Eina began to introduce the floors to which the map belonged.

Okay, then let's buy the map for the thirty-second floor.

They finally made this decision.

I have to say, he is a courageous person~

Kanzaki Yang touched his chin.

No wonder he is called Brave Finn, he is indeed the courage and wisdom that a brave man should have.

He still values ​​​​the Loki Familia very much. After all, the Loki Familia's one-day income is equivalent to the income of a large number of Familia except Freya Familia.

Anyway, just make good money for me~

In the shadows outside the hall, Kanzaki Yang looked at the scene inside with a smile.


Suddenly, Kanzaki Yang noticed something and looked away from the guild gate.


A white-haired figure ran over in a hurry. Her target seemed to be the guild too?


Kanzaki Yang looked at it for a few seconds before recognizing that this person was Bell.

Because her face and body were covered with mud, like a spotted rabbit.

She ran past Yang Kanzaki at extremely fast speeds and came to the guild.

Eina...Is Miss Eina busy?

Belle asked breathlessly.

She originally wanted to ask Miss Ayina if she had time to help her calculate how many farley she had earned today.

Ah~~Miss Bell...

Eina raised her head as she spoke.

Then he saw Bell covered in mud and dust. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be injured.

But she also thought of a possibility.

Miss Bell looks like this... Could it be that she just came back from the dungeon? !

She remembers that Miss Bell was only a registered Level 1?

Seeing that there was no one around her, she was holding a small bag that should contain magic crystals.

Eina is already certain that Miss Bell will go to the dungeon alone today!

Miss Bell? How about I help you calculate the amount of magic crystals that can be exchanged for Farley, so that you can go back and wash up first?

Aina thought for a moment and then said a little helplessly.

Of course she didn't have any bad intentions, she even said she opened the back door specifically for Bell, a girl who seemed to be flirting.

At this time, another person with no malice also spoke.

Burt the werewolf.

The werewolf Bert also noticed Bell, who had basically turned into a gray rabbit. He was stunned for a moment, and then realized what he was doing.

Isn't this person the one you saved, Ais?

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Why did it become like this? Hahahaha!~

Although he does not have any malicious intentions in his heart, because Bell is an indifferent person to him, but when he shows it, he does have the face of a villain.

Ah...it's indeed that person.

The cute Ais also started to talk.

This person seems to be a girl she saved from the minotaur when she came back today.

At that time, the girl thanked her first, and then continued to go deep into the dungeon to fight monsters.

There is a certain deviation from the original plot.

The original plot was that when Ais killed the Minotaur, the blood spattered on Bell's body. Bell ran away because of his inner embarrassment and shyness.

Because he......has longing for Aisi.

But now, the person she admires is Kanzaki Yang, not the cute girl like Ais, and besides, she wasn't covered in blood, so she didn't just run away.

She went to the dungeon by herself just so that she could contribute to the family's debt repayment when she had free time.

She wanted to help Kanzaki Yang.

... ..... .....

Although Yang Kanzaki was slightly moved for a moment after deducing this information, he still hoped that Bell would listen to him more.

Are you okay?

After recognizing Bell, Ais walked slowly towards Bell, with a hint of concern in her indifferent expression.

No...it's okay.

Maybe it was because she was dirty now, or maybe she felt that the gap between herself and Ais was a little big, so she lowered her head slightly.

Hey!~~Ais! Don't talk to people like that!

Bert said very unhappily.

He did not say what kind of person Bell was.

In his opinion, Bell is the kind of person who causes trouble for others when he has nothing to do.

Whether it is for Aisi or the leader of their clan.

Although the other Familia didn't know much about it, as a Familia of Loki, the main god who often fought with Hestia, they had heard Loki complain about Hestia.

It seems like I caught a good one at first glance, but my Aisi-chan is the best.

In the view of werewolf Bert, whether this person was rescued by Ace before or came here alone now, it means one thing - that is, this person went to the dungeon by himself.

How could a clan of two people who were just joined yesterday and formed just yesterday go out to fight monsters by themselves?

It would be okay if there was only one person in the family, but now you have two people? !


After hearing Bert's words, Bell lowered his head silently.

Yes, how could someone like her be qualified to communicate with the famous Sword Lady and Loki Familia?

Although she has only been an adventurer for a day, she already has a preliminary understanding of the adventurer system.

The Loki Familia and the Freya Familia are the two most powerful Familia in Orario right now.

And the people in front of him now are almost all adventurers above level 5!

Why don't you look at me?

Ais directly ignored Burt's words and spoke in her extremely characteristic indifferent voice.


For those of you who think this book has few words and can be read a little more

Welcome to read the old book Comprehensive Comics: Signing the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning.

Chapter 64

Because, she has a target that she needs to look at, and you are not her target.

A male voice came from the side.

It sounds very gentle, like rain on a sunny day, with a refreshing feeling of warmth.

Even when people hear it, they will listen to his voice first and forget what his words mean.

I'm not her target?

Aisi tilted her head, as if she didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, she looked towards the place where the sound came from.

She saw a boy about sixteen years old, who was as bright as sunshine.

It's not that he radiates sunshine, but that he himself is the kind of gentle and restrained sun, and all the rays of light are released by him.

You guy, you can really say such things!~

The werewolf Bert showed a slightly ferocious look, but Ais didn't understand it. He and most of the people in the family understood what this man meant anyway.

What Kanzaki Yo means is: Bell, you don’t have to dare to face up to the big gap between you and Ais and others at this time, and dare not communicate on an equal footing. Your goals are far higher than Aisi and others, and your future achievements are also far higher than these people.

Although what Kanzaki Yang said is true, in the eyes of the Loki Familia people, isn't this person just looking for trouble?

In fact, it was just as they thought, Kanzaki Yang was trying to confuse people.

I don't really like canines giving me mean looks. Could you please look away?

Yang Kanzaki walked up to Bell and looked at the slightly embarrassed girl.

His words were undoubtedly directed at Bert, but he did not look at Bert.

This made Bert even more unhappy!

I’m the only canine, right? ! If you don't look at me when you're talking to me, aren't you looking for trouble?

In fact, Kanzaki Yang is really looking for trouble.

After he said those words to Aisi, Kanzaki Yang heard the sound of the treasure box system.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is green! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - Defeat the werewolf Burt in a head-on battle. 】

Since we are going to fight, since we are going to tame the werewolf into a dog, then naturally there is no need to be polite.

Who are you..........

Ais didn't care if Yang Kanzaki ignored the werewolf Burt.

She just felt... Kanzaki Yang had a temperament that she cared about very much.

Kanzaki Yang, leader of the Hestia Familia, nice to meet you all.

It seems that my Belle has been taken care of by you, so I would like to express my gratitude here.

As for what my gratitude is, you should be able to see it tomorrow.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

His sincerity is to reduce the percentage share of the Loki Familia by five points in a map sale.

Although it is only a split between two points, considering the huge size of the Loki Familia, the split between two points already has at least one million levels of magic power!

When she left, Ais helped Bell, which was indeed a favor.

Kanzaki Yang didn't want to see Bell's body when he came back, because he might not even be able to save the reincarnation of the demon chess piece.


Ace tilted her head, and it took a few seconds to realize that Kanzaki Yang was talking about Bell.

Well, thank you for saving Bell. This child still needs some growth. Although she has great potential, she can easily die on the way to growth.

Today...it was my lack of supervision that allowed Bell to go to the dungeon alone.

Kanzaki Yang threw a cleaning circle, which penetrated Bell's body and removed all the stains on her body.

He thought it would be better for the rabbit to be whiter.

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