Well, it's okay. I'll accompany you home. Don't come out so late if it's okay.

Holding the glasses, Kanzaki Yang gently put them back on Kiryu Lanhua.

Sure enough, this kind of Kiryu Aka was the Kiryu Aka he was familiar with.

President? Did the president save me?

After pinching to make sure he was not dreaming, Kiryu Lanhua asked blankly.

It's me, you're really bold. If a girl goes out at night, wouldn't she be afraid of meeting a crazy guy?

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand.

Kiryu Lanhua hesitated for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand and stood up with the help of Kanzaki Yang.

Could it be that the idiot the president mentioned is the president himself?

Kiryu Lanhua curled up his lips.

Perhaps because she had found her glasses, or perhaps because Kanzaki Yang's hand made her feel very safe, Kiryu Aika temporarily escaped from the state of a frightened bird.

Am I a crazy person? Well, if you want me to be a crazy person, that's fine with me.

Kanzaki Yang said seriously.

Eh? Is this the president?

Kiryu Lanhua's heartbeat accelerated due to excitement and nervousness.

Okay, Kiryu-san, you should be fine now, right? Just forget about what happened before, just treat it as a dream.

Kanzaki Yang's words instantly made Kiryu Aika understand the reason why he said he was an idiot before.

It turns out... it turns out that the president is just trying to comfort me...

Kiryu Lanhua understood what Kanzaki Yang meant when he said that before, and showed a smile.


On the way home, Kiryu Lanhua was like a little bird beside Kanzaki Yang, saying all kinds of things and asking all kinds of questions.

President, what on earth was that monster from before?


Ah? Does the devil really exist? And is it so ugly? President, are you an angel?

Also, President, what moves did you use before?

This is not something you can get involved with now.

Being asked was really a bit painful, Kanzaki Yang made a decision.

[Transfer Magic——Five Domains Xuanxu Formation! 】

After opening the space formation he developed himself, Kanzaki Yang kicked the girl walking in front of him on the butt.


Kiryu Lanhua was immediately kicked into the formation.

Go home! Don't come out and wander around when you have nothing to do.

After Kanzaki Yang left such a sentence, he closed the formation.

The various large formations he built himself have various effects when combined, and when separated, they have the effects that best match their original names.


The location where Kanzaki Haru killed the lost demon.

A white girl twitched her nose and sniffed the air.

Minister, you are right, there was a lost demon here not long ago.

And, there are humans.

Tacheng Mao said with certainty.

Human? Has he been killed?

Rias frowned.

As a superior demon, she had the obligation to clean up all the lost demons within her jurisdiction, and in front of her, another person was devoured.

Minister, this person should not be dead yet.

Koneko said something that surprised Rias.

Is it possible for ordinary people to survive when they encounter a lost demon?

I can smell it, this is a senior from the school.

Oh ho?

Rias touched her face with her hands.

It seems quite interesting?

The slightly raised corners of her mouth showed her strong interest in this matter.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 8

The next day.

As usual, Kanzaki Yang headed to school after his daily high-intensity exercise.

Today he can clearly feel the difference from usual times. Although it is a similar level of exercise, the actual effect is not known to be enhanced!

Kanzaki Yang has never thought about reaching the sky in one step, so he feels that the effect of the godhead is pretty good now.

In fact, he has always been worried...if he really absorbs the godhead, will his personality change? Will Godhead take the lead at that time or will he take the lead?

If the godhead dominates, then will I still be myself?

He has made a judgment on this, but because the concept of whether it is oneself is too ambiguous, he said that he did not get the corresponding result.

Let me take a look? A new treasure chest has appeared?

Kanzaki Yang looked at the green mark on the map and walked out.

This mark... is Kuou Academy?

He knew the coordinates represented by this mark very clearly, because he had memorized the entire map of Kuoh Town in his heart.


Just when he went out, Kanzaki Yang saw a white figure.


Kanzaki Yang looked at Tacheng Kitten, or rather - looked at Tacheng Baiyin.

Why did the kitten come to me if nothing happened?

Senior Yang, I borrowed your CD from last time.

Koneko handed a bag from her hand, which was the game Kanzaki Yang lent her last time.

Apart from anything else, Kanzaki Yang definitely has enough money.

Which stock will rise sharply, and even the timing of the rise and fall, Kanzaki Yo can judge in a very short time.

Therefore, I naturally buy games if I like them, so much so that I don’t know how many I have hoarded at home.

Because his ability is the absolutely correct judgment of dualization, sometimes he will buy some beautiful girl galgames.

Hmm...a few hundred million.

Well, kitten, you don't actually have to wait for me early in the morning. You can just give it to me at school.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and took the kitten into his home.

Rias couldn't see anything unusual, and it was naturally impossible for Koneko to notice anything.

Senior, did you go out last night?

As soon as he walked in the door, Koneko looked at Kanzaki Yang with his golden pupils.

In the golden eyes, you can faintly see vertical pupils, which is a characteristic of cats.

Although the kitten is the highest level of Nekomata, it has not yet fully grown into maturity, so it is said that it cannot control its own changes well.

Normally, one has to expend energy to hide one's cat tail and ears, but there is a limit to this. When one is weak, one cannot hide one's cat tail and ears.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the kitten's vertical pupils. He knew that the feline's vertical pupils showed her vigilance at this time.

Kitten, why do you think so?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and took out the dried fish from the refrigerator.

Seeing the dried fish, the kitten's eyes instantly became straight.

However, she reacted instantly, knowing that now was not the time to consider such things, and hurriedly changed her frank look.

Well...don't you want it?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

This was the kitten's favorite snack that he found out while playing games with the kitten.

Since it is senior's food, it is disrespectful.

The kitten only hesitated for a moment and then followed his inner choice.

Things have to be done and food has to be eaten.

But when she took the snack from Kanzaki Yang's hand, Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows.

He saw a green treasure box appearing on the kitten's head.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is green! 】

[Treasure chest opening condition—Baiyin’s cat ears. 】

Senior, is there something on my head?

The kitten, who was eating fish like a cat, noticed Kanzaki Yohei's different gaze than usual.

Kanzaki Yang usually looked at her with a smile, as if he were looking at his own cat. Sometimes he even wanted to reach out and touch her, but she mostly avoided him.

But now, Kanzaki Yang's eyes were a little surprised, as if he had seen something unexpected.

Let's answer the first question the kitten asked me first.

I did go out yesterday. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


A glimmer of light flashed in the kitten's golden eyes.

She thought Yang-senpai would admit that Kiryu-senpai had gone out yesterday only after she moved out.

Although Kiryu Aika wanted to cover up Kanzaki Yang's whereabouts, ordinary people's lies would not work in the eyes of kittens.

So, the lost demons were also eliminated by seniors, right? What method did seniors use to escape from the vice president's surveillance?

the kitten asked as he ate.

It's not a question, it's just to complete the task of the president and minister and answer the doubts in her heart.

It's okay if Senior Yang doesn't answer, but it might be a little more troublesome when talking to the minister later.

Well~ I happened to be studying formations recently.

A transfer formation appeared in Kanzaki Yang's hand.

Looking at the formation in Kanzaki Yang's hands, Kitty nodded silently.

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