Then you can do something!

Then what are you going to do now?

At this moment, he heard the voice from Hephaestus.

After coming back to his senses, looking at the woman with interest and confidence in her eyes, she could only wait for the results after the saints came back.

Without considering the lock of the almighty red ball, he won't stay here for too long!

The world of Zhan Chitong is already quite complete. After taking care of these trivial matters, we still need to go to the dungeon world to meet Hestia~

Maybe Hephaestus in front of him will come with him~

As the God of Forging, she seems unwilling to stay here forever.

Let's wait until they come back! But I have to finish this matter as soon as possible. Even such a kingdom with only one god has been established, so I can't waste too much time~

He smiled bitterly. Originally, after creating the World Protector Esther, he would proceed to the next stage.

The almighty red ball has delayed him too much time. Fortunately, the [Saint] he met on that timeline is still to his taste~

This is equivalent to canceling each other out...

But when he returns to the future world, he must speed up the process!

Okay~ I don't know how to help you with your matter. Although our contract has been completed, if you are in need, I will do my best to help you~

Hephaestus said with a smile, the transaction is completed, the friendship is still there~

Especially since the boy in front of me has such a subtle relationship with Hestia~

What's more, the blood in his body comes from the true blood of the gods and has many special characteristics.

No matter what the reason is, as long as Kanzaki Yang encounters a problem, Hephaestus has no reason to refuse!

Then you have to be careful! I won't be polite to you~

After hearing what Hephaestus said, Kanzaki Yang also laughed. The two looked at each other and smiled, creating a rather warm atmosphere...

However, this atmosphere was quickly broken, because after the saints who went out to solve these problems heard that their gods had returned, they returned to the Holy City without stopping...

Kanzaki Yang's status in their hearts is very high, not only because of various contracts or other connections (by King Li), but also because Kanzaki Yang's operation deeply impressed them...all...

Master, you are back~

The saints who usually looked fierce and fierce now saw Kanzaki Yozhen clearly in front of them.

It actually has the look of a little bird cuddling up to people - it looks very docile.

This kind of gesture is very helpful to Kanzaki Yang, but it can also be seen that everyone has tried their best during this period~

He glanced at them one by one, the Dragon Saint, the Ice Saint, the Sword Saint, the Night Attack, the Healing Saint...

Looking at these familiar figures, Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly~

It looks like...

You have all worked hard during this period~Thank you~

Originally, he would not say such polite words. After experiencing [Holy], he always felt that some subtle and subtle changes had occurred in his whole person...

Chapter 340

Feeling the changes in their master at this moment, several people had some doubts on their faces~

Under such circumstances, they looked at each other even more confused, not knowing what to think in their hearts...

Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly. Although this matter needs to be resolved urgently, he can still stay in Zanchitong's world for a while~

A complete solution to this matter cannot be achieved overnight.

He also knew very well that there was no possibility of doing so, let alone comparability.

Elsa murmured: Master~ Since you came back, we have all felt that some unexpected changes have taken place in you~ We are all very curious, and we don't know if we can share it with us~

This is a kind of ridicule, a ridicule for him.

Kanzaki Yang didn't care too much. It's not impossible to solve this matter more completely~


How is the matter resolved...

How about the civilization in those barbaric places?

Although the country of the only god has been unified now, some subsequent measures will still cause great trouble...

Even I didn't expect it in advance. After all, I still underestimated the disaster caused by human desire, and it would be so big...

He was a little embarrassed. The situation was very urgent at that time. He had no time to explain some things, so he was forced to reincarnate quickly~

If he could be given another chance, he would definitely take precautions in advance!

Not to mention completely eliminating it, at least it can be done within a quick response!

Looking at the appearance of these saints now, they all show some fatigue on their faces.

Chitong looked even more disgraced. He had already eliminated those super-powerful destroyers from causing any obstacles to the world where possible.

But now it seems that it is still based on the power of faith...

Desire has its pros and cons, but if, like those criminals, they do not hesitate to destroy other people for their own selfish gain, such desire is evil in his opinion...

And this must be rectified! Kanzaki Yang would never allow such a scene to happen.

The sacred paradise that I created with my own hands, such a comfortable and stable paradise, once such a problem occurs, it means (bdcc) that crises will continue to emerge.

