Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 189


Chapter 189 The Dead Fox Demon

Satisfied, of course!

The woman looked at Mo Jiu with greed that could not be concealed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but imagine the feeling of Mo Jiu's soft catkins kneading on her shoulders.

But on the surface, she still pretended not to be very satisfied. She frowned and looked at Mo Jiu several times before she said, "You seem to... Forget it, just you."

However, at this moment, where did Luo Qingwu still not understand?

This woman's goal is Mo Jiu, wanting to touch and touch his body and skin.

She hoped that Mo Jiu would reject the woman directly, but she also knew that the woman said something like that, so that Li Muxian could wake up, he would definitely agree.

"Okay." Mo Jiu agreed, but a faint pink glow appeared in the eyes he looked at the woman, and he said softly, "Can you really cure her?"

The woman's eyes became more and more greedy, said with a smile: "I can't cure her, but I can enjoy your service."

As soon as these words came out , the woman's face changed instantly.

The smile on Mo Jiu's face faded immediately, but before he could speak, Luo Qingwu icily said: "get lost!"

The woman's body trembled, she didn't know why she was She told her sincerity, but under the cold gazes of Luo Qingwu and Mo Jiu, she still rolled and crawled out of the room.

"This is the person you're looking for?" Mo Jiu said indifferently, and took off the silver needles that had been inserted into Li Muxian's body one by one.

Luo Qingwu's face flushed a little. For the first time, she felt her powerlessness. Just as she was about to say something, a dark silhouette suddenly flashed outside the window!

Mo Jiu's eyes froze for a moment, he has been waiting for this person for a long time!

"Protect her!"

With just those words, Mo Jiu disappeared into the room, moved towards that silhouette and chased after him.

He firmly locked the person's breath, and let her run and escape, he always followed her closely.

Fortunately, at night in this town, there are almost no pedestrians on the streets, so Mo Jiu doesn't have to worry about attracting attention.

After chasing to a wasteland outside the town, Mo Jiu performed the movement method, suddenly increasing the speed, and finally caught up with the silhouette in front, pressed her fiercely under her body, and pressed her knees against her back, unable. to move even a little bit.

He didn't ask the person any questions, but turned her body over, trying to see her face.

The moment Mo Jiu saw this man's face clearly, his whole body stiffened.

"" Mo Jiu was surprised, this person was actually a fox demon who was deliberately let go by him, and Nian spared his life because of his old relationship with the original owner. In the end, he did not expect that he would actually go back and return, quietly attacking Li Muxian.

No wonder even he couldn't see the reason for Li Muxian's condition. Maybe the fox demon had buried some hidden danger in her body that night.

"What did you do to Li Muxian!" Mo Jiu ice-cold saying, after he let go of the fox demon once, he would not spare him a second time, he is not a soft-hearted person.

However, the fox demon was silent, Mo Jiu was about to use his means to force him to speak, and found something was wrong.

His nose twitched slightly, and when he sniffed carefully, he smelled an indescribable smell, which made him frown slightly.

If I had to describe it, Mo Jiu remembered that he had smelled this smell, it seemed like... a corpse stench? !

This thought made Mo Jiu's heart tremble violently, and then he discovered another strangeness. The fox demon didn't change his expression from beginning to end, and even...he didn't even exist!

Mo Jiu resisted the urge to get up and leave immediately, stretched out a finger and wiped it hard on the face of the fox demon, actually wiped some rouge on the fingertips?

Looking at the fox demon's face again, his originally rosy and fair skin was actually showing a grayish-white color, as if he had been dead for a long time!

But if he was already dead, how could he be active?

At this moment, the fox demon suddenly burst out with an unstoppable force, which directly overturned Mo Jiu, but his flexible body rolled around in midair, and landed smoothly and vigilantly. The guard against the fox demon.

But the fox demon didn't seem to have any intention of making a move, just looked at him blankly.


The next moment, Mo Jiu felt a surge of essence from the palm of his hand to the whole body, making up for the source of essence he lost in order to maintain Li Muxian's state.

Mo Jiu's face became a little ugly. Even though his origin was restored, he felt sick for a while when he thought that this essence came from a dead person, and it might be stained with Corpse Qi.

Moreover, he doesn't think the fox demon is kind to help him, not to mention how he knows his state, just because he is dead, this move is not his original intention, but is carried out under human manipulation. of.

Where is the man who controls the fox demon?

But without waiting for Mo Jiu to explore, the fox demon immediately turned around and left, this time faster than before, and disappeared in an instant.

Mo Jiu wanted to catch up, but it was too late, so he had to go back the same way.

'This is like a conspiracy. 'Mo Jiu brows slightly wrinkle.

But the system's focus is strange: 'Host, aren't you disgusting at all? '

The small system was stunned. It could judge that this person was already dead. With such close contact with the dead person, how could the host be so calm?

'I've seen more disgusting ones. 'Mo Jiu calmly said, 'I'm just wondering, what the hell do the people in the dark want to do? '

He returned to the room where Li Muxian was, and Luo Qingwu immediately greeted him: "Are you all right? Did you catch that person?"

"Let him run away. "Mo Jiu shook the head, his voice a little low, hiding the fact that the person was a fox demon.

Luo Qingwu's heart sank, she finally waited for that person to show up, but didn't catch it, Li Muxian had to rely on others to wake up.

But she can't say anything. If she doesn't catch up with that person, Mo Jiu must be more uncomfortable than them, and he will continue to consume his own energy...

Mo Jiu knows What Luo Qingwu was thinking, just wanted to appease her, but in the end she didn't say anything.

In order not to make Luo Qingwu misunderstood, it is better not to explain.

In the early morning of the second day, Mo Jiu keenly felt that the town seemed to be particularly noisy today.

After just one hour, there was a knock on the door, Luo Qingwu glanced at Mo Jiu and got up to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw that the outer sect was actually several chasing fast, and there was a Taoist priest dressed in a daoist robe, and the shop assistant was at the end.

"What's going on?" Luo Qingwu frowned.

The shop assistant said apologetically: "Sorry, guest, we need to search the room."

Luo Qingwu's expression changed slightly, what happened, and the people from the yamen should come to the room one by one. ?

She didn't want to let Mo Jiu be seen, and it was estimated that there would be some trouble, but if she refused, it would be obstructing law enforcement, and she had to let these arresters and Taoists come in.

Luo Qingwu asked, "Did something happen?"

The second shop assistant whispered, "A lot of people died last night."

( End of this chapter)

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