Kanzaki Yang, who always wanted revenge and complaints, carved a formation directly on the palm of his hand, and a wisp of black smoke floated directly to the soldier's shoulder.

In less than five hours, this soldier will die suddenly (bdcc).

And it will be silent.

This is what will happen to you.

In the same way, the next person who meets you will be smarter.

Soon, they passed through a forest and came directly to a castle.

This castle is not white, but yellow. You must know that yellow buildings are still uncommon. Why do they use yellow palaces?

There are indeed many curious things happening in this North Sea Empire.

But at this time, the princess just saw a crystal on the Beihai Empire.

If she remembered correctly, this crystal should be on his father's crown, but now it appears in the center of the castle. Why on earth is this?

Could their guess be correct?

The demise of their country is really related to the Beihai Empire.

The two of them can't fight at all, and if so, fight with this female devil. Then the number of orcs will be depleted to a certain extent.

In this case, wouldn't the cloning plan they wrote have to be moved forward? Some problems would have arisen now. If the cloning plan was immature, the orcs must be protected.

Welcome to my kingdom.

Lord Beihai, it seems you already knew we would come here.

Then I have a half-animal pigeon demon. His speed is unimaginable. As long as he comes to my country, if the country can't afford it, there will definitely be news from him here.

Thanks to him these years, we are so stable.

Lord Beihai smiled.

But I don't know what your purpose is for coming here this time? Why don't we have a meal first when everyone is here?

There is no need for me, Lord Beihai. I want to make some cloning plans. You should know about this cloning plan. It will definitely benefit many people. However, many people do not believe in this, so it triggered a series of subsequent events. matter.

As the North Sea Empire of the three major empires, I think I can listen to your opinion. If you think this matter is completely feasible, then I am afraid that the dispute on our side will end, and if it succeeds, I will give you the corresponding reward. Benefit.

And what if it doesn't work out?

It is impossible for us to be irregular. And for you, if you think about it, there is really no loss. If it succeeds, you will get a batch of cloned samples for free.

The two people were talking and seemed to have completely forgotten the existence of the War King.

And there is a peerless enchantress next to the King of War.

At this time, the War King also spoke directly.

Master Beihai, can you still remember me?

Who are you? Master Beihai stepped forward and said.

You are the Forgotten War King!

Master Beihai seemed very surprised, as if seeing how unexpected this person was.

Could it be that the King of War is too powerful? But as the king of the Beihai Empire, there are many powerful people.

How could it be a surprise?

There must be some unknown story between them, which is why there was such a powerful reaction.

At this time, after hearing Lord Beihai's words, the Forgotten War King also nodded and said softly.


I can't believe you still remember me! Emperor Qiu..

Chapter 491

Emperor Qiu, as the son of a former tribal elder.

When I was a child, I received the true inheritance, mastered some iron-making skills, and accidentally obtained high soul power.

After that, the North Sea Empire became more and more prosperous.

Of course I remember, warrior in the world, I didn't expect that you are still alive, and we haven't seen each other for a long time, right? This is really beyond my imagination.

I never expected to see you here today.

But I did come here. I came here for the same purpose as Kanzaki Yang. After all, we came here to protect our country. For you, it should be very simple to say a word, so it's up to you. Are you willing to help me with this?

At this time, the person in front of me was a little hesitant.

You should know what happened before, and to be honest, I don't want to get involved in this dispute at all, and let the dispute do me no good. I am not on either side, I am just a separate sect of my own. , Although I, the Beihai Empire, am not afraid of trouble, I will not do anything that is not good for me.

How could you lose your position just because of a few sentences? After all, he is a member of a country. If he is not decisive in doing things and is not determined at all, I am afraid he will not do such a big thing.

I have been investigating the previous things, but I have never found any results. If you know anything that can help me, you can tell me. If I know the previous things, I will definitely not be kind - Just give up.

At this time, when the Warrior King heard these words, he clenched his fist fiercely. He most likely guessed that it was because of the man in front of him that his entire country would be destroyed.

So his current name is Forgotten.

Not only did he forget that country, but he also forgot his good brothers in the company where he was a former colleague, and he also forgot his family.

What on earth did he want to see what this person would say next?

Unexpectedly, before he could say what he wanted to say, the man said directly.

The past things are in the past. Even if you pursue it again, it will be of no use. Now that you have reached this position, you should consider your future development path. Well, I have a position in my hands now. If you come , I can give you the position of an elder and do it.

This position is already considered very high in their country, and even if they have a say in national voting, they can still give it a vote.

Sometimes awareness based on votes is very important. Their entire country adopts a closed system, so there are only ten people with rights?

