But I originally had an agreement with Hestia to become a god within one month~

Calculating the proportion of time, that’s what happened in the past few days...

Therefore, the almighty red ball can be regarded as a reminder to a certain extent to return to the dungeon world and complete the agreement with Hestia~

He was not in a hurry to return to his room~ because he knew Hestia would be waiting for him there...

Only by confirming the almighty red ball can he rest assured here~

But this time, the impact of Apollo's legacy on him was not as great as it was last time...

Maybe after reincarnation, his aura is full of more mystery~

[The system is not aware of any danger brought by the almighty red ball or her own traces! 】

The sound of Ark's red ball rang!

This made Kanzaki Yang feel relieved. Now the ending is quite good ~ at least it is within his acceptable range...

Without the omnipotent red ball to track, there will be a lot less trouble~

Although the combat effectiveness is not at its peak now, compared with the peak period, the strength has declined~

But in this world, you can still deal with those gods easily~

It was enough for him to be able to do this, and Apollo's legacy affected him much less.


Originally, he could go back to his room with peace of mind, but at this moment, the turning point for Ark Red Ball came.

Kanzaki Yang listened patiently, because this was probably something he needed to pay attention to in the dungeon world...

[There cannot be large-scale fluctuations, otherwise the almighty red ball will still pay attention...]

[According to the system's calculations, the almighty red ball will not give the host any chance next time. Before it fully grows up, it will hide if possible! 】

After listening to the reminder from Ark Red Ball, he couldn't help but smile bitterly~

This has really become his little follower. I don’t know why that super-dimensional human created such a thing...

Not only did it destroy itself, but it also established such a wish-making mechanism.

Highly intelligent AI will automatically realize such a wish, which is basically a situation of endless failure to achieve the goal ~

With such an embarrassing situation, he was a little overwhelmed...

Kanzaki Yang complained, Kanzaki Yang felt that no matter what he did in the future, he would have to guard against the almighty red ball.

But the other party cannot find any clues, otherwise his life will be in danger...

The first two times involved luck. It seemed that the almighty red ball would definitely give Risa Nanase, the highly intelligent AI, the final feedback.

At that point, there would be no possibility of escape for him.

It will fall into final annihilation, which is death in a conceptual sense...

In that case, there would be no possibility of resurrection, and this was not something he could know.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry in the dungeon world. The Hestia Familia is now the most powerful family in the dungeon~

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was not entirely possible that he would face failure.

At least in this aspect, he still has the possibility of escaping, and Freya was already imprisoned by him last time~

I don’t know how I’m going to be in that maid crash course in Gurefia~

This is a kind of ridicule to Freya. Who told that goddess to be such a god~

He came to the door of the room, this time without disturbing anyone. It seemed that Hestia had such needs again...!

Kanzaki Yang is very willing to do such a thing, it is a pleasant enjoyment~

I don’t know how to describe it, but in short, that look made him very comfortable~

He opened the door gently, and there was a creaking sound, and he saw Hestia lying quietly on his bed.

She closed her eyes and looked very comfortable. Although Kanzaki Yang deliberately opened the door just now and made a little noise, Hestia seemed completely unaware?

He came to the bedside quietly without making any sound. He held his chin with his right hand and looked at Hestia who seemed to be sleeping in a calm and warm manner~

He was so devoted, as if his room had now become Hestia's personal property~

There is a broom lying on the ground next to it. It seems that she is now doing the usual cleaning herself~

Seeing such arrangements, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

In the past month or so, I have really missed myself~


At this moment, Hestia suddenly made a weird sound, which made Kanzaki Yang feel a sense of impulse in his heart...

Is this...that kind of dream?

It seems that I still miss myself a lot. Every time I dream, do I dream of something like that happening?

Seeing Hestia, who was so gentle and lovely, making that sound just now, a blush appeared on her face...

567 Yes, it’s like entering an indescribable state in a dream~

As a result, she had such a blush on her face while she was sleeping soundly in reality!

Under such a situation, Kanzaki Yang couldn't hold back and gently stroked Hestia's cheek with his left hand~

Huh? It's actually scalding hot...

It seems... in Hestia's dream, that thing happened very intensely...


Hestia made that sound again, but this time it didn't make Kanzaki Yang have the same impulse as before.


Hestia's eyes slowly opened! When he was drowsy, his eyes were still a little hazy, as if he hadn't woken up.

