Kanzaki Yang touched Hestia's head and started to put on clothes.

By the time he got dressed, Hestia was mostly awake.

Yangjun, what did you just say you were going to do?

After Hestia woke up, she forgot everything that Kanzaki Yang had just told her.

I said, I have something to do and I need to go out for a while. You and Bell should go buy some daily necessities first.

Kanzaki Yang repeated it again.

After a little explanation to Hestia, Kanzaki Yang went out.

He does have important things to do!

After arriving at a very quiet place, Kanzaki Yang used the Five Domains Xuanxu Formation.

The formation dissipated, and Kanzaki Yang came to a place he had never been before.

After all... what he does next can't be seen by the gods~

Opening his eyes, a layer of red-gold light appeared on Kanzaki Yang's chest.

Then, a vortex of three colors appeared in front of him, which was the door to the three worlds!

Go back to the world gate of the devil high school world, go to the world gate of Zhan Chitong world, go to the world gate of blood-devouring crazy attack world.

Kanzaki Yang walked to the world gate of the devil high school world and returned to his original world.

He had to take care of something.

Taking out his mobile phone that he couldn't use in the dungeon world, Kanzaki Yang activated his skill - Shaking Man!

.々There is something that you need to do.

Kanzaki Yang said to the person on the other side of the phone.

Yes! Lord Kanzaki!

A voice came from the other side of the phone.

These people were the subordinates that Kanzaki Yang took in when things were establishing a huge underground force.

Of course, none of this actually means anything.

Even intermediate fallen angels like Lenare can erase the memories of ordinary people and eliminate traces of their own existence. The so-called powerful people in the human world are like ants in the eyes of any supernatural force.

It is because of this that Kanzaki Yang did not choose to reveal his identity and chose to manipulate in secret.

What if his identity is exposed and people in the other world directly threaten him, the so-called big boss in the outer world, because he needs some convenience?

Yang Kanzaki would not do such a stupid thing by exposing his strength prematurely.

But now, he already has the most basic confidence.

Collect various types of firearms or weapons for me as soon as possible, both old and new. I'll get 500 copies of each type that can be collected first.

That's right!

Kanzaki Yo wants a hot weapon!

Yes! How can we give these to you?

Although this kind of request is too broad, and the quantity of each request is not low, this is Kanzaki Yang's request, and they must definitely complete it!

Besides, if Kanzaki Yang's forces were all in operation, it wouldn't be that difficult to create such a war-level thing.

Just put it in a warehouse for me and let me know when the time comes.

After Yang Kanzaki said this, he hung up the phone.

The reason why he wanted to buy this kind of weapon was also very simple - because he wanted to collect enough money.

To him, money in this world is just a number, meaningless things. However, Farley in the dungeon world can buy many things that cannot be bought in this world.

What is being used is the industrial gap between the two worlds!

What? Are you a great adventurer? Want to try a shot?

What? Is this monster very strong?

Namo Gatlin Bodhisattva, with one breath of 3,600 revolutions, saves all living beings with great compassion!

Although for high-level adventurers, adventurers above Lv4 are basically useless, but - changing the situation of low-level adventurers basically changes the entire pattern of Orario!

Not to mention anything else, like a tauren or something like that, I really can't handle an RPG or Gatling rapid fire.

After returning to this world, the time flow rate of the two worlds was reversed by Kanzaki Yo. One hundred days in the Devil's High School world is equal to one day in the dungeon world.

In this case, the time Kanzaki Yang waits for the weapon to be ready is equivalent to less than a day in the dungeon world.

But unfortunately, I still have some things to do when I return to that world. When I get there, I can adjust the time back, and then come back after a while, the weapon should be ready.

After giving instructions on what to do, Kanzaki Yang once again opened the door to the dungeon world.

He also has ways to make money.

Method 1 to make money: sell maps to each family member, and then participate in the division of loot among each family member.

Method 2 of making money: Selling hot weapons from other worlds in the dungeon world, completely changing the situation. And since he was the only one who could produce bullets, those people ended up having to buy bullets in large quantities from him.

As for method three..........

It also requires some preparation.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 62

After a while, Kanzaki Yang returned to the dungeon world.

The holy religion in Zhan Chitong's world is still relatively weak and cannot give him enough help, so he has to work hard on his own.

This is what I need. Can you prepare it?

Yang Kanzaki asked in front of a grocery store.

Well...although there are indeed some relatively scarce items, our store can prepare them all.

