This is also the reason why she is so famous in this area. She is famous for her good reputation~

Kanzaki Yang nodded, not knowing that it took a period of conditioning~

When that woman sees him again, will she behave the same way as last time?

There was some expectation in his heart, but it was best to make some changes~

Otherwise, this would be a bad reflection on the reputation of Gurefia Crash Course~

By the way, are you here just to check on her?

Looking at the pensive look of the young man in front of him, there is also that expression of raised corners of the mouth on his face?

This made Gulefia very curious, so she asked curiously.

After coming back to his senses, he nodded slightly.


This time, I came here specifically to see how she is doing, Gurefia~

After being treated for so long, I also want to see how the treatment is going, but don't let me down...

In fact, he was really curious in his heart whether Freya had made any changes after a period of time.

Even if it's a superficial change, a change in tone, or way of thinking.

Even if he only made some obvious changes, it would be good for him~ Dao.

Chapter 352

Not long after, at Gurefia's house, Gurefiya called Freya over.

Freya is now wearing a cute maid outfit and two rabbit ears~

Such a feeling made Kanzaki Yang unable to associate himself with the beauty no matter what. He couldn't help but laugh lightly.

This feeling brought him so much that he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

This seems to be their second meeting.

That time it was because Freya wanted to see him urgently. That feeling was really different~

Even if Kanzaki Yang feels the change now, it is actually a bit unclear~

But this time, it seemed to make his eyes light up.

You can even use other things to replace it, but Kanzaki Yang can't think of a better word for the time being~

Ah la la la~ It's you, Kanzaki Yang 570, but what are you laughing at?

Freya asked softly, with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

The two were already very familiar with each other. There were only two of them here, and something strange appeared on her face...

Even though she couldn't help it now, she still showed her original posture at this moment, looking at Yang Kanzaki in front of her as if she were seeing her first love.

There was some joy on his face, like a lover reunited after a long separation...

Goddess, how are you feeling lately?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said slowly.

It seems that even though he has been here for a while, he may still paddle a little like Tiamat sometimes.

Gulefia may have tried her best. After all, this is a god in the dungeon world. To a certain extent, if you want to quickly train to become a maid, there will still be some difficulties~

He just looked at the way Freya looked at him in front of him, that look filled with all kinds of desires. After calming down, it was still so obvious...

It's still the same... Freya spread her hands, helpless as all her power had been restrained.

It seemed that she had thought of all the ways she could think of, but Kanzaki Yang's method almost made her go crazy.

But, how come you have time to come here to see me~ Is it because you miss me~ Hehe.

Of course she had to be narcissistic about Kanzaki Yang's sudden arrival here.

In this matter, she didn't resent him. More importantly, it actually made her feel a different life here.

And such a feeling does not seem to be possible in their world~

If this is really the reason, it seems that I still have some status in his mind.

This made her even more unable to restrain her desire for Kanzaki Yang, which drove her crazy. Such scorching eyes continued to show it without reservation.

I've already finished my work. Of course I have to come here to see you. Kanzaki Yang shrugged. He came today to take Freya back.

And looking at it now, it doesn't seem to be much different from the last time.

In other words, deep down in my heart, I may still not have the most fundamental change.

But he couldn't wait that long. Hestia wanted to go to another world with him, and he could still go to the Blood-Devouring Attack World.

As for whether the almighty red ball will continue to pay attention to his traces by then, there should be no such big possibility~

To a certain extent, he has now slightly mastered some of the rules of the almighty red ball. As long as he is careful, there will be no problem.

But why do I feel that you are not just coming to see me~

Freya smiled softly, walked up to Kanzaki Yang, and traced his clothes with her fingers.

In an instant, a smile appeared that filled Kanzaki Yang's heart with excitement. This is really a fairy~

However, he still paused and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

Ah la ah la~ If you can't bear it anymore, don't bear it anymore! Freya's voice was very delicate, and she said it softly in his ear.

This made him feel excited and tremble all over.

He didn't come here today to do this. He still has some important things to do~

After seeing his gaze, I knew that he was not affected by him.

Freya returned to normal, and then said: Then tell me what you came to see me for today...

After saying that, I didn't forget to give him a blank look, and restrained the expressions just now...

