It would be an easy thing to just destroy them.

But such unreasonable killing seems a bit irregular after all.

He wants to plug everyone's mouths with the right things so that they have nothing to say...

Not long after, several saints came to him. It had only been a day. Did the master have a solution? Looking at the five devices in front of me, there are some doubts in my eyes...

Elsa, each of the five of you will receive one~

Kanzaki Yang looked at the five people. These are the people who currently have time and are relatively close to him...

I feel relieved when I entrust such a task to them.

You don't need me to teach you how to do it specifically, right? Remember one thing, never use force~ The effect will be counterproductive~

With his eyes squinted, he looked extremely mysterious and impenetrable.

Don't worry, Master! After each of the five saints took a device, they left the Holy City and headed in five directions.

There, those five places, all have some troubles...

As for him, he is doing some trivial things in the Holy City, and he also relaxes when appropriate~

It's been a few days since I returned to Zhan Chitong's world, and I haven't noticed any reaction from the almighty red ball.

Is it just silent? This was indeed an incredible thing for him.

The overall dimensional world is so big and its scope is so vast.

But there are still some people who can truly reach the level of super-dimensional humans.

The last time he looked through the endless starry sky, he saw the omnipotent red ball killing wantonly...

Even when I think about it now, I feel more of a palpitation in my heart!

It was so easy, as if he could do it at any time. The almighty red ball could find someone of this level. He seemed to be the first person who could get rid of the opponent's clutches through reincarnation.

This is a special case! But when such a special case returns to this world, the almighty red ball seems to have disappeared...

Can you use your method to feel where the almighty red ball is?

He asked Ark Red Ball carefully, hoping to give an answer...

At this moment, Ark Red Ball seemed to have fallen into silence and failed to give anything constructive at the first time.

And the almighty red ball is almost the highest level on the technological side, even the Ark red ball is still a little less interesting.

If you are at a higher level than yourself, you may not be able to try to pry.

[Once spied on, it means truly entering a death cycle...]

Death loop? What does that mean?

Does this kind of cycle mean that it will not be killed by concepts? But formal death?

This aroused his super-combustible nature, trying to ensure his own safety in advance in this way.

[In other words, unless you are lucky enough to be reincarnated continuously, otherwise you will be constantly tracked by the omnipotent wishing machine...

Unless one's own level can reach the level of super-dimensional humans, or even surpass it, and create the highest level and higher technological products on the existing technological side... Only in this way can the omnipotent wishing machine be cracked, or even disintegrated...]

After hearing this, Yang Kanzaki suddenly realized that this was the case...

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

But I still have a long way to go on my true path to becoming a god~

Even with the current assistance of the Ark Red Ball, it seems unrealistic to want to reach and surpass super-dimensional humans and create a higher-level technological product than the universal wishing machine...

This has nothing to do with self-confidence, but more a reflection of the gap!

The heart of the world of Zhan Chitong's world has long been taken into his possession. In the vast world of endless dimensions, this phenomenon should not be uncommon ~

The only difference is that the variable Kanzaki Yang can forcibly reincarnate in that critical moment, giving the artificial AI an extremely subtle feeling.

He had a bolder idea and wanted to verify it through [absolute dualism].

........... 0

Judgment! Will the almighty red ball keep staring at me, or will it divert its attention?

The evidence obtained for such a bold idea will also affect all aspects that he needs to consider when doing things in the future~

If you're lucky enough, you won't encounter him, and people won't even bother to come looking for him.

[You are the first person to escape from her, she will be more interested in you, pay attention! It is very likely that she will keep watching you, so whenever you go to a world, you must not stay for too long. This will make her feel familiar with you.

In the end, it is very likely that you will be chased wherever you escape, which means there is no way to escape...]


Regarding the conclusion given, he himself still felt extremely speechless...

How could this be the case? It was a bit beyond his expectation~

Looking at it like this, it seems that the all-powerful red ball does not play according to common sense...

She escaped like this last time. Could it be that this time, Ark Red Ball wouldn't have a chance to discover her?

When this idea emerged, countless divisions began in my mind...

In the end, Kanzaki Yang came to the conclusion that he even broke out in a cold sweat, because such a conclusion was too scary ~ or the wishing machine was too scary ~

Maybe when he came to Zhan Chitong's world, he might have been observed by the artificial intelligence.

It's just that this kind of locking in the air is not really locked, so that the Ark red ball doesn't have any reaction~ Knife.

Chapter 342

It didn't take too long, and several saints rushed back to the Holy Capital from various places.

Looking at the expressions on several people's faces at this time, Kanzaki Yang knew that his method worked~

It looks like...

Your operation was very successful this time~ Have you basically solved it?

He asked slowly without showing much excitement.

