Chapter 495

No matter who wins over the North Sea Empire, these two countries have the hope of victory.

Kanzaki Yang was very glad that he had found the right person. Maybe he felt guilty about the princess, so he told Emperor Beihai.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that if I come here, I won't be convincing at all.

So now the matter is almost settled.

As he spoke, he smiled at the people behind him.

Then Emperor Beihai, if we need to contact you, a dedicated person will contact you. We can't make some agreements to make such a guarantee, otherwise I still don't feel reassured.

Kanzaki Yang said, indeed if they don't guarantee it, of course there will be nothing they can do.

While saying this, he also directly took out an agreement.

Emperor Beihai, this is our gentleman's agreement. We don't need any deception between us, we just work hard to maintain this relationship. After all, everyone knows this world, and we must treat each other sincerely.

Don't worry about this. I am the Emperor Xue Ye and I won't treat others badly. I can be considered alive for Master.

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

Well, it seems that you are also a cheerful person, so this matter has been settled, and we can be considered friends now.

Let's exchange some people for a long time. I've been entertaining you with good food. Let's all eat at my place tonight. Especially the princess. I should have met you once or twice before. So now I can talk to you about the master's affairs.

I still don't like the person in front of me because of this. After all, my father's matter has something to do with him. Although I forgive him on the surface, I still don't want to say another word to him.

I won't eat at your place, it doesn't make any sense.

Princess, I still hope you can forgive me, otherwise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life, because the master is really funny to me, and I treat him like this. I once really told him, but I'm sorry.

This person is apologizing again and indeed repenting for what he has done.

I want to hear the truth of this fact. I know that there is no way to lie in this matter of mine, so I can know that the ins and outs of this matter are true.

In fact, I don’t blame you, but my father has already punished the sinner, and there is no way. Now no one can find out when to repay the injustice. I killed you, and now the entire king’s people are not far from what they were before. The fate of Snow Country is the same.

I can't become the country-destroying killer that everyone hates.

There was no way, she didn't want to be such a person, and she did see the shadow of her father in Beihai Emperor.

This can make her feel the last warmth of this world.

It's better to stay. This is my final compensation. I can even give you whatever you want, as long as you say it.

I will do everything for Emperor Xue Ye, including taking care of you. Why don't you become the princess of the Beihai Empire? Although the Snow Kingdom is not as prosperous as the Snow Kingdom, I can still restore your previous life to your original state. There is no problem. .”

The Beihai Empire is also a very strong (bdcc) country.

What he said is that there is indeed no problem. According to his ability, there is no problem even if he is given a better life, and the output of our country has also increased. After all, it has improved.

It's no longer necessary. I can get everything I want now.

I still want to make up for you. I will grant you three wishes. You can come to me at any time for these three wishes. No matter what they are, I will promise you, okay?

There is no way to refuse this thing. After all, after everything is agreed upon, what if it is really necessary? After all, he is still the master of a country. Let's put it that way, his rights are still quite large.

The Enchantress nodded.

Originally, she was not named that way. It was precisely because of the destruction of the country that she destroyed the entire kingdom in a fit of anger and directly created a dimension there.

And no one who passed by came out alive.

That's why I got such a name.

However, all these matters have been resolved. It is estimated that he will never miss that time again and live a good life outside. This name will gradually be buried one after another. After all, his nature is not bad and monster. Ji has nothing to do with it.

Why don't we have dinner together tonight? Can I still call you Xue'er? Enchantress is not suitable for you.

Kanzaki Yang also said.


Xue'er nodded without saying anything, and seemed to agree.

In that case, that's great. Let's start well from now on and think about a better future. The past things will come to an end. After all, it's almost done, isn't it?

Yes, yes, princess, after all, I was once a protective guard. So be it, I will protect you in the future.

The Forgotten War King said.

The Forgotten War King has already said this, and these words are worth a thousand pieces of gold. .

Chapter 496

Their guarantees are what a gentleman says and a horse cannot chase them back.

