strength?

Knowing what Luo Qingwu was worried about, Mo Jiu said indifferently: "I won't kill them."

After the words fell, the black hair moved again, controlling the second shop assistant. His body stood up, his eyes were full of tears, and he shook his head very slightly, as if saying 'don't kill me'.

The expression on Mo Jiu's face did not change at all, his pupils shone brightly, and the eyes of the shop assistant also became dull.

"After you leave the room, you will forget everything that happened in this room, and then continue to do what you should do."

Luo Qingwu was stunned, this was What?

"Let's all go out." Mo Jiu said indifferently, and the group of hunters, including the shop assistant, all left.

The moment they came outside the room, they woke up, but they forgot what had just happened.

"Strange, what are we going to do?" The lead arresting fast was very puzzled.

Zhu Kuai cautiously said: "Round rounds?"

Yes, rounds.

Leader catch a quick pat on the head, and go to the next room under the leadership of the shop assistant.

In the room, Mo Jiu ignored Luo Qingwu's shocked eyes, walked to the bed, and kissed Li Muxian, conveying his energy.

Luo Qingwu looked at him with complicated eyes.

The moment before, she was really hostile to Mo Jiu, because when he faced a group of people, his eyes were cold as if there was no trace of emotion, just like his words, His view of human beings has always been antagonistic and negative.

She had no doubt that if they weren't here, Mo Jiu would have killed this group of catching fast and shop assistants without the slightest hesitation.

Monsters don't have any compassion for people.

But looking at the scene in front of her, Luo Qingwu doubted her own judgment. Mo Jiu obviously had real feelings for Li Muxian. For her, he would even risk his own life.

Is he really ruthless, or is this love only given to one person?

After a long time, Mo Jiu parted his lips: "Have you not found a way to wake her up?"

Luo Qingwu lightly bit her lower lip and looked the head.

At this moment, Qu Xiaoxiao said a random sentence: "Your complexion seems to be much better than a few days ago."

Luo Qingwu didn't care at first, Then thinking of something, his pupils trembled, and he turned his head sharply and stared at Mo Jiu.

(end of this chapter)

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