Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 170


Chapter 170 little brother, look good...

The fox demon carefully felt the breath of Mo Jiu, and really caught a trace of familiarity The taste is similar to his origin.

The memory in the back of his mind was awakened, and Mo Jiu in front of the fox demon seemed to have turned into a snow-white fox, finally letting him confirm his identity.

"younger brother." The fox demon shouted, but there was no trace of excitement in his tone, instead he stared at Mo Jiu with cold eyes.

Let's not talk about whether there is still a relationship between them after more than ten years, even if there is, it is not worth mentioning at all when Mo Jiu is holding Li Muxian in his arms.

The deep affection in Mo Jiu's eyes is real, he is in love with this woman?

Oh, monsters fall in love with humans!

The corner of the fox demon's mouth raised a sarcastic arc, and said indifferently: "Leave now, I won't kill you."

"She saved me." Mo Jiu just calmly Said this sentence.

The fox demon's eyes fluctuated, and he instantly understood why Mo Jiu wanted to protect Li Muxian.

"Life-saving grace, you have to devote one's life to?"

"No." Mo Jiu shook the head, "and company."

The fox demon smiled seductively: "Then how long have we been together?"

"So I won't kill you, you can go." Mo Jiu said.

The fox demon's long and narrow fox eyes squinted into a dangerous arc, and then there was a sound of clothes breaking, a tail appeared behind him, and two pointed ears grew on his head. , the fierceness in his eyes is about to come out.

half-human and half-monster, not only have the agility and flexibility of human beings, but also can exert the Innate Ability of ontology.

This is a fight.

Seeing this, Mo Jiu let out a soft sigh: "Why?"

He didn't want to attack the fox demon.

However, this gesture fell into the eyes of the fox demon, and it became a complete mockery. He let out a harsh scream from his mouth and rushed towards Mo Jiu.

"Be careful!" Luo Qingwu reminded subconsciously.

Then, she and Qu Xiaoxiao saw an unforgettable scene.


The sound of clothes breaking sounded again, Mo Jiu's back was straight, and a thick, fluffy fox tail slowly drilled out from his tail, white as if it was like the bright moon in the sky. Complementing each other and complementing each other, two pure white fox ears were drilled out of their head.

Obviously the form of the fox demon is exactly the same, but Luo Qingwu and the others could not feel a trace of cruelty and very ruthless aura from Mo Jiu, but a kind of alienation and holiness that was hard to touch. It was as if a fairy fox from the sky had descended. Although they were both foxes, their temperaments were vastly different.

The next moment, the fox tail behind Mo Jiu suddenly stood up, and a ripple rippled out, like a phantom, and eight equally white fox tails appeared, slowly at a seemingly extremely slow speed. Open, like petals blooming behind him.

And when Mo Jiu's nine fox tails were completely spread out beside him, and they all pointed at the fox demon, the fox demon just flew right in front of him.

A touch of silver light flashed, Luo Qingwu and the others only heard a cry of pain, and when they looked towards the front, there was only one standing silhouette left, and the nine fox tails turned into one again. , the pure white hair was stained with a few drops of gorgeous blood, looking bewitching and full of charm.

The fox tail slowly converged and disappeared, but the destroyed clothes could not be restored automatically, Luo Qingwu saw a piece of snow white, really white, even whiter than the hair on the fox tail. Seed soft and delicate.

For some reason, under such circumstances, Luo Qingwu's cheeks were inexplicably flushed.

She tilted her head, not to take advantage of Mo Jiu, but found that Qu Xiaoxiao's face was also flushed, she was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood.


This is a symptom of a fox seduction.

The heart that Luo Qingwu had put down suddenly lifted up again, she heard the conversation between this fox demon and the fleeing fox demon before her, and she probably understood a little bit. That is, he took action to save Li Muxian, because Li Muxian had saved him before, and he may have been with him for a long time, he developed feelings for Li Muxian, and the way of repaying his kindness, he really wanted to devote one's life to also maybe.

But since that's the case, why does he want to charm them? In his eyes, only Li Muxian's life is the most important thing, and the others are not worth mentioning?

At this moment, Mo Jiu tilted his head slightly, as if he was about to turn around, Luo Qingwu's heart suddenly felt a chill, and her body couldn't help being shivered.

In the end, he just moved his head and didn't turn his head. As if he had the ability to read minds, he knew what Luo Qingwu was worried about, and chuckled softly: "I didn't charm you, obviously you were staring at me all the time, and the desire in your heart was naturally aroused."

Luo Qingwu's face turned even redder, but it was caused by shame.

There is nothing more embarrassing than staring at someone all the time and then being discovered by them.

In addition, when Luo Qingwu listened to Mo Jiu's voice, she felt it was very pleasant and pleasant, and she also vaguely felt a hint of familiarity.

It's not that the voice is familiar, but the tone of the speech that makes her feel like she's heard it somewhere.

Mo Jiu suddenly asked: "Are you two of her companions?"

Luo Qingwu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Yes!"

She was afraid The answer was too slow, making Mo Jiu think that it was not, and got rid of them like weeds on the roadside.

"Then many thanks for your care and company for her over the years." Mo Jiu's words softened.

Luo Qingwu frowned slightly, this does it sound like a declaration of sovereignty?

Qu Xiaoxiao said suddenly: "I don't need your thanks, you are not the who of Muxian's elder sister."

Qu Xiaoxiao's words...and this first The 'Muxian elder sister' who appeared next does it feel like she's declaring sovereignty?

"Xiaoxiao!" Luo Qingwu shouted, reminding him not to provoke Mo Jiu, both of their lives were in his hands.

However, Mo Jiu didn't get angry and didn't look back, instead he chuckled: "Are you her who?"

"I'm her companion, friend, My partner, and... the only younger brother!" Qu Xiaoxiao said loudly, even though he was still injured, this sentence was full of anger.

"I thought it was my partner..." Mo Jiu said with a smile.

Qu Xiaoxiao's face flushed red. She didn't know if it was because of her anger or the influence of the charm technique. She gritted her teeth and said, "It will be in the future!" The air here suddenly cooled down, as if a chill emanated from Mo Jiu.

The eyes shrank in Luo Qingwu's eyes gathered the strength that she finally recovered during this period of time, clenched her Peach Wood Sword tightly again, and stared at Mo Jiu vigilantly.

Mo Jiu laughed again: "I'm afraid it won't be the case in the future..."

"Little brother, keep your eyes open and be optimistic."

Qu Xiaoxiao raised her head abruptly and looked at it, who was afraid that you wouldn't...

Her eyes suddenly widened.

Seeing that, Mo Jiu turned a direction, just so that Li Muxian's face appeared in front of him, and then deliberately under his line of sight, slowly lowered his head... and kissed Li Muxian's red lips !

(end of this chapter)

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