Emperor Beihai kept saying that he might have never thought about this matter for many years.

It also made him feel painful when he said it.

But I never thought that when he finished the last glass of wine, that man actually came out and massacred the entire kingdom with a large number of people.

I didn't expect this person to be so vicious.

If such a person becomes emperor, he will definitely have no future.

That was an entire city, and everyone had been killed.

Almost none of the tens of thousands of people, including all living things, survived.

I feel really guilty. I never imagined that this would be like this. I thought it would not be like this, so many people would die.

The city is dead, and Emperor Xueye’s ability is 2.2, can everyone expect it?

Even if he was poisoned, he still had a certain degree of defense. These people couldn't do anything to him. Maybe out of some resentment, they used all their strength to finally put that person to death.

He would never let his plan succeed.

After all, for a strong person like Emperor Xueye, how could he possibly handle this matter well with his abilities.

As he said this, he cut the man into pieces, but at this time, he didn't have any strength left.

But how could he let this person go so easily? .

Chapter 493

He persisted in his last belief just to drag this man into hell with him.

The person in front of him was torn apart by the darkness. He used almost all his vitality.

However, when this man fell, Emperor Xueye also lost any breath of life.

It can be regarded as completing his last belief. It was in accordance with this belief that he persisted until this point.

Otherwise, such strong toxicity may have caused him to cease to exist long ago.

At this time, I quickly came to them.

At this time, all the scenes between them appeared before her eyes, as if they were all memories, so she felt a little regretful. After all, her master had left her now.

It's even possible that he still has some strength. In the end, he thought like this. He should be in pain now, but he doesn't have any strength anymore.

Master, Master

He shouted his name hard, but he couldn't say it to him harmoniously like before.

In the end, because Emperor Xueye died and took away the previous person, he was now the only heir.

His country was also forgotten and he could only return to his former tribe.

However, he got back all the positive things that previously belonged to Emperor Xue Ye, and these treasures were enough. He pointed out that he had never visited a country again. Although he had a certain city, he still did not stay here.

This place would remind him of everything in the past and make him feel guilty for the rest of his life, so he returned to his tribe and used Emperor Xueye's money to do a lot of things here. In the end, it developed bit by bit and developed into Beihai. empire.

This can be regarded as a coincidence.

It can also be said that without Emperor Xue Ye, there would be no current Beihai Empire.

I harmed Emperor Xueye.

Why, why didn't I stop him when I watched him drink the cup of poison?

It is impossible for the entire country to end up like this.

Although there is no current Beihai Empire, so what if it is like this now.

I still regret it very much.

Now, he imitates the influence of Emperor Xue Ye, and almost all of them are based on his appearance.

Including the current political thoughts and the previous work style, they are all based on what I want to go home.

That's why his country is so prosperous and prosperous, which will help him in the future.

After telling everything, he looked at the person in front of him as if he suddenly regained all his sanity.


Emperor Beihai already knew what had just happened to him.

He didn't know how he could be like this just now.

But he knew that the previous princess would do this, and now this person knew that this person might be the person he thought.

While talking, he also asked.

Are you? The daughter of Emperor Xueye?

The Enchantress was constantly reminiscing at this time, looking at what had happened just now, as if she already had a whole picture in her mind.

It can be regarded as understanding the root cause of the matter.

At this time, the fan in his hand has been transformed into a dagger, ready to stab the person in front of him.

Why didn't you stop father before?

If you had stopped us, the Snow Kingdom would still be prosperous, and there would be no way it would be like this. Do you know that the entire kingdom has been wiped out! There are tens of thousands of people, and there is no sign of survival at all, you know?

Even now there is no trace of the previous kingdom, everything has disappeared directly, and no one has any memory.

This is a loss for the world.

I'm sorry, these were all given to me by Master. If you want my life, just take them.

I do all this voluntarily, and it's okay.

Emperor Beihai said.

There seemed to be no intention of resisting.

This man couldn't die yet, Kanzaki Yang stopped him directly.

What will happen to this country if he dies?

He is now the same as the original Emperor Xueye. If he is gone, then you will become the person who destroyed the country 663, which is not exactly the same as the person you hate.

? When will injustice be repaid?

Saying that, Kanzaki Yang held her hand.

He has done a lot now, but his own ability is simply not as good as that of Emperor Xue Ye.

Why don't you join us here now?