The shopkeeper looked at the large list compiled by Kanzaki Yang and swallowed his saliva.

This was the first time he saw such a large number of customers.

How long will it take as soon as possible?

Kanzaki Yang asked.

His time is urgent. After getting that thing in this world, he has to return to the world of Devil High School to use it.

Otherwise, the short time in this world is simply not enough.

Unfortunately, every time you use the World Gate, one day will be deducted from the total 365 days, otherwise Kanzaki Yo would really choose to jump between the two worlds repeatedly.

Now that Orpheus is no longer one of our own, it is still too wasteful to jump around the world frequently.


After a while, the boss came with all the goods.

Thank you very much.

Kanzaki Yang did some inventory and then moved all the materials away.

Oh~~ Is this the so-called transfer magic? It seems that your guest is still a high-level magician!

The shopkeeper said in surprise.

This is another benefit of using the reincarnation method. You will not be rejected by the world.

If you come to another world, the more powerful you are, the stronger the world's rejection will be. If you can destroy the strength of the dimension, you will even be directly refused to enter or ejected.

Kanzaki Yo, who chose reincarnation, can also use the magic he developed in the Demon High School universe in the dungeon world.

Shopkeeper, thank you very much~~

A flower twinkled in Kanzaki Yang's eyes.

Using memory erasure magic, Kanzaki Yo deleted the store owner's memories related to himself.

After all, what he does next is a bit immoral, but 357 cannot allow people or gods to find him through source tracking.

After preparing everything, Kanzaki Yang returned to the world of Devil High School and changed time again.

100:1 time is enough for him.

Determine... is the amount of material required to make one liter of God's wine 10g? Kanzaki Yang began to judge.

What he... wants to determine is the material and method of the wine of God!

The wine of the gods, in the dungeon world, specifically refers to the wine of the gods brewed by Soma, the god of wine.

The God of Wine, Soma, must be said to be a great man, obsessed with brewing divine wine.

He does not need to have a mysterious gang leader.

He only used the development, blending and production methods of materials to create the magic wine.

You know, when he was in the God Realm, he needed to use divine power to brew the wine of God.

But you cannot use divine power in the mortal world.

It must be said that the wine of God was brewed without using divine power. It is truly amazing.

It's a pity... It only takes a short time for Kanzaki Yang to surpass this amazing talent!

Before coming to Orario, Kanzaki Yang purchased an encyclopedia of all Orario materials.

By judging one by one whether this is the material of God's Wine, and finally judging whether the materials of God's Wine are enough, we determine what materials are needed for God's Wine.

What is determined now is how many materials are needed for each portion of the Wine of God, and... how to improve the Wine of God!

The materials used to make wine do not have to be the same as Soma, the god of wine. Gods still need to constantly improve to obtain higher quality wine. How could the current formula be the most perfect.

Dionysus cannot be perfect, but Yang Kanzaki can be almost infinitely close to perfection!

This last point of imperfection only exists because individual differences will cause each individual to evaluate wine differently.

Of course, it is impossible for Kanzaki Yang to directly sell the prepared wine of God to others to drink.

First dilute it a hundred times.

The wine of God has strong addictive and hallucinogenic properties. People who drink the wine of God once will continue to crave the wine of God (bdcc).

The people of the Soma family work so hard to get enough magic just to be able to taste the wine of Soma, the god of wine.

What will happen in the future will be that Orario's adventurers are killing monsters crazily, frantically trying to obtain magic, just to buy Kanzaki Yang's wine of the gods!

Well, use the map provided by Kanzaki Yang to spawn monsters and give Kanzaki Yang a share.

Use the weapons provided by Yo Kanzaki to brush monsters, and then each bullet is a magic weapon provided to Yo Kanzaki. If this bullet kills the monster, Yo Kanzaki will also get a part of the magic power exchanged for the magic crystal.

Finally, use the profits obtained from killing monsters to buy Kanzaki Yang's wine of the gods, and the money returns to Kanzaki Yang's pocket. Isn't this a perfect industrial chain? ?

Of course, there is no absolute perfection, and if you want to be as close to perfection as possible, you have to wait until the industry is formed.

Now.........the industry has just begun~


The heavenly palace where Emperor Shitian is located.

The first generation Sun Wukong is smoking leisurely.

Although his body appears extremely thin, no one would doubt his qualifications and strength.

Xiao Bailong, what do you want from me?

The first generation Sun Wukong looked towards the sky.

There, there is a green dragon.

That is one of the five dragon kings living in the world - Jade Dragon!

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