Kanzaki Yang finally tried to persuade him to stay, even if it had no effect.

You don't need to say anything. I don't need to think about it. There's nothing to think about. I'm fine here and I'm too lazy to worry about inter-city matters.

While saying this, the woman waved her hand, and the wooden house disappeared on the spot, and everyone was still standing in the snow. 13

It seems that he is ready to see off guests at this time.

Just like they would not agree to survive in this small world, they were unwilling to keep this woman or leave with them.

Is this the end of the story?

You two, please do as you please.

It would be better to just say this and ask them to leave.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't continue talking. When he was about to leave, the War King spoke in a low voice.

Don't you want to know what exactly led to the demise of your country?

After saying this sentence, the woman in front of her turned pale, looking at the person in front of her as if she had heard some important news.

Could you be?

I am the guard back then.

The enchantress was stunned after hearing this.

Guard, she remembered that the country did have such a person.

What else do you know?

At the beginning, when everyone went south, our country was the most powerful country, so many people were jealous. It was precisely because of this that we were targeted by the people of the Beihai Empire.

At that time, it was not an empire at all, it was just an ordinary city. It was precisely because it annexed our country from behind that it had its current seat. Otherwise, it would be nothing more than an ant.

Only then did Kanzaki Yang understand why the war king in front of him agreed to his request without even thinking about it and came over to meet him. It turned out that he also had such a connection with the Beihai Empire.

It sounds like their previous country was indeed prosperous and a mere guard had now earned the title of War King.

If people weren't calculating, I'm afraid there would be no one on this entire continent who could be their opponent, right?

However, from one generation of peace to another generation of chaos, there will always be a rehabilitated person in this world.

It seems that a person of this generation has already appeared, and it is him Kanzaki Yang.

Are you saying that the demise of my father and the country is related to the Beihai Empire?


I didn't hear what the king said until the end. Naturally, I had no way of understanding some of the things, but I am certain that it must have something to do with him. What does it have to do with it? It's better to listen to it personally as soon as I arrive in the Beihai Empire.

I went with him this time for this purpose.

I hope you won't lie to me, because you have to know the consequences of lying to me? I will make you live in an illusion forever and never get out.

Your Highness the Princess, even if you don't recognize me, you should still remember this.

After the war king finished speaking, he took out a token directly from his arms.

The token says snow.

No wonder it has been snowing in your city just now. It turns out that this princess has been missing her previous country.

Hasn’t it been snowing on this continent for a long time?

Since the country's demise, there has never been a trace of snow on this continent.

The war king said.

So she just saw the snow, didn't say anything, and some of her actions were all memories?

Kanzaki Yang suddenly realized.

No wonder, even if the snow was poisonous, he didn't try to dodge it.

He is originally from the Snow Country.

This token! Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Could it be that she was not the only one in his Wang Chengshang who survived?

The woman smiled, ran forward and took the token.

It is indeed the royal token, I am sure this is it!

It looked a little excited, like a child who left home and saw an old friend.

Looking at your current abilities, you are probably the King of War at least.

The war king nodded.

Yes, it seems that the development of our country's people is certain! Their North Sea Empire is nothing. If I know that the demise of my royal family is related to them, I will turn the entire empire upside down!

The red dress seemed to be on fire, and this hot feeling made the entire snow melt.

It's not just a sentiment, it's hatred between nations.

I'm leaving with you. I want to find out what was the reason for this. The investigation is unclear. The entire empire must be buried with the royal family!

As he spoke, the red flames burned and melted the entire snow. Looking closer, the three of them had returned to the real world. .

Chapter 489

Let's go meet the Beihai Empire for a while now.

The enchantress's blood-red eyes seemed to be shining, and the moment they came out, it seemed to me that he seemed several years older.

This is a bit unexpected.

But it was a miracle that he came out.

No one has any intention to investigate and ask why he is older?

Probably because of that layer of barrier.

At this time, the War King suddenly knelt down on one knee and spoke to the person in front of him.

See Your Highness the Princess!

There is no need to say this again. I am no longer the princess.

When he said this, he looked very cruel, as if he had forgotten everything before, but it could be seen that there was still some reluctance in his eyes.

No matter what? You are our princess. I may not be the only one who survived, but I believe that as long as there is one living person, no one will forget the empire.

