The omnipotent red ball was created by humans in a dimension that transcended the boundaries of technology and time and space. It was basically the highest crystallization of technology.

Especially with artificial intelligence, it shows that in terms of IQ, it is definitely the top of the world in countless dimensions~

In such a situation, you would not do such a stupid thing.

[Can’t see clearly at the moment! Host, please leave this world immediately! 】

Kanzaki Yang fell into silence. Could it be that he is not the omnipotent red ball?

How long does it take to get here?

He must control every minute and every second. He will not leave here in a hurry. It is difficult for him to reflect his status~

The next Ark red ball fell into a brief silence...

He knew that it was the Ark Red Ball that made precise calculations based on the speed of the figure's movement, including the acceleration every minute and every second.

The five saints and Hephaestus in front of them saw a strange expression on Kanzaki Yang's face.

Master... what's wrong with you? Chitong asked curiously.

It's just that they all seemed a little worried, but don't forget that some stories happened to Kanzaki Yang~

Don't disturb him, he should be in trance now. As an extremely confident woman, Hephaestus said softly.

Enter samadhi? Maybe in her understanding, this is a trance!

But it’s actually Kanzaki Yang who is waiting for the accurately calculated time~

The calculated speed will definitely be very fast. When the time comes, he will leave the world of Zhan Chitong without stopping~

Then Master, is everything okay? Elsa frowned.

The anxious look on her face looked to the saints as if they had seen a ghost.

They had rarely seen such an expression on their master's face before, so seemed a bit hasty~

And Hephaestus seems to understand the king all the time, but I don’t know whether he really understands it or pretends to understand it...

No matter what, several people quietly guarded him.

In danger or despair, they will stand firmly on Kanzaki Yang's side and will not let him be harmed in any way! .

Chapter 345

Kanzaki Yang is quietly waiting for the accurate calculation of Ark's red ball...

Hephaestus and the five saints next to him thought they were threats from this world. They didn't know what kind of dangers they were full of, or what kind of despair they would experience next...

Still waiting quietly by his side, ready to deal with the changes that may happen at any time~

How about it? We don't have much time...

On the surface he looked very calm, but in fact he was very anxious inside~

Now it is almost certain that the figure is basically the omnipotent wishing machine coming from afar~

I don’t know the purpose of the other party doing this, but it has artificial intelligence to communicate with the outside world.

The IQ that artificial intelligence intelligence can achieve is definitely at the top of the technology side!

This is definitely done for the purpose of the omnipotent wishing machine, maybe it is just to encircle and attack them.

The purpose is to leave him with no way to escape, nowhere to escape, and to wait quietly for death...

Thinking carefully about the consequences of this, he became frightened~

With this determination, even if they calculate the time when the omnipotent wishing machine will arrive here, they still need to leave themselves some time to leave this world...

This made him feel anxious in order to avoid being in a difficult situation with no way to escape~

At this moment, on the other side of the endless dimension, that figure is rushing towards the world of Zhan Chi Tong at an unknown speed...

What Ark Red Ball didn't notice was that this was a little girl wearing red shoes...

It is Risa Nanase, the artificial intelligence responsible for communicating with the outside world, who is the omnipotent red ball.

Every universe or dimension she passed through would be followed by the fire of destruction.

Like a meteor that flashes by quickly, it is traveling through these endless universes and dimensions.

Although I can't see clearly the figure in that world on the other side of the endless void.

But now, it is basically confirmed that this familiar aura is the guy who released her lock last time~

I originally thought I was annihilated...

But now it seems~ It should be the last time I escaped from my lock...

But will you have such good luck this time?

The little girl Nanase Risa wearing red shoes murmured to herself, a mechanical smile appeared on her harmless-looking face, which looked very strange and sinister.

Originally, she was on these planets, destroying some super-dimensional humans, all of whom were incredibly strong.

While enjoying the easy hunt, he suddenly received feedback from the almighty red ball.

That is, the escaped super-dimensional humans have appeared again...

As a highly intelligent AI, her last escape gave her a sense of humiliation...

Yes... even highly intelligent AI created by super-dimensional humans will have these human emotions to a certain extent...

Whether it is positive emotions or negative emotions, they will be expressed mechanically to a certain extent~

As the little girl Nanase Risa moves forward, the almighty red ball keeps emitting a very warm-looking light.

Different from the radiance of angels, this is a warm light that symbolizes destruction...

Enjoying the pleasure that such an extreme hunt brought her along the way.

On the way to Zhan Chitong's world, even if you move very fast, you will encounter some unscrupulous strong people.

However, these strong men were completely destroyed by the water-like fluctuations emitted by the almighty red ball.

It's similar to that kind of total destruction, where no matter how powerful you are, you can't be resurrected...

Under such a completely destructive action, it was not able to stop the speed of the almighty red ball at all!

