Why did it suddenly disappear that day? For Hephaestus, this was something he desperately wanted to know in his heart.

Or to put it in a better way, this is the Holy Son who has a close relationship with Hestia. Of course, she has defined herself as knowing everything about him~

Although this sounds unlikely, it is enough.

At least Kanzaki Yang was able to reveal something to her, which already made Hephaestus very satisfied...

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly, it seemed that he still couldn't hide it from the other party~

This can be considered a kind of soul torture, right? Or is it the soul torture from Hephaestus...

He won’t tell the real key to the core...

To a certain extent, some of the core reasons have been retained, the most important one being the almighty red ball...

It would be better not to let Hephaestus know about such a thing that transcends this dimension, such an omnipotent wishing machine.

I saw that his body was blooming with the divine brilliance possessed by the heaven of that world in that timeline...

To a certain extent, it is different from this world~

When Hephaestus saw it, he fell into thinking...

Chapter 338


Why are you so interested in such a thing...

Is it because of Hestia? But this is not the interest you should show...

After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, he regretted it. In his impression, wasn't Hephaestus such a woman who was interested in most things~

It's just that such interest shown at such a critical moment really makes him feel a little ashamed~

Okay, okay~

Looking at Hephaestus's contemptuous eyes, he knew that he had failed.

How can one resist the gaze of such a soul?

This is an unbelievable thing for him, maybe he can reveal a little bit ~

Then he told the general situation, but slightly concealed the real reason.

Given his current ability, it would be better not to mention the almighty red ball.

What if the propaganda went out invisibly and reached the almighty red ball, attracting the attention of the AI ​​intelligence.

This is not just an ordinary thing that makes people angry, it will be full of more complexities~

So you went to flirt with other women?

Kanzaki Yang's words did not explain the second reincarnation. As a woman, Hephaestus saw this point...

Although the current temperament is indeed so different, it looks more noble, with the feeling that the aloof gods are touchable but out of reach.

This momentum is unique and cannot be touched~

It's like there is a barrier that is unbreakable and very solid.

After hearing her sarcasm, Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. He liked teasing people so much...

This is a doubt, and it is also a question in my heart...

But he quickly rejected it without thinking for long.

He is a person with big plans in his heart, so why would he care about these things?

Okay, you should talk to me now...

He showed an extremely strong interest in the situation of the Holy Capital and the development of this country after its establishment.

Hephaestus also put away his teasing, and his expression became serious.

It's not very good...it may not be in line with the highest perfection in your heart...

She remembered that the young man in front of her had mentioned it to her a little bit, and she still had a vague impression in her heart.

Compared with the expectations in Kanzaki Yo's heart, that kind of perfection is simply like heaven and earth...

Oh? Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

He had traveled around the world beforehand, and at least on the surface, there wasn't much of a problem~

But he knew that Hephaestus would not target without aim...

Looking at it this way, there are really some problems~

I'd like to hear the details! He quickly continued to ask, hoping to get some more precise answers~

Since there is no need to worry about the almighty red ball locking him again, let's solve the problem of killing the world with red pupils!

The only country that was finally established wanted to have its own divine system.

After having such a wonderful experience, he would not allow others to destroy it easily!


Those of us didn't have much of a problem before. We just used some tough methods when we completed the reunification~

Most of the people are still very loyal and worship the gods devoutly.

Some people even lead by example, influencing and passing on everyone around them, just like a spider web, constantly expanding in that way.

But for some barbaric areas, maybe near the holy capital, the presence of gods is not actually felt...

Over time... the crime rate has increased some time ago... Without the supervision of gods, it is equivalent to not having a pair of eyes on their heads, paying attention to their every move. How can such a country meet the requirements? Where is your original heart...

At the end of the sentence, Hephaestus sighed.

She looked at the young man in front of her with some affection. She had only been away for a while.

The degree of control is still not enough. Once they can't feel the gods' attention to them, situations like this will happen...

Once such a situation occurs, it will be very difficult for him if it expands~

Fortunately, at the critical moment, if you can come back in time, you may be able to completely improve the situation.

The Holy Kingdom has been established intact. As the people of gods, are they so incapable of self-control?

This matter was not easily discovered by Kanzaki Yang. It seems that it is a good thing for Hephaestus to stay here!