This made him break out in a cold sweat. His ability to change his face was comparable to turning the pages of a book. He could change at any time. This is really a wonderful creature~

How have you been here during this time? If you could go back now, would you go back to that world with me?

Kanzaki Yang suddenly asked softly, which made Freya startled.

She was staying well here, why did she want to go back suddenly...

She always had a premonition in her heart, as if Kanzaki Yang left, it would be a long time before she could see him again...

This is a feeling that belongs to women, and it also has such explicit content at this moment.

Although she doesn’t know why she feels like this out of thin air, she still somewhat believes it~

Where are you going? Why do you want me to go back...

Thinking of this, Freya expressed her doubts.

She couldn't be brought here by him for no apparent reason, and then if he said he could let her go back, then she would have to follow him back obediently~

Wouldn't that be too ceremonial for her...

No, she has decided to discuss the conditions with Yang Kanzaki in front of her. Intuitively speaking, it is very important to go back by herself.

Could it be that because of Apollo's incident, Kanzaki Yang in front of him could no longer stay in their world?

Various possibilities burst out in her mind, but she couldn't be sure which one they were.

2.2 Why do you have so many questions...Don't try to see through the secrets in my heart. I said these are mysteries that you will never finish exploring in your life~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said that he was just expressing an idea. He didn't expect this woman to have so many dramas...

It seems that sometimes you have to put things a little too straightforward, so as not to cause some misunderstandings~

Under such misunderstanding, it is easy to become embarrassed...

Oh~ It feels like you have become different~ That's why people want to inquire...I won't pay attention to ordinary people~

Freya smiled bitterly, it seemed that he had seen through her little thoughts.

But there was a question in her mind, did she really show that much? .

Chapter 353

Looking at Freya in front of him, Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but laugh~

There really is nothing you can do about women~ Although the woman in front of you is indeed very tempting, you still have to maintain some composure~

This is the happiness that belongs to the thoughts and concentration in his heart~

Sometimes you still can’t indulge too much, and this time it’s just for Hestia~

He doesn't want to think about other things on this matter~

Then do you want to go back or not~

Kanzaki Yang looked at the woman in front of him quietly, she was really a goddess~

But there is some trouble, or in the current situation, he feels some trouble...

But no matter what, things still have to be resolved~

It seems like you have a lot of energy in these worlds~ I really admire you more and more, what should I do...

Freya looked so cute, but Kanzaki Yang rolled her eyes in the end~

That look in her eyes seemed to eat her up, and she looked a little strange~

Ah la ah la~ Then what do you want me to do when you let me go back...

She muttered, damn, these were expressions she had only learned recently, which made her feel quite embarrassed.

But it's embarrassing, and it does sound like it sparked some of her interests~

She has also become initially familiar with the life here. She has never experienced this method before, which makes her feel very relaxed~

Yes, the environment here is too relaxed. Even though there are some so-called dangers in this world, in her opinion, it is like a child's play and cannot pose any threat to her at all.

Kanzaki Yang didn’t know that there were so many dramas in Freya’s heart~

What’s more, I don’t know what exactly Gurefiya did to her this time, and she turned out to be like this now~

If he knew, he would definitely feel that these things might have subverted his cognition...

It became a little strange, and he didn't know what to think~

Let's discuss everything after we go back. You don't want Freya's family to be completely wiped out...

Although he knew in his heart that Freya had made the decision to abandon her family in order to continue pursuing him~

The current Freya Familia has long been replaced by the Hestia Familia and has become the most powerful Familia in the dungeon world~

However, this will inevitably arouse the covetousness of some people, and in the long run will lead to the complete sunset of the Freya family~

Without Freya's family, perhaps we wouldn't even be able to see the afterglow of the setting sun...

He couldn't believe that Freya still felt that way in her heart~

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Freya fell into deep thought~

I have to say that these words really spoke to her heart, especially the experience during this period of time, which allowed her to calm down and think.

Does my willfulness at that time really seem to be correct now...

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that she seems a little confused, even if she doesn't care on the surface~

Freya looked at Yang Kanzaki in front of her with some disbelief. She didn't expect to be able to see through some of her inner thoughts~

He is indeed the man he covets~

This has touched her heart. She is so passionate on the surface, but there is still some throbbing in her heart~

It's just that now I can't seem to move his heart. Is it because I'm not charming enough, or is Hestia good at it?

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