Chapter 350

After seeing the solemn expression on Kanzaki Yang's face, Hestia realized how difficult it was for Yang Jun to encounter these things during this period...

She touched Yang Kanzaki's cheek and looked very distressed~

He is obviously struggling to live a better life, yet he has to suffer so many things at such a young age...

Even though she knew very well in her heart, there were traces of her child existing in other worlds.

If it's not convenient to say it, let's talk about it later~ She couldn't bear to see Yang Jun continue to be in trouble~

This is not a good state, and I don’t want to know anything else.

As long as he is by her side at this moment, Hestia already feels very satisfied~

She longs for a better life with Yang Jun, but more importantly, she can see him happy~

If you can be happy, nothing else matters~


It's just this matter. Even if I tell you, you may find it a bit unbelievable~

Kanzaki Yang came back to his senses and looked at Hestia in his arms with a wry smile.

If he could have said it, he would have said it already, and he didn't know if this would attract the attention of the almighty red ball.

After all, as a high-tech product, it can almost be described as having great powers. If some of the business is delayed because of this, and it causes a crisis in the dungeon world... it seems that there will be some losses that outweigh the gains...

In fact, in his heart, now is not the time to take Hestia to another world.

Hestia Familia is now the most powerful in the dungeon world, and she has one or another relationship with other gods.

And this is simply a network of people that you can rely on and trust~

If you follow him around in different worlds alone, you will probably encounter a lot of hardships.

He would rather suffer alone than let Hestia be involved...

Actually, I have already become a god in that world...but there was a little incident, which delayed a lot of time.

And this aura was possessed in the past.

We can only take our time, he said.

As for whether Hestia could understand, he didn't know yet~

Isn't this what happened in the past...

Hestia asked curiously, not yet understanding the significance of the existence of the two (bdcc) timelines, nor did she know which timeline Kanzaki Yang had to go to~

However, he controlled the flow of time very well, so it seemed that he did not waste any time~

That was the past before this, which is equivalent to two different timelines. After I became a god, I showed too much power and was coveted by an unknown high-tech product. I was also targeted. ”

After thinking about it carefully, he still couldn't let Hestia know the specific almighty red ball.

This can be regarded as a kind of selfishness of his~ At least this way, she will not worry about herself, but he will feel distressed~

In fact, the feeling of being targeted by the almighty red ball is very unpleasant, but what can be done?

Kanzaki Yang continued to explain what happened during this period. Such an encounter is difficult to understand based on Hestia's current knowledge...

The only thing she can understand is that Yang Jun has paid a lot for this matter~

It’s just that she seems a little jealous of [Saint]’s existence...

I don’t know if this is jealousy, but I feel a little sour in my heart and very uncomfortable...

Kanzaki Yo didn't talk about his second reincarnation, but he and [Saint] did indeed make some agreements.

In the timeline where he is now, somewhere in the future, at a specific time, we will eventually meet~

Now letting Hestia know about this matter is actually not a big deal.

We will meet each other sooner or later, so it is better to explain this matter early to avoid some unexplainable misunderstandings~

That [Saint] should be very beautiful... Hestia suddenly seemed a little disappointed.

Who can take a good look at it like this~ Although I know that Yang Jun is very charming, but when I really come into contact with it, I feel a little uncomfortable with this kind of perception...

What a... big radish with a lot of heart~

She thought this in her heart, but she could understand it very well. After all, before he became her child, he already existed in other worlds and left traces~

What's Hestia, are you jealous? Kanzaki Yang looked extremely helpless.

If I didn't have a choice at that time, I wouldn't even choose to be reincarnated...

The all-powerful red ball is too weird, and there is nothing he can do about it...

And he felt that the two of them could become good friends, at least in his eyes, there was such a possibility...

What will happen after they meet in the future depends on how they deal with each other...

How could it be possible... It's just that Yang Jun only picks beautiful women to attack, but he is really a bad guy~ Hestia muttered.

But this time she calmed down, because this was already an established fact~

You can't change this fact, right? What's more important is that if it weren't for this, Yang Jun might have been erased from the concept by that mysterious thing...

Compared with life, this matter is not worth mentioning to Hestia~

Yang Jun...will that mysterious thing keep looking for you? Hestia said worriedly.

Once something like this really happens, it will be very troublesome.

This seems to be a fate that cannot be avoided. In her knowledge, Kanzaki Yang has already reached the sky of strength, but now suddenly there is a high-tech product that is even more powerful than Yang Jun?

