She has always had such a question in her heart, but it is very likely that she will never know the answer...

Tell me~ Let me go back and take charge of Freya's family again. Is this your idea or that woman's idea...

After all, the Kanzaki Yang in front of you is the [Holy Son] of the Hestia Familia~

With such an identity, it is indeed inevitable that she will encounter some questions that make her confused.

But in this situation, she didn't know what to do...

Of course it's my idea...

Kanzaki Yang shrugged after hearing this. Could it be that he is really that good at lying...

He doesn't want to be regarded as a liar, but the situation now is indeed a little different~

No matter what, this is something he must do~

Okay, okay~ It seems that you don't want to tell me why, but just think that you owe me a favor, but why do I always feel that you have changed a lot this time~

No, you've changed a lot...

I always feel like your soul has a little more divine brilliance~

Such a soul should be the most perfect~ It's a pity...

Although my own strength is now restricted, the feeling from my heart still won't deceive myself~

Freya could tell that he was different this time, that kind of brilliance was indeed pretty good~

When Kanzaki Yang heard this, he simply stopped talking. If he continued to talk about his secrets, she would not be able to let her keep prying~

The reason why he decided to let Freya go back was also the result of his constant judgment of [Absolute Dualism].

Apollo's legacy will still have some impact on him now.

If you take Hestia to the world of blood-devouring attacks, then the Familia here will definitely receive some favor~

Among the most powerful people currently, only Freya is worthy of his trust~

In other words, he is the most suitable person to entrust himself to at this stage...

Therefore, after 570 using [Absolute Dualism] and making some judgments, the possibility of betraying oneself is almost slim~

The reason for this turning point is that just now she was able to discover the deep brilliance deep in her soul~

In this way, I have a new sense of mystery~

This is a woman who is very interested in the brilliance of such a soul. She will definitely not destroy it until she has completely obtained it~

Of course, this is just a private transaction between them...

He wouldn't say it on the table. After careful consideration, he decided to come here~

Then when will we go back~ But I may not officially take over my family~

Freya looked at the boy in front of her and blinked, feeling more interested in him~

You can go back now~ But I still have to tell Gulefia...

Originally, I wanted to give Gurefia a good training~

But judging from the current situation, it seems that there is not so much time~

If it weren't for the existence of the almighty red ball, the terrifying and crazy wish-making mechanism...

This approach has been bothering him, so why should he be so anxious?

Of course it’s easy to say hello to Freya~ You can take Freya out of here soon~.

Chapter 354

Dungeon World, Aurora.

Kanzaki Yang returned here with Freya, but it seemed that he didn’t have anything else to say to her next~

This almost made Freya stamp her feet in anger. Just bring her back?

It was indeed a bit of a bad atmosphere... She thought Yang Kanzaki was going to have a long talk with her~

I will contact you then, so you don't have to worry...

After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, he left here. As long as he appeared and could let Freya feel the breath of the world of clothes, there should be no big problem in finding him~

He was already very relieved about this, but he did not return to his room immediately~

Instead, I looked at some general situations in another world, the situation in the Holy Kingdom~

The world of Zhan Chitong seems to be in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere now. After the last incident, everything has become orderly again~

The gaze of gods, and the existence of the only gods~

Even if Kanzaki Yang is not currently killing the world of Red Eyes, he can still make the devout people there feel loyal to the Holy Kingdom~pious~

They will believe in their only god from the bottom of their hearts and dare not do anything that has anything to do with crime~

What's more important is that this kind of belief has continued to differentiate, and people have become more settled.

Such changes still surprised him, which showed that their approach was effective.

It was precisely for this reason that he was temporarily relieved.

But this time, the main purpose of checking the situation there is not this~

It doesn't look like there has been any damage here. I don't know if the almighty red ball has set foot here, or has it left some detections here that I can't even detect?

Since escaping the pursuit of the almighty red ball for the second time, Kanzaki Yang will often check the status of this wishing mechanism~

But I didn’t feel any trace of the almighty red ball~

According to common sense, this is completely unreasonable...

He actually ran into him, but fortunately, the highly intelligent AI Nanase Risa didn't seem to attack the world of Zan Chitong...