There might not even be a chance of recovery, and he knew it very well.

However, they are not so optimistic...

Master, actually we have tried our best, but these people are really difficult to deal with... Although most of them are ordinary people, the shadow of desire has sprouted, and any action is not that effective...

Even through the people around us who devoutly believe in our gods, there is no hope of understanding the criminals...

If it is completely eliminated, it will be mostly eliminated, and it may not even achieve the best results.

Elsa frowned, not so optimistic about the outcome.

Now the master is back and wants to hear his opinion.

In the hearts of these saints, they basically obeyed what he said~

Although the other people did not speak, there was some worry in their eyes.

In case this is a sabotage, the end result is obvious.

Could it be that the Holy Kingdom, which was finally established with great difficulty, was really going to be destroyed like this on the surface?

Master, do you have any clever tricks? Chi Tong looked at Kanzaki Yang in front of him curiously.

Desire, this is the most deep-rooted thing that exists in the darkest corner of the human heart.

Once this kind of thing takes root and sprouts, it will quickly burn through the entire prairie fire like a spark...

At such a speed, it is very likely that it is difficult for them to discover the existence...

I'll think about it carefully~

You guys go down first. Hephaestus will stay for a moment. I have something to discuss with you.

This problem gave him a headache. If he used thunder methods, he would achieve immediate success.

He can even shock people's hearts in this way, but in this way, it goes against his original intention...

The girls left here very considerately. They believed that the master would give instructions immediately after he had a countermeasure.

Hephaestus looked at the young man in front of him in surprise. She was the God of Forging.

Controlling people's hearts is not what he is good at.

And now there are not many weapons that can be forged, not even forging stones.

How can we achieve certain results in such a stormy time?

This is something she doesn't understand. Maybe Kanzaki Yang will give her this answer~

At this time, Kanzaki Yang did not speak, but his whole body emitted touches of golden light. This was a more advanced divine light after fusion with [Holy]...

It is said that it can directly wash away people's dark hearts and make people's hearts bright~

The reason why he dared to do this was because he had already used [Absolute Dualism] to obtain positive results.

And there is no danger in doing so, so I adopted this method~

It's just that Hephaestus needs to forge some containers or the like that can contain such sacred light.

The amount needed is undoubtedly huge, and this kind of thing cannot be emptied immediately.

Looks like I understand what you mean.

Hephaestus looked at the movements of the boy in front of him and knew what he wanted to do.

But is this kind of light that makes people feel more peaceful really useful to those criminals?

This is a question that emerged in her heart~

If it cannot be determined, it will be filled with more variables, and such variables are likely to become the source of failure...

Kanzaki Yang smiled softly. He was not suitable to intervene in this matter.

Moreover, this kind of thing has not been reduced to the end that can only be solved by his intervention, which is enough to show that there is more room for maneuver~


As long as you understand, don't worry! I have already tested this matter.

It can be guaranteed that such benefits will be maximized, and it has been determined that there will be no danger.

It's just that it's not convenient for me to come forward in this matter. Let those few do it!

He said with a smile, because Hephaestus also showed strong interest at this moment~

Just to forge a few containers that can hold this kind of light, the required grade is not too high, and all the materials are available~

As for the final effect of the contents of the container, it depends on whether the young man in front of him has the courage...

Hephaestus looked very understanding. He must first build a container before he could place these sacred lights...

Chapter 341

Kanzaki Yang is lying here comfortably~

It has been a rare relaxation and leisurely comfort for such a long time~

This kind of experiment actually has a lot of confidence.

For now, it won’t cause too much trouble. When the time comes, just leave these things to a few of them to complete~

As for other matters, he doesn't want to worry about that much for the time being.

I hope they can go well~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, the road has been assigned, it depends on how they will go.

What did not disappoint him was that on just the second day, Hephaestus placed five things similar to container devices in front of him.

So fast... He was a little surprised~

I have to say that Hephaestus's forging technology looks so unique among several worlds~

Even he had to admire such a method, he was worthy of being the God of Forging!

Of course the things you ordered must be done quickly~ Hephaestus said incredulously.

He is quite confident in his own forging level, and this level must be enough.

Not bad~ After a brief glance, he naturally praised.

Then he poured divine light into the five devices to cleanse the hearts of sinful people.

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