Ah~Old Monkey, I do have something to do with you.

The Jade Dragon's huge body gradually shrank, shrinking to about the same size as Sun Wukong, and came to Sun Wukong.

Do you know where that guy Shaktian has been recently?

The jade dragon's emerald green eyes sparkled with green light.

Have you noticed this too?

The old monkey grinned and flicked the pipe in his hand.

The last time I went out to catch the monkey, I heard that boy complaining to me while running away.

After flicking it, he slowly filled it with tobacco.

Smoking......This has become his hobby and daily activity.

The descendants of his family are as disobedient as he was when he was young, and recently I heard that they were playing with the white dragon's host.

Moreover, when he wanted to pick him back, he ran away directly. Before running away, he complained slyly that the Emperor of Heaven on this side, Di Shitian, was running around outside when he had nothing to do, so that they even talked to Di Shitian. They met by chance and were almost crippled by Emperor Shakten's playful sparring trial.

He also learned from this incident that the Emperor of Heaven of their divine system was out for a walk.

He would go out before, but never for such a long time.

So, he can only stay outside for so long for that reason, right?

Yulong sighed and said.

That reason, almost everyone in the pantheon knows what it is - Shiva, the God of Destruction.

It seems that since the news of Shiva's disappearance from the Indian pantheon spread, Emperor Shakti couldn't help it~

Sun Wukong blew out bursts of smoke rings from his mouth.

Hmm... Shiva from the Indian pantheon disappears much faster than Shakti from their pantheon, and he didn't even notice how panicked he was on the other side.

But yes, Shiva, the god of destruction, Brahma, the creator, and Vishnu, the god of maintenance, of the Indian pantheon are all top transcenders. Even if Shiva dies, the Indian pantheon is still extremely stable.

On their side, it was more uncomfortable. Shiva and Shakti disappeared together. They knew very well why Shakten disappeared.

Isn’t it just to find Shiva?

Emperor Shakti's goal in training Cao Cao was to make Cao Cao grow up to the point where he could become a constraint to Shiva.

Now that he finally had an opportunity to spar, how could he not seize it? What happened to Cao Cao? .........Cao Cao likes to develop on his own anyway, wait until he comes back.

Indeed, I always feel like that big bald head is going to cause trouble~

Yulong also said without any hesitation.

I'm starting to worry about the island country in the far east. If they fight there, the tsunami might cause a catastrophe.

The first-generation Sun Wukong still looked like he was vomiting clouds and smoke, and there was no way to tell that his expression had anything to do with what he said.

And the reason why he said it was an island country in the far east was also because of the interdimensional energy incident that happened there recently.

That... is definitely the biggest event in the past few hundred years.

The power of another dimension that can crush the Red Dragon God Emperor is definitely worth exploring by all the strong men in the world!

The world is only peaceful on the surface now. In fact, countless powerful people are already paying attention to that side, or they are directly there.


And the person who caused this situation is no longer in this world.

He had just successfully determined and improved the new version of God's Wine, and was ready to return to that world and brew it directly.

However, it is indeed very time-consuming to determine the perfect steps. Kanzaki Yo spent all his determination time within three days on determining the ingredients of the wine of God before he succeeded.

Brewing is simple, just use magic to speed up the process.

The hard part is how to determine the formula.

Now that the most difficult problem has been solved, the next step is mass production and making money!

At the same time, within three days, the ordnance Kanzaki Yang wanted was also ready.

After instructing his forces to continuously collect weapons, Kanzaki Yo moved these firearms to a secret place in Zanchitong's world.

The world of Zhan Chitong has developed firearms and relatively powerful biochemical technology, so it is not strange to appear there.

There will be Kanzaki Yang's transfer station.

After passing through the gate of the dungeon world, Kanzaki Yang finally returned to the dungeon world again.

Because too much time was wasted getting materials from the store manager, by the time Kanzaki Yang returned to the dungeon world, it was already the evening of that day~

Yeah, yeah, let's go take a look at my income today~

Kanzaki Yang saw that it was almost time and was ready to go to the guild.

He already knew that the one who took the map was the Loki Guild.

Although the 20th floor is not that deep, if a guild uses the refresh mechanism to contract the entire floor, it is still a pretty good income.

His income today...is ten percent of what the Loki Familia earns.

Well - today.

His share will not remain the same.

According to his judgment, as he becomes more and more proficient in spawning monsters, he will be able to obtain three times the original income. At this time, wouldn't it be a loss if the 10% share ratio is still there?

