Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 162


Chapter 162 Rest

Li Muxian is obviously a person who usually gives advice. When deciding something, Luo Qing Both dancers will respect and believe her choice.

So, Mo Jiu joined them and left the restaurant with them.

Mo Jiu naturally wears his 'two-piece suit', and when he puts on the veil, all his appearance is hidden under it, but because Li Muxian and the others have already seen his true face, even if Wearing a veil, I also know what kind of face is under the black veil. On the contrary, it adds a sense of haze and mystery, making it even more charming.

From the way Li Muxian and the others looked steadily forward, they didn't dare to look at him to see it at a glance.

In Mo Jiu's mind, the laughter of the system never stopped.

How to describe it?

The host is already acting, playing the role of 'Hu Jiu'. In the face of Li Muxian and the others, he was using another image to deceive them. To put it simply, there is a play in the play, and it is interesting how you look at it.

To know that the host is now a fox spirit, Li Muxian's three words, "Fox Jiu" is not enough, it is really possible, but it will not show that shy and innocent look. It was just to let Li Muxian and the others relax their vigilance, and by the way, they also retrieved some of the skins that he lost when he was teasing them, so as to integrate into them.

Everything is a routine!

Mo Jiu is helpless: 'Is it so funny? '

'Well, it's really fun to watch the host lie. 'system noded.

Mo Jiu indifferently said: 'They were not deceived by me. '

'Eh? ' The system stopped smiling, 'Didn't they all take you on the road? '

Mo Jiu didn't answer, just glanced at Li Muxian and the others out of the corner of his eye.

He seems to have integrated into them, but in fact they still have strong vigilance towards him, even Luo Qingwu who seems to have an inexplicable affection for him, but she is one of the three. The least precaution against him.

Yes, the three of them traveled the world and slayed demons everywhere. If they were not careful, they would have died on the road long ago, and how could they have come to Winterfell.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they agree to let him follow, he will always let them completely let go of their guards.

Along the way, Li Muxian and the others haven't rested yet.

Mo Jiu did his 'friendship with landlords' and brought Li Muxian and the others to the Inn where he lived for ten years.

"Boss." Mo Jiu called, and a woman came downstairs.

The three of Li Muxian looked at her, and their expressions changed slightly, because they found that the woman's left hand was wrapped in a ball of gauze, and it was covered with scarlet blood, so thick that it seemed that blood would drip at any time.

This is what it looks like after being soaked in blood.

In his own Inn, the Boss lost a hand?

The normal Inn seemed to suddenly become a little weird.

But Li Muxian and the others are not ordinary people. They were used to seeing blood, but they were only slightly moved, and they soon returned to normal.

"Boss." Mo Jiu called out again, whispering softly, "I brought three friends here, can you open a few more rooms for them?"

The woman's face turned pale, hearing this remark, slowly nodded, hoarsely said: "Take them there, the three rooms upstairs are all yours."

"Thank you Boss." Mo Jiu smiled Mesmerizing.

Mo Jiu took Li Muxian and the three upstairs, and it was not until he disappeared from the woman's sight that there was deep fear in her eyes.

The act of making people self-mutilate, even if a woman is obsessed with Mo Jiu, this feeling will disappear.

even more how, her fascination with Mo Jiu simply doesn't come from feelings.

"He's a monster... He's a monster..." The woman kept mumbling, the pupils in her eyes trembling slightly.

Suddenly, she suddenly dumbfounded, as if thinking of something, her eyes widened: "By the way, the demon slayer... the demon slayer can definitely subdue him!"

The woman seemed to have seen the scene where Mo Jiu was removed by the demon slayer, and regained her courage.

She looked up at the stairs on the second floor, her eyes revealing resentment and resentment that had been suppressed for a long time.


Mo Jiu arranged rooms for the three of Li Muxian and was about to go back to his room when Li Muxian suddenly stopped him: "Wait."

Only the two of them were in the corridor. Mo Jiu pursed his lips and said lightly with a smile: "What do you want to stop big brother?"

Faced with his teasing, Li Muxian even had resistance and remained unmoved: "Did you charm the boss of this Inn with He.Huanzong's magic?"

Mo Jiu looked suspiciously at Li Muxian. He glanced at her, and after seeing her icy gaze, the smile slowly subsided.

"You take me for who?" Mo Jiu's voice was cold for the first time, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, as if he was very angry that Li Muxian doubted him like this. .

Mo Jiu's anger doesn't seem to be fake, at least Li Muxian can't see the traces of his disguise, the cold eyes have also weakened a little, and the tone has become a lot lower: "Why do you just rely on your words? , she just opened three rooms for us?"

"What do you think the Inn and the restaurant need to pay for!" Mo Jiu moved towards Li Muxian fiercely and threw something, she After taking it easily, it was discovered that it was a silver ingot.

Li Muxian's expression instantly became a little embarrassed, yes, as long as you have paid enough money, let alone open three rooms, even if you wrap up the entire Inn, there is no problem.

Mo Jiu turned around in anger, moved towards his room and walked quickly, Li Muxian said with an apologetic voice behind him: "Sorry, I shouldn't just doubt or question you casually."

Mo Jiu stood there, leaving Li Muxian with a perfect back, with long black hair reaching his waist, coldly said: "Although my cultivation is the He. Huanzong cultivation technique, I have never done it. I've done something wrong."

These words were spoken in a bold and powerful way, without a trace of hesitation.

After saying this, Mo Jiu walked into his room and closed the door tightly, leaving Li Muxian alone in the corridor, looking down at his boots in silence.

She was really abrupt.

In Mo Jiu's room.

'Host, how did you say these words without blushing? '

Mo Jiu indifferently said: 'I'm not lying, the magic method I used to seduce her is not from He.Huanzong, but my own seduction. Also, I asked her to cut off a hand, not to harm the world, but to eliminate harm for the people. '

The system opened its mouth slightly and was stunned.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

'The host, do you really want to get rid of demons with them tomorrow? '

'Of course. 'Mo Jiu takes off his veil and hat, and puts it on the table,' so that he has a chance to encounter danger, otherwise how can we enhance our relationship? '

'What if there was no danger? 'The system asked

Mo Jiu smiled: 'There is no danger, then create danger. '

(end of this chapter)

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