How did you feel last night... There should be no other questions now~

Looking at Hestia who had just woken up in 570, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The news between the gods is known very quickly, and Kanzaki Yang doesn't have much doubts about it~

However, he did have something more important to bring Freya back, which would be beneficial not only to Freya herself, but also to Hestia.

If Hestia could understand his good intentions, then she should.

Things like this can't be solved overnight, so they can only be solved in better ways~

No matter which situation you look at, the final result is obvious.

And Hestia must have wronged him somewhere, otherwise why would she be so excited yesterday...

Yeah~ Hestia replied softly.

After the torment last night, I still haven’t recovered yet~

However, Yang Jun has indeed become more powerful recently~

No, no! What on earth are you thinking about in your head...

When she just answered, she instantly regretted it. Wasn't this because she had fallen into Yang Jun's trap...

She did not react immediately to such a thing, and then quickly said: Yang Jun! You haven't answered my question last night...

I almost forgot about the main thing, but I can't forget about the trouble last night...

These are two different things and cannot be compared.

You can't just forget about the business just because of what happened last night~

At this moment, Hestia looked at Kanzaki Yang quietly in front of her, wanting to wait for his answer.

She won't listen or care what other people say, she just wants to hear how Yang Kanzaki answers her~

And this is enough, after all, only she can truly understand how close her relationship with Kanzaki Yang is~

And such a relationship is not something that can be disintegrated in an instant just by hearing a few gossips~

It’s just that sometimes when I hear the news, I inevitably have some thoughts in my heart~

But as long as I can hear his answer, I will feel much better~

Actually, things are not what you think (bdcc) ~ I wanted to tell you about it last night, but I forgot about it after thinking about it...

Looking at Hestia's expectant expression, it seemed as if she would cry immediately if she didn't say anything~

It almost made his heart melt, he said with a wry smile.

However, now is indeed the time to tell Hestia these things. After all, sometimes you can't prove anything just by relying on some illusory things.

Thinking of the madness last night, Hestia's face showed a hint of blush, a hint of crimson.

Who told him to be so impulsive last night? When he thought of himself falling again, he couldn't help but want to repent~

Although she has recognized this fact in her heart, it does not prevent her from repenting...

When faced with such a thing, more or less, I still have some ideas~

Kanzaki Yang paused, and then said what he was thinking.


Yang Jun... don't be deceived by that woman~

I don't believe that that woman would be so kind, and as time goes by, it will be too late for us to regret it~

Oh~ why didn't you tell me about this matter in advance~ so that I can also provide you with some suggestions...

After listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Hestia was actually very shocked.

After all, we are all gods in the dungeon world, and we already know each other very well.

Under such circumstances, it was natural to preconception that Freya had some ideas for agreeing like this~

As for what her real purpose is, Hestia can only think about Yang Kanzaki~

Apart from this purpose, she really couldn't imagine anything else.

This is a woman who can even ignore her own family members. In Hestia's opinion, such a god should be somewhat selfish.

Is it possible that Yang Jun really fell into a beauty trap and was deceived by this beauty god?

Just like that, Hestia seemed worried in her heart, and almost cried on her face...

Chapter 356

Seeing Hestia's expression, Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but feel dizzy~

But there was nothing he could do~

After all, who expected the relationship between him and Hestia to be so close? Hold her gently in his arms.

This made Hestia a little quieter. To be honest, hugging her like this made her feel even more at ease.

Don't worry~ Hestia, do you think I've ever done something I wasn't prepared for~

In other words, when have I ever suffered a loss?

So before doing this, I have already thought about all the possibilities. In fact, you don't have to worry so much. I know everything in my heart...

This time Kanzaki Yang spoke in a very gentle voice, and Hestia slowly raised her head.

It's not that she doesn't believe what Yang Kanzaki said, but Freya's character seems to have some problems...

The only thing I worry about is that Kanzaki Yang will be deceived. The name Beauty God is not in vain~

If you are confused by that woman, Yang Jun will be in trouble...

In any case, this is not a situation that Hestia wants to see. The unwarranted omen is obviously enough to explain many problems.

Okay...Yang Jun has also paid so much for my affairs~

Hestia replied that since Kanzaki Yang had already made plans for this matter, she would not say too much about opposing it.

What's more, opposition doesn't seem to work, but will ruin things between them.

