Chapter 6

Nine-turn Yin-Yang Formation!

Five Domains Xuanxu Formation!

Two formations appeared from the formation disk.

The Five Domains Xuanxu Formation covers Kanzaki Yang's body, while the Nine Turns Yin and Yang Formation covers this area.

Another effect of the Nine-turn Yin-Yang Formation - Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos, can interfere with the information that Kanzaki Yang has been here to the greatest extent.

With the flash of the Five Domains Xuanxu Formation, Kanzaki Yang's figure disappeared into this fateful place.

When Kanzaki Yang returned home, he saw white dots flashing on the map.

This is the light spot of the god-level treasure chest system. The white light spot represents the white treasure chest near Kanzaki Yang.

Go and have a look. Although it may be fly meat, it would be good to have more fly meat.

Using the Nine-turn Yin-Yang Formation to disrupt his information again, Kanzaki Yang walked out of his house.



Rias's painstaking efforts to accompany him back were completely forgotten.

Sona reminded him to go home early, and Rias accompanied him home because she was worried that as a human, he would be killed on the road or at night.

Recently, the lost demons in Kuoh Town have been restless, and battles between lost demons and unknown strong men have broken out from time to time. Apart from their own dependents, they are still very concerned about Kanzaki Yang's safety.

For example, Sona, she always asked Shinra Tsubaki to escort Kanzaki Yang home, and also asked her familiar to monitor the movements of Kanzaki Yang's residence.

Rias did this too, but it was so awkward when Akeno and Shinra Tsubaki met because they were secretly following Kanzaki Haru at the same time.

Finally, a consensus was reached.

Akeno is secretly protecting Kanzaki Haru. Sona's familiars warn Kanzaki Haru near his home at night. If they find Kanzaki Haru coming out at night or being approached by a lost demon, they will report it to Sona.

What makes Sona feel relieved is that after so long, she has not noticed Kanzaki Yang going out at night or being approached by a lost demon.

Of course.

Because Kanzaki Yo usually attacks the lost demons near his home first. How could there be lost demons near his home?

That's right!

The one who is looking for trouble for the lost demons in the city is Kanzaki Yang!

When Rias arrived near Kanzaki Yo's house, she didn't notice that there were all kinds of concealment and defense formations around Kanzaki Yo's house, and Sona's familiars naturally didn't notice either.

Sona thought that Kanzaki Yo had been reading at night, but in fact... Kanzaki Yo was hunting in the dark.

The lost demons at the lower demon level and the intermediate demon level have no room to resist in front of Kanzaki Yang's series of formations.

Yang Kanzaki always went out for a walk at night when he had nothing to do, to stimulate his thoughts on making judgments and to safeguard justice.


Kanzaki Yang came to where the white treasure chest was and noticed a girl with flaxen twin tails.

Kiryu Aika.

A descendant of Kanzaki Haru.

As the person who competes with Sona for the position of student council president, Kanzaki Haru has just entered the senior year of high school.

As for Kiryu Lanhua, he is a sophomore in high school.

Let me see...the activation condition is...touching Kiryu Aika's glasses?

Kanzaki Yang checked the opening conditions of the white treasure chest.

According to the judgment of the god-level treasure chest system, the treasure chest may appear on the body of a living body or a non-living body.

As long as the conditions are met, the treasure chest can be opened.

Because he has only opened the golden treasure chest of the novice gift package, Kanzaki Yang still doesn’t know what level the white, green, purple and other treasure chests are.


When Kanzaki Yang was thinking about things, a girl's exclamation came from the front.

Ten seconds ago.

Wearing glasses, Kiryu Aika walked cautiously on the road. She was going to buy a fujoshi game with the latest hairstyle.

After all, her skills are not innate. She has been able to see through men's size under their clothes through countless experiences.

According to her observation, it seems... As the student council president, Kanzaki Yo-senpai is very powerful.

It was so powerful that she couldn't help but blush slightly.

Suddenly, while walking, she felt a chill.

Subconsciously looking towards the back where the chill came from, Kiryu Lanhua's body trembled slightly because of fear.

It was a person with a human upper body and a huge lower body like a tarantula. I don't know if it could be called a human or a demon.