Who would believe such words if they were spread? At least in the dungeon world, no one would believe such nonsense until they see it with their own eyes~

She always felt that although Yang Jun was back now and had more aura about him, the sense of mystery was not as strong as before.

Moreover, he is not at the same level as before...

How could such a situation not surprise her? This is probably the reason why he just said that he is both God and not God...

It's very interesting~ Yang Jun has experienced such interesting things in this month.

She couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Yang Jun, and felt lucky that he was back safely~

At this moment, she hugged Yang Kanzaki tightly, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of worry about gain and loss~.

Chapter 351

the next day.

It was already noon when I woke up, and the sun was shining in through the gaps in the curtains~

Hestia opened her eyes and looked drowsily at Kanzaki Yang, who was staring at her.

This feels so good~ Hestia smiled happily.

It’s been a month since he’s tasted anything like this, and this night he was so tormented~

It seems that Yang Jun must have been holding it in for a long time...

My Hestia, I have to deal with some things now. I will take you away after I finish them!

Kanzaki Yang gently chirped on her forehead. Although he still didn't want her to follow him in his adventures, he still respected Hestia's choice~

The worst thing to do is to think carefully about everything in the future. With his current strength, as long as he is not facing something beyond common sense such as the almighty red ball, there should be solutions to everything else.

Before Freya's matter was resolved last time, she was sent to Gurefia's place. I don't know how she was trained~

It can't be a matter of Freya's family. Hestia looked at him in surprise.

That incident has spread in Aurora, and she has a very good relationship with most of the gods.

Although that matter was done very secretly, such rumors did happen to Freya~

That happened to be the time when Yang Jun left at that time, so she couldn't let her not think about it too much.

Yes, it seems that you gods have guessed something.

Kanzaki Yang said without comment, but this is not a big secret~

You are not interested in her, are you... After Hestia received this affirmative answer, her little face suddenly drooped, showing a very depressed look.

When he saw her, he also felt a mixture of joy and sorrow caused by love and pity, and kissed her on the little face.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this matter at all. He is not that carefree...

This is the conscience of heaven and earth. Yang Kanzaki asked himself and got such an answer~

After all, most people knew that Freya could make up her mind to abandon her own family just to be purely interested in him.

With such blessing, it is inevitable that there will be some connection with Freya.

But this was not done voluntarily~

Okay~ Go quickly, I don't have much interest in that woman~

Hestia said with a smile, even though as two Familia, they used to be rivals.

But now she seems to have the upper hand in this matter? Her Yang Jun probably wouldn't be interested in that kind of woman.

She cheered herself up in her heart, yes! That must be the case!

Now that everything has been discussed, it’s no big deal~

After watching Yang Jun leave, she fell asleep again.

Last night was really torture, and I’m still very sleepy now~ I have to take advantage of this time to catch up on some sleep~


Although there would be some trouble at the door of Gulefia's house, he still came here...

He stopped coming to the Devil High School world for a while, and wanted to see how Freya was being treated during this time.

When Gulefiya saw him coming, she also had a surprised expression on her face.

Oh~ you are actually back? Are you here to visit the girl you left behind last time?

I have to say that this situation is indeed quite unexpected.

At least she has accepted people sent by Kanzaki Yang here. Although they were very naughty at first, she is an expert in this aspect.

Tiamat was paddling all the time at that time, wasn’t she also in good condition~

But Gulefia was still very curious about Kanzaki Yang's sudden visit~ This was a slightly strange thing in the past~

Yes, how is she doing at your place? Kanzaki Yang smiled softly, and then asked about Freya's situation.

How should we describe such a beauty...

He imprisoned the power in her body, and after using [Absolute Dualism] to make constant judgments.

The possibility of betraying himself is very low, but he must minimize this risk.

It is equivalent to a freezing point, but there can be no mistakes~

Moreover, if Freya's strength is almost unmatched in this world, her strength is sealed just to be able to be polished here~

At least based on his current thinking, it is absolutely impossible to let him return to the gods, lest he have to go to war with most of the gods in the dungeon world~

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Even at this point, he still has no such plan.

Moreover, it will also cause many unnecessary casualties. The main new force may still come from the Hestia Familia...

God-killing, if such an experience were to reach the ears of the gods in the dungeon world, who knows how embarrassing it would be!

How should I put it... This woman is very crazy~ But after I adjusted her, she seems to have become interesting~

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Gulefia's mouth, and her eyes seemed to see through everything~

Giving her enough time can even make Freya despair~ In terms of strictness and standardization, no matter what aspect, this is simply a crash course for maids. Although it is a crash course, it is much better than the slow ones.


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