If this thing affects their relationship and causes Kanzaki Yang to become more and more distant from her, it will be more than worth the loss~

Yang Jun, can I meet her~

Although Yang Jun thinks Freya can trust her, he still has to make some agreements with her~

We may not necessarily come back often, so this will put some constraints on her!

As if she thought of something, she suddenly suggested.

Kanzaki Yang was stunned and did not immediately answer Hestia's words.

Because he hadn't thought of this beforehand, but he didn't know if doing so would cause Freya to backlash...

Freya's strength is undoubtedly very powerful in this world~

If that bad situation occurs because of what you did, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Determine, after making an agreement with Freya, will there be a backlash? Or will she continue to cooperate?

Under such circumstances, it is natural to use [Absolute Dualism] to make some corresponding judgments~

Basically, as long as there are not too many problems with the judgment result, then the matter can be carried out according to Hestia's method.

This is a kind of constraint that can properly restrict some of Freya's behaviors...

[The focus is on the mystery of the host! 】

[Until Freya sees all of the host’s mystery, the other party will not choose the path of betrayal! 】

[As long as the host continues to maintain its mystery, the other party will not resist, and the worst result of betraying the host will occur! 】

The system quickly gave the answer and also provided some opinions.

In fact, with such an answer, Kanzaki Yang can basically be sure in his heart~

At least this method is feasible, and there will be more certainty~

In other words, there is no possibility of Freya betraying herself!

Apollo's death will eventually be the answer to a mystery in the dungeon world. As long as he doesn't tell it, they will definitely not tell it, so Apollo's legacy will hardly be exposed to him.

Thinking of this, he smiled lightly~

When Hestia saw the smile on Kanzaki Yang's face, she couldn't help but look puzzled...

What's going on...why are you smiling so happily?

Don't worry! Hestia~

I promise you right now, let her come to our place tomorrow, and we can have a good talk with her then~

Seemingly seeing the confusion on her face, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile and touched her head.

Who said his relationship with Hestia was unusual? And this time, I was originally going for the family members, so there was basically no need to worry so much.

Really... Yangjun~ You are so kind!

Hestia's heart was racing, after all, her Yang Jun was the best~


The next day, when Freya came to the Hestia Familia alone, she instantly aroused the hostility of everyone in the Familia.

Although I came here secretly this time, it still attracted some attention.

This kind of attention is not just to attract people's attention. Freya actually didn't want to come here so quickly~

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

But she was too disappointed and wanted to understand the mystery of Yang Kanzaki~

But it’s true that I haven’t seen Hestia for a long time...

As two major families who were once equal in strength, the relationship between the two is not that close~

Especially in the case of Kanzaki Yang, Hestia regarded her as an enemy.

This is not as simple as an opponent. Want to compete with her? That has to be done with your own consent!

Regarding Freya's arrival to the Hestia Familia today, the news has been kept secret.

This was also Kanzaki Yang's intention. Of course, it was mainly the order given by Hestia herself.

Of course, the people of the dependent family need to listen to the fate decreed by the gods.


In a specially set aside office, Kanzaki Yang also stayed here.

Otherwise, he is really afraid of the rivalry between two women, which would be a bit exciting~

When Freya looked at Kanzaki Yang, she didn’t forget to cast a small look~

He naturally looked away, but Hestia next to him naturally saw such a small gesture and couldn't help but pat the table.

Hmph! I'm still here! Freya, why do I think you've changed a lot recently?

Jealous women are the scariest thing~ Especially in this face-to-face situation, it makes Kanzaki Yang feel even more headache~

His main purpose today is to reconcile, and he will still take care of it when it is time to take care of it.

Ah la ah la~ Hestia, when did you become so sensitive~

Hehe~ You don't really think that I will steal Kanzaki Yang from you, do you?

Freya also had a provocative look in her eyes, but the two of them were not thinking about the same thing. This was all because of Freya’s perception of the relationship between the two of them. In fact, the actual relationship was even more profound~

And she was very interested in Kanzaki Yang's soul and wanted to possess it right away!

After all, who would reject such an outstanding soul so easily?

At least from her point of view, it's not too late to be happy. Whoever refuses is a fool!

She really wanted to hear what flowers Hestia would say next, and she was already ready to wait and see.

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