Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 191


Chapter 191 Don't need your trust

Luo Qingwu stared at Mo Jiu's face, and found that he was exactly what Qu Xiaoxiao said In that way, his complexion was much better, and even after passing on his energy to Li Muxian once, his cheeks still had a healthy faint blush.

You must know that yesterday, even if he hadn't passed on the essence to Li Muxian, his face was always pale.

And the power that he had just shaken her palm away, all this proves that his state has been greatly restored.

Luo Qingwu should be happy, so that Li Muxian's life is guaranteed, and Mo Jiu won't be so weak.

But all of this is based on the premise that something didn't happen.

That is that the Taoist priests did not die.

And now that they are dead, they are still so miserable and familiar, they look like mummified corpses, isn't it just the fox demon's means to cause it?

And who is the fox here?

A horrifying thought came out of her heart, Luo Qingwu didn't want to believe it, but she couldn't help but doubt it.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Mo Jiu frowned.

Since Li Muxian passed out of a coma, he basically never showed a charming look, and almost all of the coldness revealed between his eyebrows and eyes.

For Li Muxian, he can even suppress his nature.

Luo Qingwu looked at him and said, "You recovered?"

Mo Jiu was startled, and soon understood what Luo Qingwu was referring to.

His energy was restored, he didn't want to hide it, and he didn't need to hide it.

"Yes." Mo Jiu nodded.

Seeing Mo Jiu admit it so easily, Luo Qingwu couldn't believe it. He killed a group of people, didn't he feel any guilt?

Yes, he is a monster. Except for Li Muxian, he will not have the slightest affection for human beings.

At this moment, Luo Qingwu's heart suddenly felt a chill, which was piercing to the bone, making her body extremely stiff.

She finally understood that Mo Jiu is not a 'human' with them. He is a monster. Even if he becomes a human, he will not have the same thinking as a human. In his eyes, human beings may only be It will hurt him and the species that are greedy for his beauty, and he will not have the slightest softening and sympathy when he starts.

Luo Qingwu walked slowly to Qu Xiaoxiao, in a protective gesture.

Mo Jiu's expression was slightly cold, he didn't care about Luo Qingwu protecting Qu Xiaoxiao, she had nothing to do with him, and what kind of relationship she had with Qu Xiaoxiao naturally had nothing to do with him.

But Luo Qingwu's posture of precaution and vigilance is an unfathomable mystery, and he has to figure it out.

“Are you guarding me? Why?” Mo Jiu wondered.

Luo Qingwu looked at the doubtful look in his eyes, and became more and more wary of him. If she hadn't known his true face, she would have been deceived by his expression!

Sure enough, fox demons are the most cunning. However, camouflage is their instinct.

Mo Jiu looked at Luo Qingwu, pondered for a long time, and finally understood something, the eyes in his eyes shrank slightly.

He knew what the man in the dark wanted to do. No wonder she would control the dead fox demon to draw him away. As soon as it touched it, it entered his body and replenished his consumption these days.

But why did that person do this?

Mo Jiu looked at Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao, and only said indifferently: "It's not me."

Qu Xiaoxiao looked confused, as if she didn't understand what happened. What: "What's the matter?"

Luo Qingwu looked back at him, called the head, and motioned him to ignore this matter.

"Then what did you do last night?" Luo Qingwu said solemnly.

Mo Jiu hesitated for a moment, and then began to tell about the day that happened last night. When it was said that the fox demon gave him energy, Luo Qingwu's eyes showed clear suspicion.

Obviously, she didn't believe what Mo Jiu said, but felt that it was full of loopholes, and there were weak spots everywhere.

But in fact, this is also his fault. He didn't expect that the person in the dark actually made such a plan. Is this to want him to be misunderstood by Luo Qingwu and the others and completely labelled as killing innocents?

Thinking of this, Mo Jiu faintly smiled.

He never cared what others thought of him, even Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao.

Who are they to him?

Since they didn't believe it, he didn't have to explain anything to them, he just said casually: "I'm telling the truth, you don't believe it."

When he looked at Li Muxian, the coldness in his eyes turned into softness and affection.

He doesn't need anyone's trust, as long as she can trust him.

Seeing this look, Luo Qingwu's heart suddenly burst into anger: "If Muxian knew that you saved her in this way, she would rather sleep forever!"

Mo Jiu's eyes froze for a moment: "I said, you don't believe me if you don't agree, and I don't need your trust. But if you try to provoke her feelings with me..."

At the end of the story, he The trace of hostility in his eyes has been undisguised.

He does not allow anyone to provoke his relationship with Li Muxian.

And Qu Xiaoxiao seemed to finally understand what happened, looked at Mo Jiu in disbelief, her voice trembling: "You... those people were all you killed?"

"You are killing innocent people, you are a real monster! When Muxian wakes up, she will definitely solve you!" Qu Xiaoxiao said angrily, as if to share feelings with the relatives who were slaughtered by Slaughter Dao.

Mo Jiu's pupils showed a trace of ferocity, said with a sneer: "Kill innocents? Do you want to see what is the real killing of innocents?"

Qu Xiaoxiao was frightened, her pretty face pale, and her words stopped abruptly. It was only then that he thought that Mo Jiu's strength far surpassed them. If he wanted to, he could make them disappear in this world with no difficulty.

Luo Qingwu also has a heartbeat like a drum, worrying that Mo Jiu will violently hurt people at any time.

But Mo Jiu just made a simple threat, and then withdrew his gaze: "If she can't wake up again, I will take her away."

He turned his head, Ling Lie's eyes stared at Luo Qingwu who was about to speak again: "I have a way to wake her up. Since you can't, why are you trying to keep her here? Waiting to die?"

This The monsters want to take away their companions...

"She will wake up." Luo Qingwu clenched her hands.

At this point, her good feelings for Mo Jiu have been completely wiped out.

Behind her, where Mo Jiu and Luo Qingwu couldn't notice, Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to burst into flames, but when she thought of something, the corners of her lips curled up slightly. .


At noon, Qu Xiaoxiao brought back a middle-aged woman, dressed in clean clothes, gentle and elegant. not on.

Luo Qingwu glanced at it lightly, but didn't report any hope, she only said: "Daoist, help me to have a look."

The middle-aged woman nodded lightly and glanced at it. After passing Mo Jiu, he didn't even stop, as if he didn't care about his stunning appearance at all, his eyes moved to Li Muxian.

"This Fellow Daoist...but the energy is running out?" The woman probed.

Only seeing Li Muxian's symptoms at a glance, Luo Qingwu couldn't help but take it seriously, cup one fist in the other hand and said, "Dare to ask the senior's name."

The woman poses He waved his hand, lightly said with a smile: "I'm not a Taoist priest, just call me by my name, my name is...Fang Yi."

(end of this chapter)

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