The former empire was prosperous and prosperous, which was in sharp contrast to the current behavior. If it weren't for the conspiracy, they would still be very happy and peaceful.

Everyone lost their lives in that battle.

The sudden extinction of a royal city was something no one could have imagined.

Don't talk about the past things anymore. I'll go with you. My purpose is different from yours. My purpose is just to investigate the truth about the destruction of the previous kingdom.

The woman in red said it to everyone.

Okay, now that you have come out, this is the first step for our success. Don't worry, we will do our best to help you.

After all, trust can be exchanged for trust, and Kanzaki Yang knows this very well.

Yes, princess, at least you have to believe me, I will help you, and I also want to investigate the truth before.

After the three people finished talking, they prepared to go to the North Sea Empire.

The empire that went to Beihai this time wanted to drag him in. In this case, it would be impossible to escape even if the time came.

On the one hand, it may be helpful to you, on the other hand, it also appears to be relatively stable in terms of structure.

However, the only problem now is the woman in front of him. He may have some prejudices against the North Sea Kingdom. Although I don't know whether what this war king said is true or false, he does have a certain card.

If this is true, then coming to the Beihai Empire is likely to cause war with a third party.

But just by looking at the woman in front of her, does she have enough power to shake the entire empire?

There should be no need to think about this, he definitely does not have such strong strength, but Kanzaki Yang always has a vague feeling that the girl in front of him must be unusual.

If he is going to do something, he must be a very dangerous person.

God has known this empire for at least how many years, but he is still 18 years old now.

I don’t know what technique he used, nor what he is good at. Although it is necessary to be on guard against others, she must be more careful about the woman in front of her.

If he and this empire really stand against each other, then it will face even more choices.

The number of originally antagonistic situations has reached more than three or five compared to here. If there is him again, although he cannot be alone, if there is him to interfere with it.

The consequences are really hard to say.

It seems that this matter still needs to be taken back to his own country, and Fulia can persuade him, hoping that he can feel less resentful.

He should let go of these resentments now, and he should have a better life. With his power, or her beauty, he is like a fairy in this world.

But seeing as he has locked himself in a world now, this is simply not possible.

Now that they have taken the step, it is their first step. They must find a way to let him help them persuade people from the powerful empire to go to war.

But if something like this happens, things may get more and more difficult.

What can we do?

He is about to arrive in the Beihai Empire. The geographical conditions in the Beihai Empire are superior, so the planting industry is generally quite developed, and the people here like to refine steel.

This place is also called the City of Steel. The City of Steel has the best top casters and iron in the world.

If ordinary people want to buy weapons, they can only buy them from here, so (Wang Wang) said that their country is still very developed in this aspect, so it can develop little by little.

Otherwise, they would be nothing more than a small country, or even just a small tribe.

From a small tribe to such a big one now, there must be some of them that rely on their abilities to achieve success.

They had just arrived in this city, and when they entered the door, there were already people waiting for them. A guard on a white horse was already standing in front of them.

Hello, is this Kanzaki Yang?

Emperor, let me wait here today. You will arrive around this time. If so, please follow me back to the empire.

The guard said to Kanzaki Yang. .

Chapter 490

Strange, how did this person know he would come here?

Kanzaki Yang was thinking in his heart, although he didn't say it out loud. But at this time, the God of War also spoke to them.

Even if he knew it, it would be impossible to calculate the time in such a short period of time. Could it be that this person can predict such a thing? This kind of ability is not something that ordinary people can obtain.

There's no use in guessing now. Let's go in and find out.

The mystery in this country is getting bigger and bigger, and it becomes more and more difficult for them to guess what they are doing? What are you thinking about?

Even their abilities cannot be guessed at all. The geographical advantage allows them to fight against evil, and it is also suitable for the development of these orcs.

Finally, there is the Steel City, so their strength cannot be taken lightly.

Now they actually have the function of divination, so will they be invulnerable?

I am afraid that even my own Kingdom of Aldykia does not have such ability.

The North Sea Empire in front of us is really unpredictable.

But everything is under Kanzaki Yang's control.

Brute force can never defeat brains.

You mean your empire asked you to come?

Yes, if you have any questions, you can ask us everything. I don't know. I am only responsible for taking you there. Since you are here, isn't the purpose of meeting him.

It seems that this soldier has a very crazy tone.

After all, he is also the leader of a country, and this person can actually say such words to himself. It seems that his death is not far away.

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