Although he is only at the level of a lower-level demon, it is true...Yang-senpai is not an ordinary person.

Senior, welcome to this side of the world. Minister Rias asks you to come over after school today.

The kitten conveys Rias's will.

At the same time she became slightly more at ease.

Although you will encounter unimaginable things when you step into the other world, it is better than being an ordinary person who is wiped out without knowing anything and has his traces in this world erased.

I've finished asking my questions. Now, kitten, it's time for me to ask you your questions.

To Koneko's surprise, Yang Kanzaki asked.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 9

Senior, what's the problem?

The kitten's eyes flashed.

She was wondering if the question Kanzaki Yang wanted to ask was related to the surprised look at her head before?

Kitten knows my secret, so can Kitten share his secret with me? I can see it too, Kitten, you are not an ordinary human, right?

Kanzaki Yang asked.

Yes, I am a devil.

The kitten simply stretched out a pair of black wings - devil wings.

No, I'm not asking about the devil, I'm talking about yourself, kitten. Kanzaki Yang shook his head.

Senior means...

The kitten's pupils shrank instantly.

Kitten is really going too far. You know my secret, but you don't want to tell me about you?

Kanzaki Yang sighed, seeming very sad.

Okay, senior, stop pretending, I'll just tell senior my secret.

The kitten said calmly.

It's not something that's hard to talk about. Besides, if she hadn't told her, Senior Yang would have asked the minister about her.

After letting out a gentle sigh of relief, something white and fluffy appeared on the kitten's head and tail, which made people want to pet it at first sight.

In addition to being a demon, I'm also a cat demon.

As the tail appeared, the long time spent with my sister reappeared in my mind.

Just a few seconds after entering the memory state, she felt something strange.


There were waves of itching coming from my head and ears, but they were also accompanied by waves of warm and comfortable feeling.

In short, it's the feeling of not wanting to move, wanting to just squint, wanting to stretch, wanting to lie there and bask in the sun.

Meow meow meow.........

Because she was too comfortable, she subconsciously made her own voice.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds that the kitten reacted.



She took a few steps back.

Ah, sorry, it's easy, it's easy.

Kanzaki Yang took back his hand and said with a smile.

Although the treasure chest could be opened with just one touch, he couldn't help but touch it for a long time.

But I have to feels great! he really a pervert? Do you see cats all day long and say, Change me, change me. Something like that.

Tacheng Kitty complained in an extremely vigilant manner.

She suddenly remembered that she had indeed played a cat girl-themed game with Kanzaki Yo-senpai before.

Has your true nature been revealed since then?

Ahem, this is all the fault of the kitten being too cute.

Kanzaki Yang shook the pot very directly.

He was in a good mood now, and finally got something useful that made him feel that he was not the legendary African chief.

【Ding! 】

【Open the green treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - primary potential evolution! 】

[Congratulations to the successful primary evolution of the host's ability - absolute dualism! 】

[The usable time per day is increased to three minutes! 】

One minute and three minutes, although they sound short, are undoubtedly a qualitative change for Kanzaki Yang.

It means that he has the possibility to try various things more times in a day, and it means that he can study all kinds of strange things.

Whether it's formations, the flow and diversion of spiritual power, or something else.

In addition, and more importantly - let him see his way forward!

Potential evolution can increase the time, so... it means that there is still the possibility of opening the same type of treasure chest in the future!

If you can evolve to a point where there is no limit for a whole day in the future, the evolution speed will be exponential multiples of what it is now.

At that time... maybe it was the so-called omniscience and omnipotence, right?

Kanzaki Yang thought so.

It was because he saw this possibility that Kanzaki Yang didn't pay much attention to the kitten's idiotic speech.

In this way, Koneko kept looking at Kanzaki Yang with extremely vigilant eyes on the way to school.

So, seniors who like to play with cats, goodbye.

After leaving such a sentence, the kitten ran away.

It seems the impression left is indeed quite profound.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and didn't pay too much attention.

Because he knew that the kitten didn't pay much attention to it. If the kitten really hated him, he wouldn't go to school with him.


However, before he entered the school, he was stopped by someone.

It was a long, straight black girl wearing glasses, her name was Shinra Tsubaki.

Position - Secretary of Kuoh Academy.

Ah? Chun Ji? What's the matter?

Kanzaki Yang responded.

President, Vice-President Cangna has something to ask you about. She said it is about the future of the President and Vice-President.

Shinra Tsubaki said words that were terrifying in every sense of the word with a calm look on her face.

Kanzaki Haru and Sona were originally the central figures of Kuoh Academy, and Shinra Tsubaki didn't seem to have any intention of hiding it.

The news, no, it should be said that it was a fishing boat, spread throughout the school at once.

Once news is spread, it is no longer objective and will gradually deviate from its original appearance during the spread process.

The words spread among Kuou Academy at this time can be divided into these levels.

The first level: What!? The vice president said he has something to discuss with the president, or is it something that determines the future of the two of them!?

The second level: What? The vice-president wants to confess to the president? Do you want to discuss together to let the president be the son-in-law of the vice-president's family?

The third level: What? The vice president got pregnant before marriage, and the president used this to blackmail the vice president's family into a flash marriage?



When it finally reached Rias's ears, it was already on the third floor.

Not only Sona, but also she seemed to be forced to become the mistress who was rumored to be involved in their relationship because she had always had a similar reputation and status to Sona.


With a gentle sound, the teacup in Rias' hand naturally disappeared into the air.

Rias, who was surrounded by destructive magic power, said coldly: Akeno, come with me.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 10

Student Union Room.

Kanzaki Yang usually doesn't come to the student council room in the morning.

He would usually finish the arrangements for the next morning and day when he left yesterday afternoon, and then go to the student union room at noon.

For no other reason than to be able to exercise and practice for a while in the place with the richest spiritual energy in the morning.

President, I am here to deliver the notice from Stanford University to the president.

As soon as he opened the door, Kanzaki Yang heard these words.


Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows.

Why is the style of this sentence a little different?

Seeing Kanzaki Yang's surprised look, Sona explained unhurriedly.

I happened to show the president's information to the people at that university not long ago. They were very satisfied with the president. As long as the president agrees, they can enroll at any time.

Even if you have just entered the third year of high school, the president can still go there first to study preparatory courses or enroll directly.


Listening to Sona's explanation, Kanzaki Yang frowned.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

Judgment, is it because of yesterday's incident that Sona wants to keep me away from the center of the storm?

【Yes. 】

Kanzaki Yang's judgment got the result he expected.

Cana is indeed a good girl...

He sighed in his heart.

He knew why Sona did what he did.

He probably saw the huge turmoil caused by the Ark Red Ball in the world yesterday, and wanted to get him to leave this place that was like a time bomb.

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