To his surprise, Hephaestus shook his head.

The contract between us has ended, and that kind of weapon may be the last time I build it. I just want to stay in the Holy City. Maybe I will show up when you need me...

After hearing her words, Kanzaki Yang nodded.

This is Hephaestus's own choice, and he can only respect it...

Chapter 343

Looking at the indifferent expression of Hephaestus in front of him, Kanzaki Harang's expression did not change~

He had already made such mental plans for such a thing.

Then he said: Why don't you walk around the Holy City with me?

Facing the young man's invitation, Hephaestus was stunned. Does such a busy man still have time to invite her for a walk in the Holy City?

Of course...she must be extremely willing in her heart~

Although he doesn't know what kind of mentality this is, Hephaestus is very convinced that he has an inseparable relationship with the young man in front of him~

Okay~ I'm bored today, so I can go for a walk with you~ Hephaestus's face instantly brightened with a smile.

As they walked on the streets of the Holy City, they felt the peaceful and contented life that people now live in.

This makes Kanzaki Yang unable to help but sigh...

Isn't this the kind of kingdom he wants to build? Now I can get my wish~

What's more, he has so many supporters. In the world of Zhan Chitong, he is the kind of person who has never been seen before or since.

The reason why it is said to be unprecedented is entirely because no outsider has been able to establish a country that only believes in one god like him. This kind of theocracy model 13 is rare even in many dimensional worlds.

Especially on the basis of establishing the Holy Kingdom, it becomes even more unique~

As for those who will come after him, with his ambition, will he still let those who come after him have something to drink?

In the entire world, the crime rate in the Holy City is almost zero, and not just because this is where the gods live.

What's more, the rules here are very strict. Even if you show a slight intention to commit a crime, you will be seen through instantly.

No one would encounter such an embarrassing situation easily...

This way we can live and work in peace and contentment~ As they walked on the street, they had disguised themselves so that no one could see their appearance, Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

It presents a happy and harmonious appearance, which is much more perfect than the previous imperial capital.

It is also more complete in every aspect. It also belongs to the emperor, and there won’t be so many bad things happening~

It seems that you are also very satisfied with this situation~ Hephaestus glanced at him in surprise.

I was once full of doubts about the young man in front of me.

Ever since I learned about the relationship between him and Hestia, I have become much calmer~

No matter what kind of secrets the young man holds in his heart, even if the contract between the two has been completed...

But whenever the boy is in need, Hephaestus will step forward!

This is not just a simple promise, but also because she wants to take a good gamble~

As the God of Forging, her forging talent has almost reached its peak...

In such a state, it is natural to consider elsewhere.

It was obvious that Yang Kanzaki was the one person she could feel interested in.

Of course, I feel that the various mechanisms of the Holy Kingdom have tended to be perfected, especially those who are full of desire and become distorted. It seems that they have been constantly changing towards the peak...

This is something he understands deeply and cannot be separated from everyone’s efforts!

Almost every time they walked down the street, they would hear these people talking about the great achievements of the gods~

Although it was very different from the real facts when it reached the ears of these people, when he actually heard these discussions, Kanzaki Yang still seemed to be extremely useful~

Hehe~ I think you want to hear people's comments about you...

Now it seems that they have a very good opinion of you! After all, you are the only god who can destroy even the empire and give most people a chance to ascend to heaven again~

It's too late for them to thank you~

Hephaestus next to him saw through Kanzaki Yo's inner thoughts~

This also made her more interested. What kind of boy is this? Even now, I still can't fully see through his secret...

Every time I thought I was about to surface, I saw something I didn't dare to look at.

After reading it, it made her feel even more weird and unpredictable... full of more mystery... so much so that she couldn't even arouse much interest in such things...

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Holy Kingdom is now very large. I want to see the whole situation!

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands, no matter what, the situation in the Holy City still suits his wishes~

With such vigorous development, he can relax and pursue his own path~

And then I’m afraid I’ll have to find a chance to meet Hestia~

After two reincarnations, his physical characteristics have become more noble ~ this comes from the combination of various bloodlines.

It is not surprising that there is such a result. When the time comes, the five saints around them will also take them away from here!

Then he used [Absolute Dualism] to constantly speculate whether the Holy Kingdom today has become absolutely stable.

Only after confirming the final facts can he leave here with peace of mind~

Before everything comes to light, there will be more benefits to staying here...

At least judging from the current situation, he would not be too much if he could get more benefits.