Working against each other together and doing more good deeds can be regarded as taking responsibility for the wrong things in the past.

I have nothing to say. This is indeed my fault.

I have always known Master's thoughts, so I have always followed his ideas to make the world a better place. I will be like him in the future. After all, this is his thing.

Emperor Beihai said.

Then, you should know that in the current battle, although you want to protect your people and do not want to participate, if you are taken over by a country, will you still be able to live in peace? It is simply impossible.

If you don't come forward to protect your people, then when all countries are merged, the North Sea Empire will cease to exist..

Chapter 494

Kanzaki Yang quickly took the opportunity to tell the matter.

And it is true that the enchantress in front of her also thought clearly.

Over the years, her resentment has slowly disappeared, and indeed she shouldn't hate this person so much. Even if he doesn't leave with all the money in the palace, his country will definitely have nothing.

At that time, the princess was practicing in seclusion on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Unexpectedly, when she came back, she would see that all the countries were dead and her father was buried properly. She was unwilling to give in. Under the uncertainty, she could only dig it out to see if it was this person. Unexpectedly, she saw Not only did his father have traces of poisoning, but he had also lost all his strength, and even all the valuable things in his country had been taken away by others.

He also put down the dagger in his hand.

Forget it, I don't blame you anymore. There is no need. After all, you are not like this. As you said this, you said it directly to him.

You also buried my father well, and for this reason, there is no grudge between us. I only want one thing.

I see that what's outside is the jewel in my father's crown, so it should be returned to its original owner now.

After saying this, Emperor Beiye in front of him also sighed.

Yes, the property returns to its original owner. This country belongs to Emperor Xueye alone, so I regard this as his country, so I placed the gem as a contribution to this city.

If you want to take it away, just take it off. After all, it belongs to your father.

Emperor Beihai spoke directly and didn't say anything else.

When the princess heard this, she also sighed.

It seems that it would be more meaningful to put this gem here than for me to take it away. My father has always wanted the good of his people all his life, so let him always look after her people here.

I never expected that this princess would be so sensible.

At this time, Emperor Beihai also spoke directly.

Master, the princess has grown up and is so sensible. Have you seen that the princess is so outstanding now? She has not let you down, Master.

The Great Beihai even shed some tears while speaking.

Okay, you don't need to do this. There is no need. I hope you can do what your father asks you to do.

Kanzaki Yang heard this and added directly to him.

You are a smart person. You should be able to understand what the consequences will be if you don't participate in this time. Cooperate with me and I will protect you.

Who are you?

My name is Kanzaki Yang.

So you are the one we often hear.

It doesn't matter anymore. Since you know me, you should know that I do have such strength. As long as I defeat the organization behind me, the future will be clear.

But if you continue not to participate in the struggle, think about it, if she succeeds, will the world be different? If we lose, your country will not be peaceful. His goal is the entire world. Don’t you understand?”

You must understand these things, right.

Kanzaki Yang's question made the person in front of him nod his hair.

Indeed, this man's ambition is just like the man who killed Emperor Xue Ye before.

The entire kingdom was directly destroyed. Because of Emperor Xueye, everyone was his heartfelt people, so no one could be left behind. Otherwise, an uprising would be a matter of time.

Moreover, if he did not exist, he felt that it would not matter, but who would protect the people in these cities at that time.

How can they be their opponents? When the time comes, the massacre of the city will happen again.

There was no way he could sit still and wait for death.

If you are afraid of war now, there may not be any results in the future.

Now for them, that's exactly what everyone thinks.

.々I should do something now, but there is nothing I can do now.

But now I know. If you don't resist, it's very likely that the city will be massacred, and my country will be next.

I agree to go and fight with you, but I have one request.

I don't want any casualties among my people. This is not good for me.

The words of Emperor Beihai gave Kanzaki Yang (Wang Wanghao) a chance to refute Ling.

That's right. You should know better than me. As long as there is fighting, there will be casualties. This is something I can't control, but I will try to reduce it as much as possible.

The only thing I can guarantee is that after peace, there will be no fighting between the two of us. In this case, we will get the peaceful realm you want. I will also protect your country. What do you think?

Kanzaki Yang made such a guarantee, not only because this person has such strength, so ordinary countries dare not provoke him, but also because he is in alliance with himself, so he does not need to do anything.

Even if there are problems, they will be solved easily. .

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