All the five saints under him have been sent out. If this can't solve the troubles, then he has nothing to say...

Hehe~ Master's method is really effective! Originally they were some extremely evil people, but when I turned on the device and those rays of light shone on them, I instantly felt that these rays of light washed away the sins on their bodies...

This should be a ritual...a purification ritual...

When it was completed, those 50 or 60 people felt completely transformed, or to describe it as a different soul~

Chitong expressed her feelings, which was the most worrying thing for her during this period.

The reason is that this is Kanzaki Yode’s plan~

Without him coming back to call the shots, it might not be possible to completely get rid of these people.

In this kind of thing, it can be regarded as a constructive sign.

The other faces were full of excitement. As long as they can help their master, this is a happy thing~

No matter what the final result is, at present, those people who jumped out should have been temporarily dealt with!

As for...

Is there anyone else jumping out from behind? Just look at how those who want to commit crimes are afraid of the god watching over them, that is Kanzaki Yo~

As the only god of the Holy Kingdom, the only god believed by all kinds of devout and sincere people.

What’s more, he is the ultimate recipient of the power of faith and the direct beneficiary~

After wiping out the existence of the previous empire, if these people don’t feel afraid and don’t repent from the bottom of their hearts, then there is a real problem~

Master, I'm curious as to how this method came about. We haven't seen each other for a long time!

Elsa looked curious, they never thought of using such a method~

I don't even know about such a method.

Kanzaki Yang smiled, as if he didn’t really intend to tell this matter~

First of all, there is not much danger in doing so, but this method lets them know that something will inevitably happen.

He knew very well in his heart that the almighty red ball was hiding in no corner, and might come out to find him one day!

You still need to be prepared in advance when doing things, so as not to be overwhelmed.

I will tell you everything when the critical moment comes. That's fine. All we have to do is basically eliminate the crime rate in the Holy Kingdom. Only in this way can our faith world become stronger!

He stared at the distant sky, although he didn't know where the end of the sky was.

But...he still has lingering fears about the almighty red ball.

It is incredible that there will be many disasters on the road to becoming a god. The most important thing right now is how to avoid the sight of the almighty red ball.

The scariest thing about the almighty red ball is the terrifying wish-making mechanism. Such a setting will lead to a fight to the death with you~

Kanzaki Yang doesn't have that much time to deal with this thing constantly, and he can't let this mess up his inner plan!

Master, we all know very well that only devout people and believers can receive blessings from the gods, and we hope they can understand this truth!

The Saint of Healing said slowly, having already made up her mind.

Yes, Master, we will definitely guide them patiently and make them become truly devout people~ Chitong said.

As for the fact that Kanzaki Yang didn't tell them where they were going, even he himself had already said that it was probably due to various inconveniences.

As long as their master needs it, they will do their best to share his worries...

But how long will the master stay here? In their impression, Yang Kanzaki is not an idle person...

After seeing their leaving figures, Kanzaki Yang quickly checked every corner of Zhan Chitong's world~

I carefully confirmed that there were no unpleasant scenes as expected~

This conclusion made him feel more relaxed.

Suffice it to say that you will not encounter these or those problems from now on, if so? Then he has plenty of means to deal with it.

But when he externalized his mental power just now, he actually felt a hint of prying eyes.

good! A spy that does not belong to this world...

This put him under great pressure. Although he did not feel any danger, it also made him have some speculations in his heart...

Do you feel it? Kanzaki Yang murmured to himself.

[The system has not detected any snooping! 】

But then Ark Red Ball’s answer really surprised him~

Is this just my sixth sense? This is not a good thing~

In the current situation where the truth is unclear, there is no way to know what the almighty red ball is doing now.

Even more unclear, does the artificial intelligence pay attention to itself?

It used to be another timeline, but now it's back to this world.

His strength has not returned to its peak, which means that he does not have any manifestation of super-dimensional humans, including the existence of Esther and the Ark Red Ball...

It's better to take a closer look at Zhan Chitong's world first! I didn't have time to fully experience some of the benefits that the Holy Kingdom has brought to me~

Kanzaki Yang smiled softly and said that he had figured it out and would not struggle with such an issue anymore.

You look very happy~ At this moment, Hephaestus walked over and looked at him curiously, which was like a feeling of relief.

But presumably for him, he solved the criminal element that surfaced on the surface.

This can be considered a happy thing no matter what...

2.2 Ahem~ It's actually not bad. When things here are resolved, I will return to your world. Will you come with me?

Kanzaki Yang asked curiously, this is also something he is very interested in~

The name of the God of Forging, even in the dungeon world, is as prestigious as it is~

After meeting Hestia, he will go to the world of Blood Devouring Attack to complete the idea in his heart~

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