No matter what, for Zhen Hong, it is about her destiny in the future. I don’t want to miss it easily, lest it become a mistake...


That's probably the situation~

It took him a full two hours to finally explain it roughly.

Or explained some of the things, such as how [Saint] will reunite with him at a specific time and place in the future world.

It’s just that it’s really hard to change the fate of Zhenhong~

It seems that it would be very difficult to forcefully change this fate~

I see, it's no wonder you didn't leave in a hurry~ Zhenhong looked like she suddenly realized something, and Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes at her.

What's happening here? Isn't it just unintentional ridicule?

In fact, he is indeed not too anxious~

I would rather be a coward than be locked out again as soon as I get back there, just in case the wishing machine does it again.

If you are killed by a strong force without backup, it will really become a conceptual death...

Such a death would not only be meaningless, but would also result in so much hard work being wasted~

Has the calculation been carried out now? What will the specific situation be like?

[Sage] asked with great interest, it is something worth exploring~

At that time, he was able to find a glimmer of hope in such a huge crisis and was born into the heaven.

Although such a time span is difficult to understand, it actually happened.

No matter what, these are worth collecting~

It is also a small past event worth recalling, which seems so precious.

The Three Sacred Artifacts are now all in their place, and some other things from before are also included.

The only difference is that now my strength has not reached its peak~

Although this kind of thing is worth celebrating, Zhenhong now seems a little disappointed...

He knew very well in his heart that the other party would have this expression.

But what kind of changes can he make? Judging from the current situation, it is very difficult...


Don't be too discouraged. That video was a special method at the time.

Actually, I still admire you very much, Zhenhong, don't worry! I will definitely find a way to help you solve this matter!

Kanzaki Yang looked at the real red in front of him and smiled softly.


Forget it (Li Li Zhao), you still have some conscience~

Zhenhong answered with her hands on her hips and a very funny look.

His words are enough, as for what the future life will be like.

Zhenhong feels relieved, especially since the belief system has been unified this time...

No matter what other situations you may encounter in the future, these things are actually not that important~

What is truly precious are these experiences...

Then today should be considered a happy day~

[Sheng] suddenly laughed. How could such a thing not be worthy of a smile?

Yang Jiang had a lot of chats with them just now. Maybe we can shed more light on this matter~

With such an opportunity, their future agreement will actually be more beneficial~

Of course, even so, there is an unbridgeable gap in some things...

Chapter 335

Yangjun, what do you think of this matter specifically?

There is not much time left to get along now, so they can stay as long as they can!

At this time, Zhenhong asked Kanzaki Yang what he thought about such a thing.

To a certain extent, I hope this method can be effective~

Yes, Yang Jiang, the current heaven has completed the unification of belief systems, even the gods that were not closely related to our heaven before. I think this should be regarded as a good quality of yours, but at the critical moment It can still come in handy!”

[Saint] said unequivocally.

Now even the gods of other pantheons don’t feel much opposition to such changes in the power of faith~

Such a scene is enough to arouse a trace of surprise in their hearts. As long as it has some effect, it will be worth it.

In addition, you are willing to pay more than that, which will be used to get more of what you want.

[Sheng] left Yang Jiang's arms and looked at him fondly.

But I don’t know what kind of situation it will be like before we meet each other in the future, and it will lead to different states ~

Actually, this thing is quite simple when you think about it~ Now it's equivalent to a symbiosis.

Coexistences need to help each other. With such a powerful God of the Bible, how can other gods dare to make mistakes?

560 Okay~ I really hope I can go back to the future soon and meet again~ [Saint] said slowly.

It's just that these words sounded like a devil to Kanzaki Yang, which really made people feel a little frightened.

“Sometimes I wish time would fly quickly, and sometimes I wish time could go slowly~”

Don't worry, everything will have this opportunity~

He gave [Sheng] some relief, which was also the motivation and reason for [Sheng] to persist!

This matter is really complicated, even if he needs to think of some solutions.

Then he looked at Zhenhong who was dazed next to him, raised his brows, and smiled softly.

your business……

At some point in the future, I will try my best to help you solve it, don't worry~

He looked at Zhen Hong and said slowly.

However, now he needs to make some final preparations.

Before leaving here, some preparations for returning to the future world~

He didn't want to be locked by the almighty red ball again just after he returned to Zhan Chitong's world.

Such an illusory fate is even more torture for him!

I think I'll just be quiet for a while. I'll call you before I leave...

After hearing what Yang Jiang said, [Sheng] and Zhenhong looked at each other and had just explained the actual situation to them.

He knew that Yang Jiang had some other special abilities, and these were the reasons that prompted him to leave here.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a mediator, and can even be described as a prophet~

The two of them left here very obediently~

How's it going now?

He asked Ark Red Ball, hoping to give him an answer that would satisfy him.

Only in this way can we safely return to the world of Zhan Chitong...

I came in a hurry, and after I built Esther, I was locked by the almighty red ball~

This most powerful super-dimensional weapon was not supposed to exist in this dimension, but was forcibly created by him using the weapon evolution stone~

After discovering traces of the Ark's red ball, he was locked by the almighty red ball.

This lesson is enough for him to learn, no matter what situation he faces, he must not be careless.

[It is recommended to return directly to Zhan Chitong's world, but you need to clean up the mess there as quickly as possible. 】

[The omnipotent red ball is too powerful and mysterious. Such a wish-making machine is also artificial intelligence. Her understanding will definitely surpass most people. 】

[If you stay in the same place all the time, you will be monitored by the wishing machine. 】

Soon he received feedback from the Ark Red Ball.

He understood this very well that he couldn't stay in the same place for too long, but the most important thing was not to expose higher things.

(bdcc) This time the Ark Red Ball gave a better solution, and he was lucky enough to avoid being completely destroyed by it through reincarnation.

Otherwise, what benefit would he gain from being targeted by a monster like the almighty red ball?

No matter how much the Ark Red Ball helps him, once he is conceptually destroyed, it will really disappear forever.

What's more, he is not a true super-dimensional human being and can only be described using other words.

It is judged that I have not regained my peak strength now. Will the wishing machine keep staring at me, or will there be a moment of relaxation?

Kanzaki Yang was very curious about this.

He suddenly thought that his strength, even after reincarnation, still had not returned to its peak...

So in this case, will she still be targeted?

[It is determined based on the powerful aura exposed by the host. 】

[Not only the host's own strength, but also weapons like Esther that originally did not belong to this dimension. 】

[Once revealed, you will be instantly targeted by the wishing machine...]

After getting such an answer, he felt relieved in his heart.

It seems that the strength has not returned to its peak for the time being, and it is not all bad~

It left him a lot of time to breathe. In this case, he can rest assured to solve the problems in Zhan Chitong's world!

But in this case, you can’t be too casual about some things~

It is really uncomfortable to have to constantly guard against the threat posed by this almighty red ball~


You should be ready to go now~

“I really don’t know what kind of surprise it will bring me~”

He murmured that all preparations were in place, and then he had to go to Zhan Chi Tong World...

[Sheng] He Zhenhong came here and looked at Yang Jiang in front of him with complicated eyes~

I felt extremely uncomfortable in my heart, and finally...

Are you really leaving? Leaving this time is for the next reunion.

It's just that [Sheng] doesn't know in his heart when the next reunion will be~

Okay~ remember what I told you!

In that future world, I still have to solve some things~

Looking forward to meeting you, I hope you can come and meet me again soon...

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, but he was actually depressed, but there was nothing he could do about it...

I just hope that what I have done can be understood~

Soon a ray of light quickly disappeared, and there was no trace of Yang-chan left in this world...

Chapter 336

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