Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 171


Chapter 171 Death is inevitable

This kiss not only left Qu Xiaoxiao stunned, even Luo Qingwu was stunned There.

There are still people here!

They are still here!

And Mo Jiu's kiss was not just sticking it up, touching Li Muxian's lips lightly, but...

Qu Xiaoxiao stared blankly at this scene , at a certain moment captured a touch of pink. Tender color, something in the mouth is pink, the answer is self-evident.

His face turned red in an instant, pointing at Mo Jiu with a trembling voice: "You, can you be so frivolous!"

Mo Jiu separated Li Muxian, right Hand casually swiped the corner of his lips, wiped off a trace of transparent liquid adhering to it, and said lightly with a smile: "I am a vixen."

"A vixen can be so rude. Is it?!" Qu Xiaoxiao is really unbearable, anyone who sees the person he likes being arbitrarily acted by others will be unable to control his emotions.

Luo Qingwu didn't have time to stop him, Qu Xiaoxiao had already spit out two words that contained insults.

Mo Jiu's answer was unexpected.

He not only did not have a trace of anger, but he laughed more and more happily, and the words he said were shocking: "I am a lowly. What if she is my master, what does the slave look like in front of the master? Isn't everything normal? Back then, she liked to hold me in her arms and touched me all the time."

Qu Xiaoxiao's pupils were trembling, obviously she didn't expect it Mo Jiu would say such things.

Does this person have no shame at all? !

Yes, he is a monster, and his body is a fox, and he simply does not have the same courtesy and shame as people.

Qu Xiaoxiao feels that he is about to collapse in front of Mo Jiu, he has enough to let go of his shame and admit his love for Li Muxian in front of others, but this is nothing to Mo Jiu Lethality will only attract ridicule.

Qu Xiaoxiao mentioned the last bit of courage and loudly said: "At that time you were just a fox!"

"Yes." The fox ears on Mo Jiu's head seemed to be After playing deftly a few times, "But I'm a human now. Well, I can finally repay my kindness." His body was shaking.

This fox!

Suddenly, he thought of something, and there was a bit of coldness in his words, and he said word by word: "You and her are absolutely impossible, she knows you are a demon and will only kill you! "

Mo Jiu's smile subsided, shook his head and said, "No."

"No?" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, "You know she has experienced What? Even if she doesn't love anyone in her life, she may end up alone, but it's impossible to fall in love with a demon!"

Mo Jiu seemed shocked: "What happened to her?"

"The hatred of mother and father, the hatred of murdering teachers." Luo Qingwu replied.

Hearing the word 'kill the master', Mo Jiu's body trembled visibly, and his imposing manner instantly weakened.

Qu Xiaoxiao and Luo Qingwu seemed to hear Mo Jiu's weak voice and said three words: "I'm sorry..."

Then his hand touched Li Muxian's. On the chest, the hideous wound there slowly recovered and formed a blood scab.

"Please take care of her." Mo Jiu whispered.

Luo Qingwu asked, "What about you?"

She thought Mo Jiu would stay.

Mo Jiu did not answer.

If Luo Qingwu didn't lie, then he knew exactly what kind of hatred Li Muxian harbored towards monsters.

My parents died, and the Master also died under the hands of the monsters... And at that time, in order to transform people, he just left, so she could only avoid the monsters' pursuit by herself.

With such an experience, why would she fall in love with a demon?

It was right that he didn't see Li Muxian with his true face, at least not now.

The next moment, Mo Jiu slowly put Li Muxian on the ground, and left an afterimage on the spot, disappeared.

From beginning to end, neither Luo Qingwu nor Qu Xiaoxiao saw his appearance.

Just left?

The two of them looked at each other silently, then climbed up from the ground with difficulty, moved to Li Muxian's side, and found that the wound on her chest had been stopped by Mo Jiu, so they sighed in relief.

"Go back." Luo Qingwu carried Li Muxian behind her back and followed Qu Xiaoxiao on the way back step by step.


Tick, tick...

A series of drops of blood fell to the ground, making a clear audible sound in the silent night, and behind them A blood-colored trail was left on the ground.

The fox demon supported the tree trunk with his hands, almost half of his body leaned on it, and moved slowly, his face was bloodless, as white as paper, and he kept breathing heavily.

Although Mo Jiu let him go, the blow still caused him huge damage, and he lost a lot of the energy he absorbed, and he didn't know how many more women's energy he had to absorb. Qi can make up for it.

Now he must hurry back to his own territory to retreat and heal his injuries, otherwise, in his current state, he may suffer from wild beasts who cannot change shape.


Suddenly, there was a slight movement in the ear, and the fox demon's eyes froze for a moment, and turned to look into the dark shadow: "Come out!"

A silhouette slowly walked out, gradually becoming clearer. It was a woman with a feminine face, with a faint azure around her eyes, and she looked lethargic.

Ordinary person?

The fox demon saw at a glance that the person in front of her had no cultivation base, and immediately gave her a positioning.

Is it a villager or a bandit who lives near here, seeing his weak appearance and intending to rob him?

The fox demon didn't panic at all, but a little smile appeared in his eyes.

He was about to sleep when someone brought a pillow.

He doesn't mind women coveting his beauty because he enjoys it too.

Of course, he was referring to the extreme joy and comfort that came from the heart when absorbing the essence of those women and taking their lives, as if they were soaring.

Thinking of this, the fox demon licked the corner of his lips, but his face showed a look of panic, and he said in a hurry: " don't come here, I...I am a monster! Come here... I'll kill you."

There was a sneering smile in his eyes, he knew best what he looked like that could arouse women's desire, desire and animal nature, and he didn't need to show special charm at all. If he did, these women would pounce on him like hungry wolves, eager to devour him.

However, the woman in front of him did not show any interest in him, so the demon fox sensed something was wrong, and began to mobilize the remaining demon power in his body, intending to escape at all times.

The woman ridiculed said with a smile: "trifling a vixen and trying to seduce Poor Daoist?"


The fox demon immediately changed his face. The Taoist priest also saw through his real body at a glance. The cultivation base must not be low. He is now her opponent and must escape!

He was about to take a step, but his body was directly stiff there, the chill as if being stared at by a poisonous snake spread throughout his body, freezing his body.

The fox demon turned around and saw a pair of icy vertical pupils, the woman with a forked tongue stuck out her mouth, and a hand grabbed his neck with a chuckle.

And then...


(end of this chapter)

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