But even so, Hestia still smelled that familiar scent...

At the same time, it was familiar, but it also carried a hint of newness. It seemed to be a strange feeling that she had never felt before~

Yeah! When she opened her eyes, she looked at the person in front of the bed in disbelief, rubbed her eyes, and after confirming, she subconsciously sat up~

What came instantly was a sense of surprise~

Yang...Yang Jun, am I still awake? Hestia patted her cheek to confirm whether she was still awake.

I pinched Kanzaki Yang's face again, and found that it was so real. This face could be broken with a snap of my fingers, and I couldn't help but open my mouth~.

Chapter 349

Hestia thought she was wrong!

Yang Jun, who has been thinking about her day and night, just to miss her, actually appeared in front of him at this moment~

Hestia had a very strange dream just now, in which she and Yang Jun were doing very meaningful things~

But... why did she feel that her face was a little hot? Although Yang Jun in front of her had a sunny smile and looked so harmless, she always felt that such a smile contained another layer of meaning~

Doesn’t that mean that you just saw yourself dreaming?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but lower her head in shame~

Obviously this should not be the case, but it seems that Kanzaki Yang has been tricked.

Saying such a thing really made her feel very shy!


What's wrong? My Hestia, what are you thinking about?

Kanzaki Yang's face was full of smile, and he looked at Hestia in front of him with great interest.

She doesn't tell the truth once she sees it, but she must also be aware of the embarrassment of it.

Well, okay~ Who told him to pamper Hestia so much?


Hestia really wanted to explain clearly that although she only had love among all the members of the Familia, this was not her true intention!

Although I am bathed in the sunlight coming in from outside the window, this is just a gap between the two curtains, where the sunlight comes in~


Two hours passed in this foggy situation~

At night, there is no sunlight coming through the gaps in the curtains.

Hestia then opened her eyes. The lights in the room were turned on. Looking at the handsome Yang Jun, she fell into endless reverie~

What are you looking at me for?¨¨~

After feeling the gaze from Hestia, Kanzaki Yang, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the body in his arms with a smile...

At this moment, his eyes were stunned~

Stop, stop, stop~ Hestia said quickly after feeling Kanzaki Yang's movements.

This allowed him to gain some control, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and quietly looked at the lovely Hestia in front of him.

Yang Jun... I came back in time this time~ Have you become a god?

She asked with some longing, because this time it felt like Apollo's legacy had less effect on Yang Jun?

During the day, even with such strong sunlight, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal~

And, more importantly, Yang Jun seems to have a different kind of aura~

Although I don’t know if this can make her feel comfortable, it is definitely a new and unheard of thing~

As a result, she became a little confused. If Yang Jun became a god in another world, this would definitely be a happy thing~

But after the ups and downs of the one-month promise to become a god, it seemed a little confusing~

I don’t know if I can follow Yang Jun to other worlds~

She knows very well that Yang Jun will never be idle in this world~ From time to time he will go to other worlds to take a look.

If they get together naturally, no matter which world he wants to go to, she will definitely go with him~

Hestia is also very interested in the situation in another world~

In such a wonderful situation, she seemed even more yearning, and it also made her very impulsive and had great expectations~

After all, she knew very well that Yang Jun could take people to another world. Although this would mean running away frequently and she would no longer be able to pay attention to her family members. She had not seen Freya for many days. Woolen cloth……


Now I am considered a god, but I am not considered a god~

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly. He didn't know what Hestia was thinking about now~

I just know that this situation is a very wonderful thing, but it is also time to consider the itinerary~

how did this happen……

Does it have something to do with this new temperament in you~

Hestia looked at the handsome face with some curiosity, blinked her smart eyes, like a well-behaved kitten, waiting for his answer~

From her perspective, Kanzaki Yang has always been very desperate, and this (Li Wang Zhao) desperate effort is also for herself~

Although it is a bit narcissistic to think like this, but since the last time I opened my heart, I have been thinking openly and honestly~

Kanzaki Yang was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to describe the omnipotent red ball. This very terrifying thing, the highest crystallization of technology, almost made him obliterate...

And you can’t say it clearly, right? He knew that Hestia might not want him to go to other worlds after saying this. If he stayed in the dungeon world, at least it would be absolutely safe~

And they already have everything in this world... This is all based on the Hestia Family. It is indeed a very mysterious state... Shake.

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