Let's see how much they harvested today...

Kanzaki Yang made a quick judgment and knew what the Loki Familia had gained today.

One hundred and fifty percent of your usual income? I have to say it’s pretty good~

In this way, he can get 15% of the normal income of the Loki Familia, well... in the case of free prostitution~

Entering the Adventurer's Guild, Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows slightly.

He saw the Loki Familia talking to Miss Eina at the window.

To be precise, it was Miss Eina, Misha and a bunch of others who were chatting while they were calculating the quantity and quality of magic crystals.

Miss Eina, this thing is really useful!!~

Tiona said excitedly.

They specially selected a refresh point today.

When the monsters are just spawned, they either use traps, or use magic to target them, or directly attack them with sneak attacks. They enjoy a much higher monster spawning efficiency than usual and a much lower monster spawning risk than usual.

The energy consumed is far less than usual. Not only that, even if the map is divided into parts, more than 30% of the usual income is left, which is a huge profit!

It's not just that...

I'm still a little unaccustomed to it today, so the efficiency of killing monsters is not very high.

But...if they can still get the map tomorrow, they are confident that the income will increase to 180% of the original!

This is really happy news~

Eina said with a smile.

Loki's family was happy, but she was not so happy.

The increase in the Loki Familia's income means that their workload has also increased, but their wages have not increased! ! ! How could this make her happy? .

Chapter 63

Miss Eina, would you like to ask the person who cooperated with the guild to sell the map like before?

After exchanging polite greetings for a while, Captain Finn asked seriously.

They have clearly realized the powerful role of this map!

Well, of course, that person stored the 30th floor map here yesterday~

Eina responded with a professional smile.

She is also happy that the adventurer has made money, but - the adventurer has made money, and her workload has increased, but the lack of salary increase makes her even more unhappy! ! ! ~~

So, can we cooperate again? You have also seen the effect. Since this map has been so helpful to us, we feel that the current share requirements alone cannot reflect the role of the map.

So, we decided to spend 12 percent of tomorrow's total revenue to purchase maps.

Captain Finn is a very far-sighted person.

It's a pity...Kanzaki Yang has long determined the efficiency increase of most family members and the general bottom line that they can accept.

Um...Captain Finn? Maps are indeed for sale~ And this time, five floors of maps were released at once.


Aina smiled awkwardly but politely.

but what?!

The dissatisfied expression shown by the werewolf Bert always gave him a bad feeling.

However, according to that person's request, the required share this time is 20%...

That's right, it increased to 20% the next day.

They can achieve greater efficiency than the first time when using the map for the second time, and Kanzaki Yang naturally needs benefits above and beyond the first time.

If others have tripled their original income in the later stage, but his share is only 10%, isn't that like a money-giving boy?

Twenty percent!

Tiona calls profiteers outright.

Does anyone know how much their family’s income is in a day? ? Is asking for 20% too greedy?

Twenty percent...

Captain Finn also fell into deep thought.

In fact, the exact method of sharing is not 10% or 20%, because what is required is only 10% or 20% of the legal income of their dependents.

Materials dropped by monsters, etc., all belong to them...

What he is worried about is not the 20% problem. According to the efficiency that can be improved tomorrow, even if he divides 20%, he can still get 140% of the usual income.

What he cares about is - after it has increased from 10% to 20%, will it change in the future?

If it changes, how high will this share eventually rise?

In addition, there is one more thing...

He originally wanted to increase the share to 12% because he wanted that person to continue to provide maps for the Loki Familia.

But just now Eina said there were five maps today? !

Five maps and five floors are too much for Loki Familia to bear.

They were able to gain more benefits simply by dividing everyone into one floor to farm monsters.

But if you take five floors at the same time...

There simply aren't enough manpower.

He has understood - others have no intention of cooperating with a family alone!

At the beginning, the number was small just because the reputation had not yet spread, but today, whether it is when the Loki Familia is fighting or calculating the profits, the reputation of that map has been greatly spread!

Even if the Loki Familia doesn't come to buy it, the Freya Familia and other Familia will definitely buy it.

According to the efficiency they calculated, apart from the fact that the other party may be a bottomless pit, which is very uncomfortable, their profits are indeed increasing.

Okay, may I ask which floors have maps tomorrow?

After thinking for a long time, Finn made this decision.

Although there were also dissatisfied people, due to Finn's usual prestige, they did not choose to express their inner dissatisfaction here.

If there is anything, we can discuss it with the family members later.

Okay, here are the 20th and 30th floors...

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