In the world of Zhan Chi Tong, a young man wearing ancient clothes, blond hair and black eyes landed in the only country in the world today - the Holy Country.

This is a brand-new national model in the form of a Theocracy. In this unparalleled country, the Pope is not the highest-level existence.

The gods, the gods who have always guided the people, are the supreme beings that are unique in this country in every sense of the word.

He has been guiding everyone with a superior attitude. After a period of experiments, he is now full of vitality.

Finally... I'm back here again.

Kanzaki Yang breathed a long sigh of relief and said slowly, showing a feeling that was both strange and familiar.

Since the last time, the world of Zhan Chi Tong was used as the melting pot of the world, and after forging, the most powerful holy weapon was formed.

The fate of this country seems to be constantly being tied up~

Traveling through every corner of this world, from all the territories of the original empire, to the foreign nations in the north, the foreign nations in the south, and the island countries in the far east...

Feeling these sentient beings today, people are piously, loyally, and without any distractions believing in the only god of this country.

It seems that this place has been developing vigorously. In addition to the original territory of the empire, other areas that were later conquered are also gradually believing in gods.


He suddenly looked in the direction of the Holy City and wondered what Hephaestus' current situation was like.

After the last forging was completed, the world protector Esther completed another evolution and became a super-dimensional weapon.

I haven’t had time to feel the light of the stars, the light of the universe, the light of salvation, the light of destiny...

Before he could finish admiring these magnificent rays of light, he got a warning from the red ball of the Ark on his chest.

Perhaps it was also due to the existence of the sixth sense, and also due to the warning of the Ark's red ball, which showed super-dimensional movements, and was immediately locked by the terrifying omnipotent red ball on the other side of the endless dimension.

Look closely at what's going on with the now almighty red ball.

Kanzaki Yang gave such an order to the Ark Red Ball on his chest. At least judging from his current state, he didn't feel any palpitations in his heart.

There was no uneasiness, and the sixth sense did not emerge in his mind.

In other words, there are no signs yet. Does it mean that the danger has not completely come?

After passing through every place in this world, the collection of beliefs in this world has reached a level that makes him quite satisfied.

He is getting closer and closer to the plan in his heart, and his path to becoming a god seems to be getting closer~

The Holy Kingdom, this sacred world that he can freely control, is now feeling its existence.

Such a super barrier still has countless magic formation slots waiting to be filled, and the superb magic formation still needs to be constantly perfected.

The current time jump is still within the acceptable range for him. In the emergency situation at that time, he jumped to another timeline.

He cannot determine the accuracy of the time jump, but he can make some slight adjustments to whether the time jump is forward or backward.

The original setting was that after returning to the future, Hestia, Ophis and others were waiting for him.

As for now, Zhan Chitong World still has some things to complete.

After that, go to the dungeon world to find Hestia. At that time, you can go to the devil high school world.

After completing the previous downgrade in that world, he must establish his own divine system!

【Ding! 】

[According to the system's calculations, it is now out of the temporary control of the omnipotent red ball, and the danger has been eliminated for the time being.


Because the host has been reincarnated and reaches the kingdom of gods he established, he will still receive some attention from this world. 】

[The omnipotent red ball will automatically fulfill the wish and will constantly look for some weird phenomena that occur in each dimensional world...

If the host receives significant attention from this world, it will be locked again by the almighty red ball, and it needs to be stabilized here to avoid being locked again by the almighty red ball. 】

Kanzaki Yang nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and it seemed that the reincarnation on that timeline was coming.

After returning to this world, I still have some troubles~

The biggest difficulty caused by this kind of trouble is the omnipotent red ball. This mechanism is too powerful.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

If he was not completely eliminated last time, the artificial intelligence responsible for communicating with the outside world would not give up.

As an omnipotent red ball created by high-dimensional humans, it is the highest crystallization on the technological side.

Even human beings who created the omnipotent red ball can be wiped out by it, and they are already at the pinnacle of technology.

If you want to find his traces and re-lock it, there doesn't seem to be any problem with this universal wishing machine.

Maybe on the other side of the endless dimensional world, the omnipotent red ball is also constantly looking for his traces...

As long as he shows his head slightly here, he will instantly attract attention from there ~

This is really a troublesome thing~

I didn't expect that the almighty red ball could lock me in such a short period of time, but now that the Holy Kingdom has established a national model like the Theocracy, it's not a big problem for me~

........... 0

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows and didn't seem to care too much.

He hasn't felt palpitations yet, and at least for the time being, it won't be a big problem.

It's not that his words reveal strong confidence, but with his current strength.

To challenge things created by higher-dimensional humans like the almighty red ball...