Ugly, chaotic, evil.

This life form is called...

Lost the devil!


Perhaps out of instinct to call for help, she subconsciously screamed out, her brain driving her trembling legs to move.

However, because she was too scared, her brain could not mobilize her body well.

One leg moved but the other stayed in place.


With a neither light nor serious sound, Kiryu Lanhua fell to the ground.

She didn't know what she would face in this situation. She only knew that it was definitely not a good thing!

hiahiahiahia~~~My lovely food~My delicious food, why do you run away when you see me?

The Lost Demon made a sound of pleasure.

Playing tricks on your own food before eating is also a kind of fun~

She looked at the girl who had lost her glasses when she fell, and she wanted to lick the girl's eyeballs, and then slowly devour the food full of wonderful fear.

That's why I hate lost demons so much.

A young man's voice came from above.


The lost demon looked towards the sky.

A black-haired boy stood in the air and shook his head slowly.

He raised his hand and drew strange symbols in the air.

Kanzaki Yang did not use the formation disk.

A formation disk that can trigger formations instantly is a good thing, but it also has a disadvantage.

That is - it consumes too much material.

Even if Kanzaki Yo secretly had the money to buy a small country, it would not be enough, because there are many things that cannot be accomplished with money alone.

It can be said that when Kanzaki Yang went to the place where the red ball of the Ark landed, he threw the formation disk as if he was throwing money, and he was extremely generous.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 7

But.........normally, just save it if you can.

Heaven Seal, Earth Seal, Human Seal, Three Lives Soul-Suppressing Seal!

Along with Kanzaki Yang's words and spiritual power, the three-life soul-suppressing seal formed by the three-life soul-suppressing array was generated on the head of the lost demon.

Is this? The lost demon wanted to take action, but found that he had no power to act at all! was firmly fixed in place.


The phantom of the Three Lives Soul-Suppressing Seal directly penetrated the body of the lost demon and then dissipated between heaven and earth.

It's like a holographic projection penetrating the entity.

However, on Kanzaki Yang's side.

Also disappearing is the body of the lost demon!

Well, after all, he is my junior in the school, and he is not something that an ugly being like you can bully.

Kanzaki Yang shook his head and picked up Kiryu Lanhua's glasses.

Maybe this is unintentional?

However, even without the Lost Demon, it would be very simple for him to open this treasure chest.

How difficult can it be to open a white treasure chest?

【Ding! 】

【Open the white treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - enhanced physical fitness! 】

Extremely comprehensive, Kanzaki Yang's body has undergone a comprehensive evolution.

If he was only equivalent to a lower-level demon before, he now has the physical fitness of an intermediate-level demon.

Of course, Kanzaki Yang felt that this was of little use.

He is Master~

Strengthening his physical fitness doesn't seem to have much use other than allowing him to last for a long time.

Is it possible to become a melee master?

At least Kanzaki Yang himself is not the type who likes to slash with opponents with a knife. If he can directly defeat the opponent by smashing the formation, he will definitely choose the smashing formation.

Forget it, this level is acceptable.

After complaining for a while, Kanzaki Yang actually accepted this fact in his heart.

After all, isn't it much stronger than the physical fitness and spiritual power of a lower-level demon that he had gained by exercising for so long before?

Sairaorg obtained Demon King-level strength through his own training, but that also has the reason that he is a demon himself.

There are transcendents among demons, and there have been strong men who can face the God of the Bible.

But Yang Kanzaki is a serious human being, otherwise it would be impossible to activate the red ball of the Ark.

Human beings...have extremely low upper limits both in terms of spiritual power and physical strength.

If he hadn't been able to awaken his golden finger this time, Kanzaki Yo might have used his record of slaying lost demons to apply to become Sona or Rias's follower tomorrow.

Well, plus a Rias.

Because of the question Rias asked him yesterday, Kanzaki Yang felt that Rias would agree even if he didn't have much talent before his reincarnation.

Of course, the most important reason is that he made a judgment on whether Rias would do this.

Here~ your glasses?

Kanzaki Yang patted the girl on the shoulder.

Kiryu Lanhua turned his head subconsciously and looked at Kanzaki Yang with a slightly stunned look in his eyes.


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