She had completely given up on the red clothes before. He was not ready to continue living that kind of life. He found that life outside would be better.

But is there a clear place to go now? knife.

Chapter 497

The North Sea Empire and the Forgotten War King welcomed him, but he was unwilling to go.

Although I am a subjugated country with them, I am not familiar with them. After all, this is a new world, and I don’t want a princess like myself in their mirrors. So the only one who can leave now is Kanzaki Yang in front of me. .

This is the reason why he came here this time.

After all, I have to find a place to go now.

My country also welcomes you very much. You should know my strength. I don't need to protect you. We can slowly develop together with each other.

Both of them knew each other's strength, precisely because Xue'er knew the abilities of Kanzaki Rokuliqiyo.

In the beginning, in his own barrier, the person in front of him was able to break through his protective shield in just a few strokes. Only when he saw his strength did he come out.

No one has been able to crack my own, and I don’t know how the person in front of me defended my own formation.

So this time, he also wanted to find out the reason.

Come Princess Xue'er, let's have a cup of tea.

Kanzaki Yang passed over and spoke to the person in front of him.


Actually, I have one more thing to ask you when I come here this time. Do you still remember when you came to my barrier to find me?

Of course you remember that you used at least five formations for defense.

Yes, if you just use one defense method to defend, it is impossible to defend against it. This formation is very strange, and it has been passed down from generation to generation in our Snow Country. No one else can get in. You are The first one, that’s why I’m going out now.”

I want to ask if you have ever seen such a formation?

I have been studying this since I was a child, so I already discovered some clues when I went in. Do you know where the leak occurred? It was snow.

How can it snow here? I have been seeing snow here since I was a child. It is completely different from the people here. I think there is absolutely no snow here. Although I don't know what happened to you before, but there is still more or less. I heard something about it, so I brought you there.

Coupled with what you said, it proves that you are the legendary princess, so I only need to crack these few mechanisms to completely solve the problem.

You are still a smart person.

Actually, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you.

I know you are thinking about where to go next. If possible, you might as well consider our side.

You mean to go to your country?

Yes, although I am not the leader of this country, most of the decision-making power rests with me.

Say this is not to prove anything, but you can know that I need people like you very much. If the two of us are together, maybe everything will not be so difficult.

I can protect you. Although you don't need my protection, you should know my strength to some extent. I am definitely better than the Beihai Emperor and the Forgotten War King.

This Xue'er can indeed see that even though he doesn't have any position now, as long as he is given enough time, there will be no problem in making him the king of the entire continent.

I can see that you are not purely human.


This Xue'er was a little surprised. No one had ever said such a thing to her.

No one knows about this except my father...

Others can't see this.

No one has seen this happen in decades.

Xue'er in front of her believed in Yang Kanzaki more and more.

I could feel it when I saw you for the first time, otherwise you wouldn't have so many techniques directly. Moreover, your disease is not caused by the formation. You just used the formation to cover it up.

There is no such thing in the formation. If I can guess it, it should be inherited from your mother.

His father must be a human. After all, on this continent, only pure humans can hold the position of the empire.

There is no need to question this.

But you can see that when he gets angry, he can't control his temper, turns red all over, and creates another world. He can make ice and snow at will. His mother should at least be above the Snow Zhiling. of monsters.

This kind of beast is no longer a beast. If it is a fairy, it has at least survived. It has had a human body for tens of thousands of years. I don’t know why it suddenly died on 2.2. It is very likely that it has something to do with them alternating and giving birth to snow. She was gone when she was a child.

This was a disaster they had passed through.

If I want the next generation of children, this may also be their biggest disaster.

An emperor cannot have heirs.

It's a pity that the queen did not survive, but the only thing that can be thankful for is that 30% of his magic was inherited from Xue'er.

This is also his greatest protection for this child, so he can take the form of a human and use the magic of beasts.

This is not the same as the half-human and half-animal ones. .

Chapter 498

His life signs are purely human, but he is able to exert the magic and abilities of the beast.

This is the real power.

First, there will be no backlash.