To him, it was completely an act of committing suicide. At present, he would not be so mindless~

[The system will automatically help the host detect it. Once it detects any movement of the omnipotent red ball, it will provide a solution in time. 】

[With the current strength of the host, although it has not returned to its peak, it is enough to operate in most worlds. As long as you are careful, the strength will be within a safe range if it does not exceed it, and the omnipotent red ball will not lock and search excessively...]

After hearing the reminder from Ark’s red ball, it was a new kind of relief for him~

What's more, he has traveled all over this holy country, and now all the people are living and working in peace and contentment in a pious and happy manner.

The crime rate is obviously very low, and those criminals need to always pay attention to the concentration from the gods~

In order to ensure that I can ascend to heaven, the burden and guilt in my heart have obviously reached such a very low level ~ Knife.

Chapter 337

After confirming the safety performance brought to him temporarily in Zhan Chitong's world, Kanzaki Yang felt a little relieved~

With the automatic monitoring of Ark's red ball, a lot of unnecessary trouble can be reduced.

Let's go to the Holy City and take a look. I don't know what's going on with Hephaestus and the saints in the Holy City now~

It has disappeared for such a long time, although it seems that there is no problem with this Holy Kingdom on the surface.


What about inside the Holy City?

Will those people have some internal differences because of his disappearance?

This is something that is hard to recognize and even harder to discern.

There may be some different voices, and his appearance is to break these voices~

Of course, he didn't want this to happen. Once it happened, he would have to make amends.

Under the worst premise of 560, Kanzaki Yang must do the aftermath work!

The establishment of the Holy Kingdom has transcended heaven. In his understanding, such a problem should not arise!

It may also be that there are some subtle differences in his perception~

Although under the influence of his sixth sense, he did not feel any palpitations in his heart.

However, there is a feeling of loss for the country that I have established...

This is not something that can be formed in an instant, and it may also be related to his second reincarnation.

The Holy City, compared to that time, can also be said to be a newly established Holy City~

It is the center of power in this country and the centralized place responsible for monitoring this newly established country and preventing all bad situations.

After the original imperial capital of the empire was burned to the ground with the last emperor, a new and magnificent new capital was built.

Kanzaki Yang returned here and found the forging god Hephaestus who originally forged Esther.


Hephaestus had long red hair that looked like blood, and his eyes exuded interest and confidence. When Hephaestus saw the blond-haired, black-eyed boy in front of him again, his eyes revealed something unbelievable. Look~

You look like him, but there are some new and different things. Are you back?

Since the last forging, Hephaestus' divine blood and the injuries caused by the forging have gradually recovered in the Holy City...

Although the consequences of doing so are very serious, it is like a daily routine for this blacksmith master.

Apart from using divine blood, other things seem to be treated with a normal heart~

But after that time, this holy son, the god of the holy country, the controller of the holy heaven, Kanzaki Yang seemed to have disappeared in front of him~

She thought that Kanzaki Yang had gone to the dungeon world to find Hestia...

When I saw him again, his black eyes, golden hair, and aura exuding from his whole body were exactly the same as his~

It's just that on top of the original foundation, a hint of divine brilliance is revealed~

This is a new kind of glory, slightly different from the glory of this country...

Hephaestus came to this conclusion when he thought he knew better.

Of course it's me... I didn't expect you to still be here. I thought you went back to the dungeon world.

A gentle smile appeared on Kanzaki Yang's face. This is a person who can complete the contract at any cost~

He must give the other party enough respect and create a fairly familiar feeling.

But in fact, he was very grateful to Hephaestus. In his world, there were too many gods, so many that they could live with ordinary mortals...

This is because there is not enough space for most of the gods to move around freely...

However, in this world, the Theocracy of the only God has been established.

There are no first comers, let alone comparable competitors.

Moreover, his close relationship with Hestia was also extraordinary.

It's not the kind of relationship Hephaestus thought, it's a little deeper than imagined~

Staying here can also enjoy some of the benefits brought by such a country. It is an idea that is beneficial to both parties~

Why don't I go back? You haven't figured it out yet...

Hephaestus couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. She didn't believe that the other party couldn't think of such an obvious reason~


Kanzaki Yang was speechless for a moment and didn't know what kind of words to respond to...

But at least he could meet Hephaestus in the Holy City. For him, he was relieved~

Before forging Esther, he suffered such serious injuries.

Its purpose is to complete the contract and create a powerful weapon with such strength that it does not belong to this world~

For this god of forging, it is a new challenge and a higher yearning for his own strength.

Although there was only one chance, it was enough for Hephaestus.

What's more, Kanzaki Yo still has the blood of a god, that person's blood~

How has it been during this time? Nothing has changed in the Holy City during my absence, right?

Regarding the situation here, although I have browsed it roughly, I still want to ask more, so that I can be safe.

We will talk about this later, but why do I feel that your temperament has changed differently? Can you tell me a little bit...

Since he has not returned to their world, where has the Kanzaki Yang in front of him gone?

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