[The current world of the Holy Kingdom, Zhan Chitong, presents a peaceful state on the surface. The focus is on potential dangers. The problem does not appear to these people who are full of evil desires! 】

[The system can only deduce potential dangers at critical moments! 】

[During this period, the host must strictly control the situation no matter what it does, and cannot do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise it will face conceptual destruction! 】

After receiving such an explanation, he couldn't help but frown...

If such a conclusion is reached, according to the predictions of the red ball of the Ark during this period, such dangers, especially potential dangers, are likely to come from artificial intelligence...

In other words, not only has he not eliminated this threat, but he is very likely to be targeted by the omnipotent wishing machine...

Such a consequence would make his hair stand on end if he felt it carefully...

But is there any way to get rid of it temporarily?

This is the most curious thing in his heart. If he can get rid of it in a short time, it will leave him with more opportunities~

Once there are more opportunities, there will be more time to think about countermeasures...

What's wrong with you? There's something wrong with your face~ Hephaestus, who was standing next to him, noticed something was wrong with the young man in front of him, and asked curiously.

In Hephaestus's view, this is almost a rare thing to see ~ it is even more a rare expression...

Chapter 344

Seeing Hephaestus' confused look, Kanzaki Yang came back to his senses in an instant~

He adjusted his collar and said in a very calm tone:'s actually not a big deal~

Even if he said something like this, Hephaestus might not be able to understand it.

It’s not that the God of Forging wouldn’t understand such a key point with his knowledge.

Rather, the almighty red ball is an extremely powerful and dangerous potential enemy. With Hephaestus' current experience, he may not be able to feel the opponent's power...

Even the understanding of super dimensions is unheard of.

Hephaestus couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, why should he maintain such a sense of mystery in front of him now...

But even though he felt a little disappointed, he didn't think too deeply about this incident.

She knew the boy's character well. He always took matters into his own hands. The most annoying thing was that he could really handle it every time...

I can still understand it once or twice, but when the number of times increases, I can only call him a pervert...

If it were Hephaestus, he would have died countless times if he encountered such a thing~

Okay~ Since you don't want to tell me, I won't ask any more questions, but how did you go?

Hephaestus asked curiously, the Holy City is not like other places, there are almost no big problems.

Even some unpleasant things happened in the wild lands in the north and south and the island countries in the far east some time ago.

People's desires are like dark abyss, constantly taking root and sprouting from people's hearts.

Although there are only a few people, they are full of endless sin in their hearts...

Even if you receive the baptism of the gods and the sublimation of your own soul, I am afraid that it will not be able to eliminate such sins...

There are problems in these places, but the Holy City is still standing!

The gods are watching here, so who would make trouble here...

No matter how much they have evil desires in their hearts, those people are not stupid and know the importance of the Holy City~

The Holy City is better! Kanzaki Yang held his head high and his words were very meaningful.

However, the Holy Kingdom is developing in a better and better direction, so he should feel relieved.

And with Hephaestus here, there is enough time to help him complete some finishing work~

It would be better for the five saints to leave with him together...

But before heading to the world of blood-devouring attacks, they may have to stay here~

After all, I went to the dungeon world to solve some problems and meet Hestia~

When the time comes, he and the five saints will meet in the world of blood-devouring attacks~


Are you going to leave so soon...

When Kanzaki Yang met the five saints again and told the news of his departure, there was a look of reluctance on his face~

The master I longed for has finally returned after missing for a while, and now he is leaving again...

Don't worry! I will inform you before I go to the next world~ And this time I need to go to the dungeon world to solve some unresolved matters...

In fact, he was very reluctant to give up, but what else could he do?

In a time-critical situation, every step taken must be meaningful, and no other problems can arise...

What's more important is that you need to be constantly on guard against the almighty red ball locking in again... because this is the most deadly!

The five saints, including Hephaestus, became even more reluctant to leave after hearing this.

I don’t know when we will be able to meet again next time... Is it possible that we can only see things and miss people?

【warning! ~]

【warning! ~]

【Please note! On the other side of the endless dimensional world, there is a figure rushing towards this world quickly! 】

Ark Red Ball suddenly issued such a prompt!

A look of confusion appeared on Kanzaki Yang's face. He did not sense any danger...

Ever since I felt like something was staring at me two days ago, that feeling has disappeared...

But at this moment, Ark's red ball was able to give such a prompt. Could something be wrong?

What's going on? Can you see the specific traces of that figure?

He asked very earnestly, because in his understanding, if that figure was a universal wishing machine, it would have been locked in an instant!

There was no need to travel thousands of miles to the Zhan Chi Tong world where they were, and then target him.

If he had this kind of time, I'm afraid he would have already thought of a solution and been gone for who knows how long...

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