Two, you can still have a certain intensity with them while maintaining your humanity.

If this research can be understood, this will definitely be the best gain for Kanzaki Yang.

This may have something to do with her parents.

One is Emperor Xue Ye, whose powerful human genes allow her to retain her human form, and the other is the hundred thousand year old Snow Zhi Beast.

And because of fertility sacrifices.

His magic was naturally passed on to his daughter.

If such a method can be used on us, then it is simply a dream.

Everyone should know.

Because of their explosive ability, orcs generally have a short lifespan.

But this Xue'er is different.

This special characteristic makes Cher tough.


You have a new type of characteristic now, but I always feel that there are vague dating problems. Do you feel that there are some strange things in your body?

Kanzaki Yang asked.

After all, there is never the best of both worlds in this world.

While saying this, he said it directly.

After all, there must be some incompatibility between humans and animals. You should understand this. It is even impossible for complete harmony to exist in this world.

He has seen too many human beasts, and it is easy for him to develop into a monster if he endures them.

It is precisely because they cannot control their temper at all that they still have animal nature and it is difficult for them to have the ability to think like humans, even though this person is a human.

If, after all, it is easy for me to drink alcohol when I publish the book, and to go crazy and indulge in monster sex, and by that time, if I cannot control the powerful magic in my body, then I am afraid that there will be some disasters in this world.

His abilities are much stronger than ordinary human beasts, and even the Great Beihai Emperor couldn't do anything to him just now.

So in this situation, they should be in danger.

That's it. You'd better come back to my country with me, so that I can have enough time to study this condition of your body.

You said you wanted to study my body structure?

With your physical structure, Yanjun, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you. You should understand by now that you can't control your temper, and if you go crazy and lose your mind, I'm afraid of the consequences.

To be honest, I can actually feel it.

Especially when he saw the destruction of his country, he didn't even know how he destroyed the city.

When I woke up, I found that there was nothing left, and then I built a world there.

He never dared to think about it. It was the first time, but he couldn't guarantee what would happen next?

She didn't let herself go out, firstly because she had no hope, and secondly because she didn't know if she could control herself or what she would do.

Are you saying you can really change me?

I have been studying these things carefully for such a long time. I can't guarantee you that I will treat it, but I can tell you that if you study it carefully, it will also help me.

Besides, if I can't help you, then no one on this continent can help you.

It is true that Xueer believed this, based on what she knew about him.

Although it has only been a few days, there is no doubt about his strength.

Moreover, his research on these is also beyond ordinary people.

Well, I don't have anything to do anyway, so I might as well go with you.

Don't worry, if you come with me, I will definitely promise you, and I will definitely use all my strength to cure you. Don't worry about this, I will really be responsible.

As he spoke, he also looked at Xueer in front of him.

Then it's settled, we'll leave tomorrow. The Forgotten War King should return to his own place.

Of course. He still has a lot of things to do.

Kanzaki Yang didn't even have to think about it. The Forgotten War King would never follow him.

Now that they have entered into cooperation, there is no need for them to stay here.

Then make sure you leave here tomorrow.

667 Since everything has been decided, Xueer left directly.

Just call me when you come in, and I will follow you and not go anywhere else.

Xue'er said, Kanzaki Yang nodded, and each of them prepared to have a good sleep.

They slept very soundly. I don't know why, but maybe they were too tired for the past two days. When they woke up the next day, they were ready to go.


They got ready and came to the city gate.

Emperor Beihai prepared a lot of gifts for everyone to take back.

Different people have different gifts, and Cher's is a seal.

This is the seal of Emperor Xueye. Now it has been returned to its original owner. I hope I can save your life when necessary.

If you say so, then it must be effective.

Xue'er nodded, touched the seal in her hand, put it down, and said thank you. After all, it was good to be willing to return this to herself.

Xue'er is already content. .

Chapter 499


After all, this is something from Snow Country, so it can be considered as returning to its original owner.

No matter what happened over the years. He kept them all well.

Otherwise, it would have been destroyed by Xueer long ago.

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