This was enough to make him feel relieved. It would be nice if this didn't happen!

Even if Nanase Risa did that, Kanzaki Yang would have nothing to do with her.

But this is better than actually doing it! Before he has recovered to his peak and reached that state.

Facing the almighty red ball, he doesn't have many chances~

[The system probably cannot detect the trace of the omnipotent red ball...]

[Everything has to be careful by the host. Only by paying thorough attention to those things will appear at a certain moment and place. At that time, the system can truly feel the omnipotent red ball. With the current level of the system, it is not able to Actively check the highest level traces...]

The sound of Ark's red ball rang, which made him nod thoughtfully.

What he said made sense, but he didn't really want to accept it~

This situation is not simple. Once you do that, nothing will work...

The next time the almighty red ball discovers his traces, it will be a complete lock.

For him, he may even face conceptual demise...

No matter what, just discover it if you find it. As long as it doesn't hinder my plan, it doesn't matter¨¨~

This is not a tone of resignation~

It’s just that he doesn’t want to put all his energy on the almighty red ball. After all, with the level of the Ark red ball, there is currently no way to proactively find out the opponent’s coordinates~

In this way, there is no need to do it, and when it is really dangerous, the Ark Red Ball will proactively remind itself~

There is no need for him to have any doubts at this point, he should put his own plan first~

Things about Zhan Chitong's world are now developing on a better and better track, which can actually make him worry less~

And since he completed his second reincarnation, he returned to the dungeon world again.

The impact of Apollo's legacy on me has been greatly reduced to a certain extent~

This further illustrates the importance of luck, even if it is impossible to have such good luck every time~

But none of these things can occupy an absolutely dominant position for him!

Moreover, other things in the dungeon world cannot be accomplished overnight, so I can only take my time~

When it comes to the right time and the right place, things will always develop in a logical way~

[Host, don’t worry! Ark's red ball will basically be fully open next, so pay more attention to the movement of the almighty red ball! 】

Ark Red Ball’s words actually made him feel much better~

There is no need to spend all the energy, so that he can have enough time to deal with the matter in front of him~

It is already very good to do this now, and he is not willing to force it anymore...

.々This is the best. It seems it's time for us to prepare to go to the world of blood-devouring attacks~

Thinking of this, Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly, having returned to the real world for a long time now.

Hestia has already seen it, and now we have to find Ophis~

This is an equally indispensable point in his plan. With his current strength, he can still find it quickly~

It was already late at night, Kanzaki Yang returned to his room and looked at Hestia who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Quietly, I lifted the quilt and prepared to have a good sleep~

At this moment, Hestia next to her suddenly woke up, holding her right hand and looking at him in front of her~

Yang Jun~ You are finally back~

There was some resentment in Hestia's eyes, it felt like she was jealous~

Kanzaki Yang knew instantly what Hestia's words meant, probably because of Freya's return (Li Zhao's)...

News among the gods spreads very quickly, especially Hestia, who has a very good relationship with almost all the gods...

Under such circumstances, it is natural to quickly know that Freya has returned to Aurora~


Hestia~ What's wrong with you~ Why do you have such an expression...

Kanzaki Yang could only smile and said, he was still thinking about how to tell Hestia, but he didn't expect that he already knew~

Why do you think you have such an expression~ Yang Jun, you have to tell me why, otherwise people will never want to talk to you again~

Hestia narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Kanzaki Yang quietly in front of her.

It seems that Yangjun is really a very carefree person~

How could he suddenly bring that person back?

At this moment, she didn't know what to say... Zhi.

Chapter 355

Kanzaki Yang still looked like silence is golden, and he still looked at her with a meaningful smile.

Ah this...

What on earth is this? Don’t you want to explain yourself? How could something like this suddenly happen again~

And she originally wanted to torture Yang Jun in front of her, but his movements were too fast...

At that moment, I lost my ability to think, and there was such a blank space~

But what saddens her the most is that such verbal quarrels still serve her well even when the jealousy was overturned just now...

That's right! She is enjoying it very much now, enjoying Yang Jun's tender moments.

But this time she wanted to repent in her heart!


Until noon the next day, when Hestia woke up, she saw Kanzaki Yang just coming back~

Hey hey~ you're awake~

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