Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 161


Chapter 161 He. Huan Zong?

"A monster? I think about it..."

Hearing the word 'monster', the girl didn't change her expression like Li Muxian and the others, as if she had long since noticed it.

"We don't have any monsters in Winterfell, but outside Winterfell, I have heard of..."

The girl was thinking and talking. Mo Jiu just sat there, listening with a smile on his face, nodding from time to time, and with a soft 'um', the girl was greatly satisfied and spoke more and more vigorously.

"...It's almost these places." The girl said the last word, and then stared at Mo Jiu, as if she was expecting something.

Mo Jiu got her wish, lightly said with a smile: "Thank you Little Sister." He also blinked his right eye.

The girl's face instantly turned red, and the whole person seemed to faint, she said 'no thanks', turned around and left here.

The three of Li Muxian looked at this scene with stunned expressions, and watched as Mo Jiu's rhetoric turned the shopkeeper into Divine Soul upside down, and then they got what they wanted without paying any price. Information.

Is it still possible?

Qu Xiaoxiao whispered: "Fox spirit..."

Mo Jiu turned to look at him and blinked at him.

Qu Xiaoxiao delicate and pretty's face became a little red, and she stopped talking.

"Well, I didn't disappoint you, did I?" Mo Jiu smiled and moved his gaze to Luo Qingwu's face.

Luo Qingwu was afraid that he would also throw a wink at her, and found that he was talking to her normally, quietly sighed in relief, and for some reason she felt a little lost, so she could only say: "big brother... Great."

During this process, Li Muxian remained silent until then, she finally said, "Since the news asked us, let's go."

They came The purpose of this is to inquire about news. At this moment, if you get what you want, you can naturally leave.

Mo Jiu was stunned for a moment, his face full of surprise: "Wait!"

Li Muxian had already stood up, hearing this bowed his head and glanced at him condescendingly: "What? "

"I helped you like this, you want to walk to walk?"

"Does Young Master want a reward?" Li Muxian nodded, "Xiaoxiao, give it to him." A silver ingot."

Qu Xiaoxiao quickly took out a silver ingot and handed it to Mo Jiu, with a little taking pleasure in other people's misfortune in her eyes.

You keep making fun of us, do you really think we're your bauble?

Mo Jiu didn't hold out hands to receive, Li Muxian brows slightly raised: "Not enough? Good, give this Young Master five more silver ingots."

Mo Jiu winked slightly. : "I don't want money!"

"What do you want? Could it be that Master Young has a crush on who we are here?" Li Muxian glanced at Luo Qingwu, and the implication was self-evident, "Although This guy here seems to be interested in Young Master, but she is our companion, so we can't give it to Young Master. Let's cancel each other out, I helped Young Master, Young Master helped us inquire about news, and also helped We have repaid our kindness, and we don't owe each other."

Luo Qingwu looked bewildered, why did she get involved with her?

Mo Jiu was also caught off guard by Li Muxian's sudden attack, so he could only say: "I help you of my own accord, and I don't ask for anything in return."

"But according to me As far as I know, there is no free benefit in this world." Li Muxian's eyes gradually became sharper, "Whatever Master Young wants, just say it."

Mo Jiu looked a little ugly, but Li Muxian said nothing. Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, then opened his lips and said, "I think...I want to join you, okay?"

Li Muxian doesn't change: "Why?"

"Aren't you going to find monsters? I haven't seen monsters, so I want to follow you to see..."

Mo Jiu was interrupted by Qu Xiaoxiao before he finished speaking. "That can't be done. Monsters are very dangerous. You don't have a cultivation base. It's easy to get into trouble with us. When the time comes, we don't have the energy to protect you."

Mo Jiu knows this. It's a blatant rejection, not only because he has no cultivation base, but also because they don't trust him, who would trust a stranger who has just met for a while?

But he had to be with them, otherwise it would be difficult to enhance his relationship with Li Muxian.

And if you want to walk with them, you must dispel their inner doubts.

Thinking like this, Mo Jiu bit his lower lip lightly, and that stunning face showed a rare bit of shyness: "You don't have to protect me, I have the ability to protect myself. It's... it's the Disciple of the Harmonious Bond Sect..."

At the end of the sentence, Mo Jiu's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, but Li Muxian and the others heard it, and they were shocked.

"Harmonious Bond Sect?" The faces of Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu became very ugly.

They don't know the Harmonious Bond Sect, but they know it from some books and the mouths of storytellers. Usually the people of He.Huanzong play notorious villains in it, Jie Se, Jie Nan, and even the male Disciple of He.Huanzong, they don't keep the morality of men at all, they are extremely sloppy, I don't know what is in the normal way. How many times did those female disciples do it.

And the man in front of him, is that kind of person?

Mo Jiu knew what they had misunderstood when he saw their faces, and hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think. I was just taught the cultivation technique of He. Huan Zong by the Master. It's very suitable for practice. After practice, I know what He.Huanzong is, but it's too late... But no one has ever touched me, and my innocence is still there!"

At the end In a word, Mo Jiu looked at the strange faces of Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu, and then realized what he had said, and his face suddenly turned crimson. He was ashamed and unable to show one's face, covering his face with his hands, lying on the table all over, even his ears were flushed, looking very hot.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Li Muxian suddenly realized that they understood a lot of things at once.

It's no wonder that Mo Jiu's every move has such a style. It turns out that what he cultivates is the cultivation technique of Harmonious Bond Sect.

And looking at his appearance at the moment, it obviously subverted their impression of him. From the previous sexy bearing and charming temperament, he suddenly turned into a pure and innocent little boy.

But they all have a feeling, this seems to be Mo Jiu's true face, if it is a man who has experienced a lot of that kind of thing, he must not have such a reaction, it is very difficult to pretend to be.

This also explains why Mo Jiu is alone and has not encountered any danger. Although he does not have a cultivation base, judging from his words and deeds, he still has the ability to charm people, and most people really can't do anything about him.

As long as you don't go to remote places, you really don't have to worry about your own safety in Winterfell.

Li Muxian looked at Mo Jiu who was ashamed and angry, and a smile finally flashed in her eyes: "If that's the case, then you can follow us."

(End of this chapter)

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