Master Beihai, we don't need to remember this matter now. We can now consider the purpose of my visit this time, because you also know that I will not do anything without any benefit.

So what about this? He had come prepared a long time ago. He heard that people from the North Sea Empire especially like to collect gems.

And there are also high-quality weapons that can also catch her eye.

But ordinary weapons definitely don't have this ability. After all, they are the city of steel. They like this, so they will continue to improve. Even if they are ordinary people, they can do better than people outside.

So today I specially brought some gifts. If you feel they are not enough, you can completely solve this problem and make a request.

Kanzaki Yang said.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Why don't you take out any gems and let me take a look.

What kind of gems are these? I feel like I don't like them at all, and you have never seen the gems I collected. I have the best one, and I put it at the entrance of the palace.

You can go and take a look some other time. That is the best gem in the whole world. There is no one like it.

At this time, the enchantress smiled after hearing this, and thought for a while, this must be the last gemstone, which is worn by my father in the crown. If it is not particularly good, how could it appear here?

......... 0

However, this gem was not naturally formed, but when he was out playing when he was a child, he accidentally made a hole in the sun. The hole slowly came here and turned into a gem.

Therefore, it is also called Sun Stone at this time. It is still very useful and can continuously provide energy for yourself or the city.

I don’t know why Lord Beihai doesn’t just keep such a good thing for himself. Maybe it’s because his ability can’t be used at all.

Come to think of it, he doesn't have the same magical power as his father.

This made Enchantress feel a little happy, as if she had returned to the past.

But hearing this man say that these gems were not good at all made the enchantress a little unhappy.

Then he said to this person.

No you like the rocks now.

After saying this to this person, Lord Beihai suddenly changed his attitude and looked at the gem in his hand with a surprised look on his face.

Good stones, good stones, where did you get so many gems? This is simply my dream. Dao.

Chapter 492

Kanzaki Yang looked at the earth-shaking changes in the man in front of him.

It seems that this is the skill of the enchantress.

I didn't expect this charm technique to be so easy to use. It seems to control people's hearts.

If you think about it this way, the person in front of you may not be a human being at all.

After all, humans don't have such a method at all. If there is, they may be afraid that they have already mastered it.

Okay, so now that this is the case, you can always meet our requirements.

Give me these gems, please, and I will promise you anything.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Beihai Empire agreed so quickly. Isn't it a bit surprising that this is all because of a few broken stones? I don't know what he thought of it?

But in fact, these stones are all rare treasures. If you look for them, you will probably not be able to find better gems than him, if these cannot catch his eye.

Indeed, only the witch's charm can help him.

But he didn't expect that the Enchantress didn't want to give up so easily and said directly to him.

Do you still remember the snow country before?

These words made Beihai Dadi stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lost some light and he continued to look at him.

I've never heard of it, so I don't understand what you mean.

Are you saying you've never seen Emperor Xue Ye? You should have heard of Snow Country.

The enchantress felt something was a little strange, and then turned her eyes bright red. It seemed that he was using his skills just now to face the person in front of him, as if the person in front of him suddenly remembered something.

Directly speaking in a truthful tone, like a puppet, telling everything that he was shocked to see before.

I was the leader of a small tribe, and once I accidentally rescued a person when I was out.

This person is Emperor Xue Ye.

Maybe I had a little bit of a crush on him. After all, she had never received favors from others, so he said he could agree to a few requests for me.

I didn't have any requirements and wanted to learn something at that time, so I took advantage of this opportunity and became his teacher.

I have also learned a lot of things.

I really made a mistake once and finally learned a lot.

Suddenly one day. A person came to me and said that he could make my country develop better. I think this can be done.

I immediately agreed directly to this person.

But I never thought that this matter would actually require me to execute Emperor Xue Ye.

How is this possible? After all, he is my master and I will not do this.

I continued to resist in the later period and never did anything, but in the end he actually executed all my people bit by bit.

This kind of killing made me unbearable, so I went directly to Emperor Xue Ye to express this matter.

But this person didn't believe me at all.

There's something I don't understand.

Why did he believe that he didn't even believe in himself? Then didn't his people die in vain for this man?

I was very angry at the time, so I directly found that person and decided to cooperate with him.

How about it, don't you believe what I said? If you had known today, why did you do it in the first place? So many people died in vain, regret it. The death of one person can bring peace to the whole world, why don't you agree?

This sentence directly convinced me, then do it...

At another party, I took advantage of the large number of people and directly colluded with everyone to poison Emperor Xue Ye. I knew clearly that the glass of wine was poisonous, but I still drank it while watching the people in front of me. .

This incident still makes me feel guilty to this day.

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