Their identities are displayed here, and based on their positions, no one dares to have any thoughts about the princess.

What's more, this princess is already powerful enough.

When he was angry, a whole city collapsed overnight.

Even the Forgotten War King doesn't have such strength.

If you can win him over to your subordinates, it might be helpful not only to your future research on your own formations.

At the beginning, he was able to skillfully avoid the formations he set up.

It’s not particularly difficult to explain that you’re okay.

Okay, okay, let's stop arguing. Let's go eat now.

At this time, Beihai Dadi had already asked people to prepare.

After all, it was a great pleasure to have friends come from far away, so naturally they wanted to entertain them. They had just had a lively chat, and they had finally let go of their decades-long feelings. Naturally, they wanted to celebrate, and they could also see these two. A friend from a previous country.

Not only that, but now we have an additional partner.

This is also a great honor for me!

Emperor Beihai said.

Kanzaki Yoya said.

Yes, yes, not only that, this is also a great honor for me, so now let's go have a meal together,

In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the palace.

It can be seen that she entertains these people in front of her warmly.

These are all made on the largest scale.

Everyone, use your chopsticks quickly.

Emperor Beihai said, looking at everyone.

It is estimated that they did not eat well along the way.

Kanzaki Yang is thinking now, now that things here have been settled.

In the afternoon, I will go directly back to my own country to study my own cloning plan first, and other countries can put it aside for the time being.

The orc tribe is not particularly stable yet. This made her a little worried.

As long as the cloning plan is successful.

Then their battle can increase their winning rate by 60%.

Therefore, this is their main idea now.

While thinking this, I actually had no interest in the meal in front of me.

While everyone was eating, there were performances being performed on the side.

There were beauties dancing, various people performing acrobatics, and solos.

This kind of mood is quite good. He hasn't been so relaxed for a long time. The soldiers in front are fighting. He can't explain it when he sings and sings every night in the palace.

He can't do it either.

While thinking this. at this time.

Emperor Beihai also asked his maid to fill up the wine for everyone.

This is good wine. I have stored it for at least ten years. The princess should be able to taste it. It is a specialty of the Snow Country. I have been reluctant to drink it. Since everyone is here, I will start it.

Come, let's all have a drink together to celebrate the many good things that have happened today.

For her, let go of everything today, the princess, the fight, and myself.

This grand banquet did not last long. After all, they were in the middle of a dispute and they still had a lot to do.

After taking a bite, they went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

According to the agreement, we will return to the country early tomorrow morning.

The Forgotten War King returned to his own kingdom, but the Enchantress could never return to his imaginary place.

She doesn't want to stay here if she has nowhere to go.

I want him to follow me.

This is undoubtedly the best thing.

As long as the princess is here, he can be sure that the Forgotten War King and Beihai Emperor will unconditionally support his side, in fact, the princess's side now, for the sake of Emperor Xueye.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

This will win over people's hearts.

If these two giants are really on their side, it will undoubtedly be the best.

With this thought in mind, he was ready to open the door to find the Enchantress.

But Kanzaki Yang found that as soon as he opened the door, the enchantress was standing in front of his door.

Where are you going so late?

Enchantress asked.

When Kanzaki Yang saw the enchantress, he smiled and said softly.

Aren't you the same? You came to me at night, are you plotting something against me?


Stop being so pretty!

The enchantress smiled, oh yes, we can no longer be called the enchantress now.

It can be seen that the red clothes have been replaced by the previous white.

It's still the same as it was in the Kingdom.


Kanzaki Yang shouted softly, and Xueer immediately turned around.

What's wrong?

You look better in white.


Won't you let me into the room first?

Excuse me, come in quickly.

Kanzaki Yang let Xueer enter and closed the door.

He quickly brought a cup of tea to the person in front of him and then said.

Why did you change your clothes today?

After figuring everything out, it can be considered a change of life.

When Xueer returned to his room, he found that Beihai Dadi had prepared her previous clothes for him. He looked at the clothes and thought about them for a long time before changing into them.

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