She was right. Under such circumstances, it was indeed necessary to come back and reorganize.

You can feel the presence of God all the time, so that you can maintain the awe in your heart all the time.

How can it be so simple...

In a world like ours, there are countless gods everywhere now. But we also encountered this situation in the beginning...I don't know the specific details...

Hephaestus shook his head. This has nothing to do with self-control and has a lot to do with people's desires.

Human desires are endless, especially for such a sentient being, there are so many things that can be thought of.

He left in such a hurry, and the subsequent series of systems and institutions were not so perfect.

Naturally, without the attention of gods, greed and other thoughts in the heart suddenly appeared...

This is an indisputable fact, even he must face it calmly.

The only thing he was happy about was that the Holy City was relatively in line with his original intention.

As for those barbaric areas...it seems that they still need to undergo a period of civilization...

Those places were occupied too eagerly, and they refused to change and refused to listen to repeated admonitions. Now the signs of this have appeared, and he must solve them!

I understand, thank you for what you said.

Kanzaki Yang smiled lightly. After thinking about this, he felt much more comfortable.

You are... thanking me... It seems that after teasing a woman, you have learned to be polite...

When he heard such polite words, Hephaestus actually felt a little worried in his heart!

Who told him to be polite to him? If this is the case, I will not pay so much attention to these things in the future.

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly. It seemed that she made a slip of the tongue and made her think too much.

Okay~ I just said it casually, are you really angry... Then I'm sorry!

Seeing his serious appearance, Hephaestus chuckled and seemed a little bit unable to help laughing~.

Chapter 339

This time the two of them talked happily, and Hephaestus had a strange feeling in his heart...

It’s hard to explain, but it’s real~

Where are the others? Where are the saints? Why haven't they been seen in the Holy City?

Thinking of people like the Ice Saint, Kanzaki Yang had a trace of doubt on his face~

Because they see that you are not here, they also need to perform some of their duties~ But you should be back soon. I don't know what their harvest will be like!

Hephaestus frowned. During this period, these saints were busy every day. In fact, they were trying to protect the only god's kingdom for Kanzaki Yang.

Okay! That's the reason~

Perhaps it is because of some deviations in this only country. Even if the Heart of the World is in his hands, he will still receive renewed attention from the world...

Could it be the almighty red ball? This can cause some trouble!

Determine, is it because I have conquered the heart of the world that I am receiving attention from this world now, or is it because of other reasons?

Kanzaki Yang decided to use [Absolute Dualism] to make a judgment to confirm some of his guesses.

No matter what, some problems here must be solved quickly.

At least we have to wait until the almighty red ball reacts to solve the problem of Zhan Chitong's world.

Let this country with the only god be more than just superficial harmony~

Some people should go to heaven or go to heaven, and some people should go to hell or hell.

He will not interfere too much, but if the desires of these sentient beings arise, they will continue to evolve at a super fast speed, reaching a terrifying level!

If this really happens, I'm afraid the culprit is himself...

Failure to take some follow-up measures resulted in such a situation.

[This is the pressure brought by the almighty red ball! 】

[As a universal wishing machine created by super-dimensional humans, it has an unshirkable and even innate sense of responsibility, and an attitude that all wishes must come true.

Since the last time I felt the presence of the host, the situation in each dimensional world will be monitored. When the heart of the world is obtained by the host, the omnipotent red ball has brought some pressure to the world of Zhan Chitong, forming such a Self-monitoring function! 】

Kanzaki Yang was thoughtful after listening to it, it turned out to be for this reason...

If you do this and give the world so much pressure, will you continue to attract the attention of the almighty red ball if you make some changes?

The danger is not small, even he is not ready for this yet...

Do you think if we take action, will the almighty red ball notice us immediately?

In the end, he still gave such doubts, which is also something that must be confirmed at present!

This is the strange feeling that comes after creating the World Protector Esther...

There are pros and cons, but now it seems that the cons outweigh the pros~

This will result in many things that he will not be able to do personally, and must always be on guard.

[Looking at it now, it won’t happen! As long as the host does not show super-dimensional strength or other things, even if you do such a thing, the almighty red ball will not pay too much attention! 】

fortunately! What a blessing! This is truly a blessing among misfortunes!

This conclusion gave him a shot in the arm and made him feel at ease.

In that case...

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