The final result will depend on what Hestia will think~ Knife.

Chapter 357


Kanzaki Yang coughed twice, and the drama between two women gave him a very headache.

After all, Hestia asked herself to call Freya over today just to solve some problems after leaving.

This can be regarded as vaccination in advance. Unexpectedly, the two women would get into trouble as soon as they met...

This is simply treating him like a human being~

This made him want to cry. If he had known this was the case, he might as well have told each other, which would have saved some time.

At the same time, there won’t be so much trouble. I’m afraid that’s all that can be done in this matter~

After hearing Yang Kanzaki's cough, the two of them became quiet.

But Hestia crossed her arms and glared at Freya fiercely.

The goddess of beauty is not in vain, and Yang Jun is so outstanding. If she were abducted by her, she would burst into tears...

In this case, Hestia would never allow this to happen!

If you regret it in the future, there is no regret medicine in this world~

But Freya didn't care that much, she just shook her hair and smiled softly.

She came here today just for Kanzaki Yang's sake, and she had to take matters into consideration if they were related to the family members~

But if Hestia continues to be so unreasonable, then she will wave her sleeves and leave here~

Of course, the relationship between the two of them is already so tense.

If this matter really can't be discussed, then she doesn't mind teasing Kanzaki Yang~

Let’s see what kind of expression Hestia will have when the time comes~

Kanzaki Yang didn't know what was going on in Freya's mind, so he wanted to see his face anyway!


If you continue to do this, it will embarrass me, and so will you, Hestia. How can you treat our guests like this?

But Freya, this is the Hestia Familia after all, you should be careful what you say!

In case there are some unnecessary misunderstandings, I won't take the blame...

Kanzaki Yang persuaded the two of them, hoping that they would not fight~

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to be a good person when you are caught in the middle. You may even have doubts about life and don’t know who to help...

Ah la ah la~ Since Kanzaki Yang said so, I will sit down and listen to what you have to say.

Freya said this to Hestia, wanting to see what flowers the other party could say today~

Otherwise, she would not necessarily give Kanzaki Yang face.

Moreover, things like face can be earned by oneself, and it does not necessarily have to be given to him by others.

As the god who was once the number one family in the dungeon world, Freya knew this aspect very well~

Even Hestia has calmed down now and must think about life carefully.

She was indeed a little anxious just now, but what else could she do...

This is a woman who is prone to jealousy. It’s just the thoughts of some little women. What’s wrong with her~

I saw two people calm down temporarily and sitting facing each other.

Kanzaki Yang moistened his throat and then said: I will sit here today. You two have a good talk, Freya. After this, I will take Hestia out of this world.

He left the decision-making power to the two of them. How to discuss it depends on their respective courage~

Anyway, Kanzaki Yang is very clear that it is not appropriate to discuss this matter too much.

Otherwise, things will get darker and darker, and he won't be able to explain it clearly even if he opens his mouth countless times.

What? This is why you called me here...

I thought I was called here today because there were some good things to share with me, but I didn't expect...

Freya gradually fell silent, which was indeed beyond her expectation.

What kind of charm does Hestia have? To be able to fascinate him...

I am the goddess of beauty praised by everyone in the dungeon world! Why haven't I met an interesting soul in all these years?

And she is the kind of soul who can let herself put aside everything. In fact, she has done it.

It's just...Kanzaki Yang doesn't seem to be interested in her.

This is also a very embarrassing place in Freya's heart, if she cannot decide this matter.

Today’s so-called discussion will end in vain~

What's wrong? Don't you have any objections? In fact, I came here today to make a three-part agreement with you.

Hestia said seductively, a smile appearing on her face.

It seems that a preliminary victory has been achieved at this time. It depends on whether she can accept it.

Kanzaki Yang put his chin in his hands and sat next to them, even feeling like he wanted to sleep.

Then you talk first. Freya sighed.

It seems that she has failed further... It's just a pity...

First point, just because Yang Jun and I left this world doesn't mean we won't come back. You can take charge of the Freya Familia again, but you must not deal with my Familia!

Second point, I heard that you already know that Apollo's death is related to Yang Jun. I don't even doubt that you know that he killed him. You must keep this secret, at least until Yang Jun becomes a god. Otherwise, you can just wait for the war between our two clans.

Last point, this is the easiest, don't get so close to my Yang Jun in the future!

Hestia said all the thoughts in her heart. Freya was stunned at first, and then she laughed a little crazy.

