Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 163


Chapter 163 Swagger

This day has passed so peacefully, Li Muxian and others have been hurrying these days, indeed He was so tired that he fell on the bed and fell asleep as soon as he entered the room.

It's not that Mo Jiu didn't have the idea of quietly going to Li Muxian's room. Whether it's a human mentality or a fox's appearance, it is estimated that there will be some effects, but I don't know if it's good or bad, so I dismissed the idea.

In this way, they slept until tomorrow morning. After the three of Li Muxian washed up, they called Mo Jiu and set off.

Their purpose is clear, heading straight to the village some distance from Winterfell.

It used to be snowing all the time, but after gradually getting away from Winterfell, there was no more.

This is the origin of the name 'Winterfell'. The west of Winterfell and inside the city are pure white snow, and the place apart from this is the normal environment.

Since the first emperor proclaimed himself emperor, it has always been like this. It is not that no emperor has sent people to investigate, but none of them have been found.

If it is said to be a monster, can it be solved? Since it can't be solved, it can't be said, otherwise it will inevitably lead to panic and the anger of the emperor, so it is called the 'auspicious place', and even built a city here, and gradually developed into an imperial city. Second largest city.

But Mo Jiu noticed something strange when he first came to Winterfell. The falling snow clearly contained the inscrutable Monster Qi, but no one noticed it.

This is also the reason why he lives here. Because of Monster Qi, even a Taoist priest with proven mana can't see his true body, and it is safest to stay in Winterfell.

But the question is, what kind of monster can affect the environment of Heaven and Earth, even in falling snow, there is Monster Qi hidden in it, and others can't catch it at all?

Mo Jiu didn't go into this question carefully because it has nothing to do with him. There is a high probability that it will be the 'ultimate BOSS' that Li Muxian will encounter in the future.

The village is right in front of you. According to the girl in the teahouse, two families have recently died here, and the deaths are extremely tragic.

The description of the girl is not very detailed, and it is estimated that even she is not clear about the specific death.

Walking into the village, I saw a group of people outside a thatched hut.

Mo Jiu's body is 1.7 meters tall, only a head shorter than Li Muxian. Standing outside the crowd, he can see what's going on inside. He sees a female Taoist priest in a daoist robe, right. He held a long sword in his hand and a talisman in his left hand, with a symbol in chicken blood on it, and his lips kept squirming, as if he was chanting a spell and doing it.

"go! ”

After talking for a while, the female Taoist priest threw the talisman moved towards the house in front of her, and the talisman turned into a first-class of light , flew into the thatched hut.

This hand is really fancy, at least there is no problem in fooling this group of villagers without mana, and there is a sudden exclamation here.

"Master An, is this all right?" a middle-aged man asked the Taoist priest.

Andaoist closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, a bright glow flashed in her eyes, matched with her clean and tidy daoist robe, she looked very good-looking, indifferently said: "I have used talisman for This house has been banned, and the monster will never dare to take a step closer to this place in the future, otherwise it will be... death!"

The word 'death' fell, and the long sword in her hand suddenly let out a sword cry, as if echoing her.

This invisibly shines again.

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly became extremely respectful and he said, "Thank you Daoist, thank you Daoist!"

"No need for many thanks." Andao Shi looked calm , the man's compliment didn't affect her at all, "Poor Daoist is just doing things with money."

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man reacted and hurriedly took out a small stack from his pocket. The crumpled coin was handed to Andors: "Please accept it."

"en." Andors received the money very quickly and naturally.

At this time, another villager spoke up: "Master, can you give us this thing for the whole village?"

Among the crowd, a man with white hair and beard The old man changed his face, turned his head and scolded: "Don't offend Chief An Daoist!"

Andaoist shook the head, indicating that he didn't care, but sighed: "Poor Daoist also thinks the same way, so I can Solve the monster disaster once and for all. However, Poor Daoist has low mana, and can only cast spell on one room. If it is a whole village... Poor Daoist is probably powerless."

"An Daoist is too modest." The old man said kindly, which was very different from his attitude towards the villagers.

"Then let Chief An Dao take turns using spells for our houses one by one."

"Wang Erlong!" The old man roared angrily. He closed his mouth immediately.

She turned her head again and hurriedly apologized to the Taoist priest: "Master An, don't get angry, it's Erlong who is ignorant, too greedy, and offended the Taoist priest."

I don't know. Andaoist shrugged the head again, and said, "Poor Daoist has exactly this intention. Since I was passing by here and I came across this kind of thing, then Poor Daoist naturally has to do my best to eliminate harm for the people."

"But it takes too much physical strength to cast the spell, and it is difficult for Poor Daoist to cast it a second time on the same day, so he can only come back tomorrow."

"Okay." The old man was taken aback for a moment. , and then a look of surprise, obviously did not expect Andaoist to be willing to help them in this way, and there were even tears in his cloudy eyes, and hurriedly said, "Quick, take Chief Andao to rest, must be a good hospitality!"

Andao Shi left here under the leadership of the village chief, and just before she left, a clear smile flashed in her eyes.

Mo Jiu and the others witnessed all of this completely, like a mirror in their hearts, they knew that this Taoist priest was just bluffing, what talisman, what sword cry, nothing but good looks, the Monster in that thatched hut. Qi is still strong, and it all diffuses out, without weakening in the slightest.

The group of villagers gradually dispersed, and only then did they notice the four Mo Jiu who came here. They looked alert and asked, "What do you want to do?"

They have experienced The many times of the monsters raging, it has been a little bit of a bird.

Before Luo Qingwu could speak, Mo Jiu smiled slightly to them: "We just happened to pass by here, don't do anything, you all go back."

The voice fell, The group of people had doubts in their eyes, but they dispersed according to the words and went back home.

Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Mo Jiu in shock, obviously shocked by his methods.

Qu Xiaoxiao stared: "You bewitched them?"

"It's very convenient, isn't it?" Mo Jiu said, "It saves a lot of trouble."

"You are a crooked way!" Qu Xiaoxiao glared at him.

"Okay." Li Muxian stopped Qu Xiaoxiao and whispered, "Although it is a crooked way, as long as it is used properly, it will not harm anyone."

"You Yes..." Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, was Li Muxian talking for Mo Jiu?

(end of this chapter)

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