Especially for the escaped super-dimensional human in Zhan Chitong's world, he seems to be even more interested~

This time, the highly intelligent AI Risa Nanase (bdcc) wants to use a special method to block all escape routes for the escaped super-dimensional human~

It's just...why does it feel like he is so weak this time? Where did he go last time and was he able to avoid detection?

In the process of constant hunting and advancement, Nanase Risa also felt that Kanzaki Yang's current strength was like an ordinary ant to her...

Don't be too weak! If the breath wasn't so close, I probably wouldn't even notice it~


But now in the world of Zhan Chitong, the Holy Capital, Kanzaki Yang is still waiting for the accurate calculation of the Ark Red Ball.

As time went by faster and faster, that figure got closer and closer to him, and that damn sixth sense appeared again...

This is a heart palpitation that is infinitely close to death!

It is an existence that can definitely cause him to be killed by the concept now, and the other party must have such powerful strength.

Now let's see who moves faster, who will have a chance to survive.

He has very strong confidence in himself, it just depends on whether the Ark Red Ball is giving it~

As long as you leave before the almighty red ball comes here, you won't do anything to other people in this world.

This is also the only point in his heart that he can rest assured. If the almighty red ball kills here, it will also violate the wish-making mechanism~

It will enter a state of self-destruction!

However, these are things that today's Kanzaki Yang doesn't know...

Haven't you figured it out yet? I feel that kind of heart palpitations, and the distance between us is getting closer~

He couldn't wait to ask the red ball of the Ark. It would not be difficult to leave the world of Zhan Chi Tong quickly.

If we still follow the same approach as last time, I’m afraid this universal wishing machine will also be a highly intelligent AI that will learn lessons~

This time, he probably wanted to see his own destruction with his own eyes, instead of locking it from a long distance and then releasing such waves into the endless space~

In Nanase Risa's opinion, it should be something she would never do a second time.

【Ding! 】

[The system has calculated a possibility. The almighty red ball wants to watch the host die in front of its eyes, and it already has strong confidence in the wishing mechanism! 】

[Now there is enough time to leave the world of Zhan Chitong. Will the host leave now? ! 】

Soon the sound of Ark's red ball rang, which made him feel relieved~

It turns out that it looks very powerful, but in fact it is just a bluff~

Do you have enough time? Want to watch yourself be destroyed? And it’s conceptual destruction?

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, let's see! Let's see who can be more ruthless!

Get ready now. I want to see if this is a cat-and-mouse game with the almighty red ball, or if it's my cunning plan to seduce Chen Cang~

Chapter 346

In that dimension, it would take at least one day to reach the world of Zhan Chitong~

Even if this is the highest technological crystallization created by humans in a certain super dimension, it is not omnipotent in the true sense~

At least there is enough time left for him now. One day is already very kind to Kanzaki Yang!

Did you just call me? Kanzaki Yang suddenly flicked, looking at Hephaestus and the five saints in front of him, a confident smile appeared on his face.

When Hephaestus saw the smile on his face, he was even more confident than himself~

However, looking at this matter, it is obvious that the young man in front of me seems to have a deep worry in the corners of his eyebrows.

It was subtle and undetectable, but it was still captured by Hephaestus.

Could it be...

Is this a prelude to the real danger? Even a young man doesn't have the strength to solve it.

What are you doing? Seeing that the women in front of him were silent, Kanzaki Yang continued to ask curiously.

He was communicating with the Ark Red Ball with all his strength just now, and he had been paying attention to the situation on the almighty red ball~

For the time being, I didn’t hear clearly what the women in front of me said to me. After all, in the face of a real life and death threat, other things seemed a bit secondary~

Master~ What's wrong with you? Why are you still sweating on your forehead... Chitong asked curiously with an innocent look on his face.

Although the other people did not speak, they also had this doubt on their faces.

Hephaestus just believed that Kanzaki Yang had encountered a greater threat, and it might not even come from the unified Holy Kingdom~

It is very likely that it was the reason why he disappeared for a while last time. Could it be that he will disappear for this reason again this time...


Because some unknown changes have occurred, and I already know the source of these changes, so...

I may have to leave this world just like last time...

The only difference is that this time I can tell you something~

Yang Kanzaki frowned and said what he wanted to say. Although one day was enough for him, it was inevitable that the almighty red ball would be shameless and burst out at extreme speed, maybe in just a short time or even an hour. Came here in no time.

At that time, what else can he use to fight against the damn almighty red ball?

He is not a person who sits still and waits for death. On the premise that he does not need to be reincarnated this time, he might as well explain some things properly~

After the matter with Hestia is resolved, we will officially enter the trajectory...

Go to that blood-devouring world and continue on your path to becoming a god~

And there, there will be something that makes him even more persistent, and something that makes him want to get even more...

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