Is this a joke on her? Although it is not difficult to achieve these three points, why should we agree to them all?

Is it because Hestia Familia is now the most powerful Familia in the dungeon world?

If you are already so powerful, can you bully others unscrupulously?

After all, Freya is actually a weak woman~

He couldn't help but deliberately put on a pitiful look and looked at Yang Kanzaki next to him, as if he had been wronged 2.2 times more.

Such a look was completely provocative to Hestia. Even Kanzaki Yang could feel the smell of gunpowder and couldn't help but have a headache.

If this smell of gunpowder was ignited by fire, it would obviously be him who would suffer the most.

This was led by him. If it was really ignited, it would be very difficult for him to put out the fire...

So, do you agree or not? Hestia's tone was a little urgent.

Obviously, when faced with Freya's performance, she would feel somewhat uncomfortable in her heart.

I...I may still need to think about it.

After all, it seems that Yang Kanzaki is not yours alone...

Freya raised her eyebrows and said provocatively. At this moment, the smell of gunpowder became more obvious...

Chapter 358

Kanzaki Yang knew very well in his heart that if he didn't stop the two people's mouths quickly, I'm afraid they would start fighting here...

This does not mean that two people use their true strength to fight on this territory, these are two gods~

Once the gods start a war here, the people who will be most affected will be the Hestia Familia.

It can even shake the stable power of faith. That might be the time for Freya to take advantage of it.

And the way they fought was nothing more than a fight between two women.

For example, trolling each other, grabbing people's faces and hair, it's like trying to catch a duck on the shelf, everything happened without warning.

Fortunately, Freya's strength has been sealed by herself, and it is impossible to reach the peak for the time being.

He finally used such a method, how could he easily do other things~

I think you can have a good talk. Is there anything that we can't have a good discussion about?

Kanzaki Yang looked left and right, then spread his hands and said.

If the two of them can't sit down and have a good chat calmly, then there won't be any need for it.

He didn't want to waste any more time on this, not to mention that he might as well have some more quarrels with Hestia if he had this time.

Isn’t it nice to have days like this? It must be done to the point of breaking one's face.

Under this kind of psychological trouble, I just hope that the two women can temporarily have some manifestations of peace for his sake~

There are so many secrets about him, such a sense of mystery, not to mention that Freya was the first to be interested in him.

I just want to see clearly all the mysteries in myself. Freya doesn’t have the possibility and energy now~

It’s not that he wants to hide the truth from the opponent to a certain extent, but in order to guard against the almighty red ball, he still has to be careful~

Don't you think this is too much? You can really do this to a weak woman like me~

A look of resentment appeared on Freya's face, and she looked at Kanzaki Yang next to her with some grievance.

If your eyes keep darting around like this, believe it or not, I will dig them out!

Hestia couldn't help but speak, her eyes looked like they could kill.

However, they still underestimated the charm brought by Kanzaki Yang, which still made both of them take a step back~

In this matter, Freya cannot suffer too much loss.

Okay~ Then I reluctantly agreed~ But, Yang Jun, this is really a kind nickname...

I look forward to you coming to see me in the future!

After Freya said something politely, she left sadly.

In fact, it has been defeated, but why is Hestia so persistent on this matter?

Is it possible that the relationship between them is deeper? This doesn't seem to be a good sign...

No matter what, now I finally have such a harvest, which is pretty good.

After seeing her leave, Kanzaki Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he solved the problem after leaving, and based on his understanding of Freya, he would not regret what he had agreed to~

It's just that now there seems to be a bigger trouble that needs to be comforted. It's not really a trouble, but it just makes him feel a little embarrassed...

Hestia, look...

The matter is about to be resolved now. I think I have to prepare to leave this world next.

You should prepare well during this period, it may happen at any time.

He said slowly, not forgetting to look at Hestia's expression as he spoke.

No matter what, this is not some reason, and he doesn't want to hide it.

Hestia glared at him, her eyes looking intriguing.

Yang Jun, do you really have nothing to do with that woman?

It's not that Hestia is unconfident, but she wants to prevent such a thing from happening. After all, the cooperation between that woman and them will not be interrupted in the future.

Even Yang Jun said that Meishen would fully cooperate with them, which meant that Yang Jun would have more opportunities to contact her.

If Yang Jun couldn't control it one time, it would make her want to cry.

Ah... Hestia, can't you even believe me...

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