Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 169


Chapter 169 See you at last

The pupils in Li Muxian's bright eyes are trembling, recalling the long-lost past and once.

The fox demon was dumbfounded, and he thought that what awaited him would be death.

Even if the talisman falls off, it will be difficult for him to mobilize his mana immediately. As long as Li Muxian shoots at this time, he will surely die.

But for some reason, she didn't, and he passed the most dangerous moment because of this. The surging demon power re-circulated in his body, and his flustered heart gradually calmed down.

After calming down, he could see at a glance that Li Muxian's current state was not right, as if he regarded him as someone?

The fox demon didn't think about why Li Muxian had such complicated feelings for a monster, he just saw an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to solve these three Taoist priests together here!

Thinking like this, the fox demon made a look of nostalgia in his eyes, let out a mournful cry from his mouth, and raised his head to Li Muxian with difficulty, as if he wanted to. Climb over and touch her.

This look in Li Muxian's eyes made her sure that this is Xiaobai, she did not control her emotions, squatted down, moved towards Fox Demon and slowly extended a hand: " Is it really you..."

The fox demon also moved towards Li Muxian and slowly held out his paws. Seeing that the two were about to touch each other, there was a sudden change. The sharp claws stretched out from the front palm, and fiercely grabbed against Li Muxian's chest!


The blood light flashed, Li Muxian's Taoist robe was torn and shattered, and five dazzling bloodstains appeared on the snow-white skin.

"Mu Xian!" Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao shouted in unison.

The fox demon wanted to pierce her chest with a paw, but she didn't expect her to react so quickly, and at the last moment, her body suddenly retreated some distance, avoiding the sharpest part. .

Li Muxian groaned in pain, looked pale, and the clothes on her chest were soaked with blood, but the pain in her body was far less than the pain in her heart, she never thought that Xiaobai would suddenly attack her.


The fox demon turned into a human again, Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao rushed over and protected Li Muxian behind her.

He didn't want to take action against Li Muxian anymore. She had lost her battle strength. As long as he solved the remaining two people, she would be impossible to escape.

But be that as it may, he also impossible not to hurt Li Muxian, and shot without any scruples.

Looking at Luo Qingwu and the others, they were also distracted to protect Li Muxian so that she would not be affected by the battle.

'Host, haven't you shot yet? 'The system is worried about Mo Jiu,' Li Muxian recognized him as you. He hurt her and consumed her trust in you! '

Mo Jiu's voice was calm: 'He's not me after all. And Li Muxian's trust in me is of no use, it can't change her hatred of monsters. '

The system understands a bit, which means that Li Muxian will find out later that this person is not the host. But why would her trust not work?

When the system was confused, Mo Jiu suddenly said: 'It's time. '

As soon as he said a few words to the system, the battle below was completely one-sided. Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao, complexion pale, were struggling to support and would fall at any time.

The next moment, a demonic force erupted from the fox demon's body, and the impact caused the two of them to fly upside down and fall to the ground, no longer able to resist.

The fox demon's eyes showed a bloodthirsty look of excitement. If he absorbed the essence of these three people, he would become stronger!

"en?" He felt something, turned around slowly, and saw that Li Muxian was struggling to stand up. It looked like he was on the verge of collapse, and the Peach Wood Sword in his hand had to be clenched tightly before he could hold it. live.

The fox demon sneered: "Are you rushing to die?"

Li Muxian fixedly looked at him and whispered weakly: "You are not Xiaobai..."

At this moment, she finally discovered something strange, and the monster in front of her was not Xiaobai.

But if it's really Xiaobai, will she be in the same situation as before when she meets him?

After all, he was able to leave her side recklessly in the first place. After ten years, his feelings for her are estimated to have become thin. If we meet again, can we not use crafty plots and machinations, just and honorable? Killing her is already a reflection of old feelings.

"Since you are courting death, then I will send you off first!" The fox demon looked fierce, moved towards Li Muxian and rushed over.

She gritted her teeth and stabbed with all her remaining strength.

There is no feeling of being stabbed, only a demon wind is coming.

That's it over...

Qingwu and Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that I hurt you...

Li Muxian Unable to hold it any longer, his body fell backwards softly, but instead of falling to the ground, he seemed to be poured into a warm embrace, and a faint fragrance penetrated into his nose.

So familiar scent...

Li Muxian opened her eyes, trying to see who rescued her, but only saw a beautiful silver hair.

The monster? No, impossible, it's... Xiaobai!

Li Muxian's spirit was suddenly lifted, and she desperately wanted to see the picture in front of her, but her vision was always blurred, and she could only see a hazy outline, so illusory that it was not like reality, just like a scene in a dream .

"Xiao Bai..." Li Muxian said hoarsely.

"en. ”

The body of the person holding her seemed to tremble, and then she replied softly, tenderness like water, and the faint word seemed to contain thousands of emotions .

It's really Xiaobai...

Li Muxian smiled, and there was a smile on his face from the bottom of his heart.

She thought she would question Xiaobai and ask if the monster calamity had something to do with him, but when she met him, her joy trumped all other emotions.

She smiled and suddenly became anxious again, would Xiaobai be this monster's opponent?

"Little...heart..." Li Muxian reminded him word by word, and then couldn't hold it any longer. He closed his eyes and fainted.

"You are..." The fox demon stared at the man in front of him with vigilance, and he felt a strong threat from him.

Mo Jiu ignored him at all, just stared down at the girl in his arms, the deep affection in his eyes seemed to silently describe his love.

Not far away, Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao struggled to support their bodies, they couldn't see Mo Jiu's face, only his silver hair fell to the ground, shock filled their hearts.

Another monster?

But he doesn't seem to mean to hurt Li Muxian. Who is he and what does he want to do?

Mo Jiu's ignoring attitude angered the fox demon, making him squeeze a wild beast roar from his throat, he finally lifts the head, looks at him, indifferently said: "big brother, long time no see."

"" The fox demon widened his eyes, and his pupils trembled.

(end of this chapter)

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